A collaborative autoethnography on English as a medium of instruction
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Journal of English-Medium Instruction
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Abstract English-medium instruction (EMI), and more broadly English-medium education (EME), is growing in leaps and bounds in multilingual university settings globally. Despite the phenomenon of EMI affecting all stakeholders in any given university, research concerning EMI pedagogical and sociolinguistic issues most often occupies the attention of applied linguists alone. This study aims to open up research on EMI to include interdisciplinary perspectives from faculty members in the disciplines of applied linguistics, education and media studies. The study takes the form of a collaborative autoethnography whereby the authors, as participants, reflect on their experiences and perceptions of EMI in their respective disciplines in the context of higher education in the United Arab Emirates. Findings revealed both similarities and differences between approaches and experiences of EMI across disciplines. Drawing on the findings, open sharing and discussion of EMI struggles and triumphs is recommended together with critical awareness of decolonisation in educationscapes and teacher agency in EMI classrooms.
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John Benjamins Publishing Company
Education | Linguistics
English-medium instruction, collaborative autoethnography, interdisciplinary perspectives, higher education, decolonisation
Recommended Citation
Hopkyns, Sarah; Dillon, Anna; and Čigoja Piper, Danica, "A collaborative autoethnography on English as a medium of instruction" (2025). All Works. 7029.
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