"Revamping an Academic Library with Users’ Voice: A Pandemic Response" by Sumayya Ansar

IATUL 2023 Slides

Author First name, Last name, and Institution

Sumayya Ansar, University of Calgary in Qatar




The paper discusses how a small academic library has incorporated user perspectives when redesigning and reimagining the library amid pandemic uncertainties. During the Fall of 2020, when the University of Calgary in Qatar (UCQ) library was reopening after the pandemic, the library space was moved to a much smaller space to accommodate additional physical space requirements for undergraduate classes. One of the immediate challenges of the library was to continue providing access to library resources with less disruption while keeping users informed of unexpected changes. The library primarily targeted keeping users informed of the changes and providing access to resources while following COVID safety guidelines. With Covid, the library had to quickly adapt to provide resources oriented toward online learning in addition to references and instructional services. That said, the library also faced limitations with the website for dynamic and frequent content changes and sharing certain resources like audio-visual materials. The library website was redesigned and migrated to a new platform with resources tailored for blended learning to overcome digital hindrances and enhance user engagement. As with the end of the academic term, the library conducted a user experience survey and informal discussions - with students, staff, and faculties - to compile feedback and perspectives on the physical and digital space of the library. We have brought extensive changes to the library by refurbishing study spaces, comfortable seating, unique reading corners, improved safety measures, revised policies, and additional technology resources. The inclusive approach of incorporating the user's voice while recognizing the administrative challenges can significantly impact the library's user experience.

Publication Date


Conference Name

IATUL 2023: 43rd International Association of University Libraries Annual Conference. Dubai & Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (March 13-16, 2023)


Library and Information Science


User's voice, University library, Pandemic, Renovate

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
