IATUL 2023 Slides
Medical University of Lodz is the largest medical school in Poland. The Information and Library Centre, with about 30 employees, is considered a medium-sized academic library by local standards. Being a medical library, we face several tasks that are less common in other types of libraries. Besides providing services for students and organizing e-resources for academic staff, we are involved in the research process, taking part in Systematic Reviews (SR), cooperating with the University and Hospital administration to prepare data for Hospital Based Health Technology Assessment (HB-HTA) analyses. Other tasks include managing the CRIS system, which provides key data for University stakeholders, running a publishing house, digitizing old and rare books and journals from our library collection, and taking on many other roles in promoting Library Services. Many of these tasks have appeared recently; some of them were not even present a few years ago.As the library manager since 2016 and deputy since 2005, I have had the opportunity to learn valuable lessons on how to motivate staff to accept change and adapt to new roles, and how to manage a small team to meet diverse needs. In this presentation, I will show how I try to inspire my librarians to be more flexible, how to convince them that change is an opportunity, and how cooperation with other libraries can improve these processes.
Publication Date
Conference Name
IATUL 2023: 43rd International Association of University Libraries Annual Conference. Dubai & Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (March 13-16, 2023)
Library and Information Science
Library management, Staff motivation, Medical library
Recommended Citation
Kozakiewicz, Witold, ""Flexible as a librarian". How to manage a medium-size medical library" (2023). IATUL 2023 Slides. 24.
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