"Development of Digital Portfolios in a Outcomes Based Curriculum" by Jacques Morin

Development of Digital Portfolios in a Outcomes Based Curriculum

Author First name, Last name, Institution

Jacques Morin, Zayed University

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source of Publication

Proceedings of SITE 2002--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference

Publication Date



Zayed University is located in the Gulf Region in the United Arab Emirates. It is a 3 year old all female institution providing undegraduate education in an outcome based curriculum.

This year, the university will graduate it's first ever class. All students are required to create a digital portfolio related to the published outcomes for each of the colleges.

Two departments are are involved in assisting Faculty in the development of these portfolios for students. Media Services and Information Technology.

This paper describes the start up issues of Media Services and IT and the training required for Faculty to allow them to be technologically competent to assist student in the development of digital portolios.

As the institution moves towards digital portfolios for students, several key factors have been indentified as requirements including the level of technology competence for Faculty and the availability of production facilities.



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Education | Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Indexed in Scopus


Open Access


Open Access Type

Bronze: This publication is openly available on the publisher’s website but without an open license
