"EUROMICRO - Context-based personalization of Web services composition " by Zakaria Maamar, Ghazi Alkhatib et al.

EUROMICRO - Context-based personalization of Web services composition and provisioning

Author First name, Last name, Institution

Zakaria Maamar
Ghazi Alkhatib
S. K. Mostefaoui

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This work presents an approach that aims at personalizing Web services composition and provisioning using context. Composition addresses the situation of a user's request that cannot be satisfied by any available service, and thus requires the combination of several Web services. Provisioning focuses on the deployment of Web services according to users' preferences. A Web service is an accessible application that other applications and humans can discover and trigger. Context is the information that characterizes the interactions between humans, applications, and the surrounding environment. Web services are subject to personalization if there is a need of accommodating users' preferences during service performance and outcome delivery. To be able to track personalization in terms of what happened, what is happening, and what might happen three types of context are devised, and they are referred to as user-, Web service-, and resource-context.

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Computer Sciences

Indexed in Scopus


Open Access

