"Fintech and contactless payment: Help or hindrance? The role of invasi" by Ali Abdallah Alalwan, Abdullah M. Baabdullah et al.

Fintech and contactless payment: Help or hindrance? The role of invasion of privacy and information disclosure

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Source of Publication

International Journal of Bank Marketing

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Purpose: There is always a need to discover how a paradox between a customer’s desire for a more personalized experience and their privacy and security concerns would shape their intention to continue using contactless payment methods. However, personalization–privacy paradox has not been well-covered over the area of contactless payment. Therefore, this study aims to empirically examine the impact of personalization–privacy paradox on the customers’ continued intention (CIN) to use contactless payment. Design: /methodology/approach – The empirical part of the current study was conducted in Saudi Arabia by collecting the primary data using online questionnaire from a convenience sample size of 297 actual users of contactless payment methods. Findings: Based on structural equation modeling, personalization and privacy invasion were approved to significantly impact perceived value of information disclosure (PVD). Strong causal associations were confirmed between perceived severity, structural assurance and response cost with privacy invasion. Finally, both PVD and privacy invasion significantly predict CIN. : There are other important factors (i.e. technology interactivity, technology readiness, social influence, trust, prior experience, etc.) were not tested in the current study. Therefore, future studies would pay more attention regarding the impact of these factors. The current study data were also collected using a convenience sample of actual users of contactless payment methods. Therefore, there is a concern regarding the generalizability of the current study results to other kind of customers who have not used contactless payment. Originality/value: This study has integrated both personalization–privacy paradox and protection motivation theory in one model. The current study holds value in providing a new and complete picture of the inhibitors and enablers of customers’ CIN to use contactless payment, including new types of inhibitors. Furthermore, personalization–privacy paradox has not been fully examined over the related area of Fintech and contactless payment in general. Therefore, this study was able to extend the theoretical horizon personalization–privacy paradox to new area (i.e. contactless payment) and new cultural context (Saudi Arabia).








Contactless payment, Continued intention, Fintech, Information disclosure, Personalization–privacy paradox

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