Leadership training and development in the age of artificial intelligence

Author First name, Last name, Institution

Martin Sposato, Zayed University

Document Type


Source of Publication

Development and Learning in Organizations

Publication Date



Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the multifaceted implications of AI on leadership dynamics and organizational practices. By synthesizing insights from behavioral theory, AI analytics, and ethical considerations, the study aims to equip leaders with the requisite knowledge, skills, and mindset to foster adaptive leadership, anticipate change, and cultivate innovation amidst AI-driven disruptions. Design/methodology/approach: This article employs a qualitative research approach, integrating literature review and conceptual analysis to explore the intersection of leadership development and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Drawing insights from scholarly articles, theoretical frameworks and practice, the study elucidates the evolving landscape of leadership in the context of AI adoption. Practical action points are derived to guide organizational leaders and educators in navigating AI-induced transformations effectively. Findings: The integration of AI into leadership dynamics necessitates a paradigm shift in leadership paradigms, emphasizing the fusion of technical proficiency with emotional intelligence. Behavioral theory coupled with AI analytics offers valuable insights into effective leadership behaviors, facilitating the design of tailored leadership development programs. Proactive leadership strategies, ethical considerations, and talent management emerge as pivotal factors in navigating AI-induced transformations and fostering organizational resilience. Originality/value: This article contributes to the literature by synthesizing diverse perspectives on AI leadership and offering practical action points for organizational leaders and educators. By highlighting the integration of behavioral theory, AI analytics, and ethical considerations, the study underscores the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in leadership research and education. The insights derived from this study inform organizational practices, curriculum development in higher education, and future research agendas, fostering ethical AI adoption and cultivating adaptive leadership cultures in the age of Artificial Intelligence.








Action learning, AI, Artificial intelligence, Leadership development, Leadership training, Organizational development

Scopus ID


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Open Access

