Articles | College of Interdisciplinary Studies | Zayed University


Submissions from 2022


Meditating a new pedagogical approach in Early Childhood Education post COVID-19 in the United Arab Emirates, Lawrence Meda and Laila Mohebi


Evaluating Preservice Teachers’ Performance in a Blended Field Experience Course During the Quarantine of COVID-19, Laila Mohebi and Areej Elsayary


Teacher Candidates’ Perception of Their First Week School Placement: Comparison Between Online and Face-To-Face Practicum Learnings and Challenges, Laila Mohebi, Areej ElSayary, and Lawrence Meda


Children and female employment in Mongolia, Elena Nikolova and Jakub Polansky


Random forest models for motorcycle accident prediction using naturalistic driving based big data, Fatma Outay, Muhammad Adnan, Uneb Gazder, Syed Fazal Abbas Baqueri, and Hammad Hussain Awan


Islamic banking, efficiency and societal welfare: a machine-learning, agent-based study, Efstathios Polyzos, Aristeidis Samitas, and Konstantinos Syriopoulos


The Rise of GCC – East Asian Trade: A cointegration Approach to Analysing trade Relationships, Emilie Rutledge and Efstathios Polyzos


The effects of economic austerity on pro-sociality: Evidence from Greece, Nicholas Sambanis, Elena Nikolova, and Anna Schultz


Education and the making of mobile livelihoods: Dubai Indian families’ trajectories over time and space, David Sancho


Determinants of Entrepreneurial Risk among Young Emiratis, Linda Smail, Mouawiya Alawad, Aleciane da Silva Moreira Ferreira, Jorge López Puga, and Ana María Ruiz Ruano García

Submissions from 2021


Partners in learning: ‘An exploration of multi-cultural faculty and Emirati students' perspectives of university learning experiences’, Herveen Singh, Fatima Bailey, Jenny Eppard, and Kara McKeown