"Concepts and Operations of Two Research Projects on Web Services and M" by Zakaria Maamar

Concepts and Operations of Two Research Projects on Web Services and Mobile Web Services

Author First name, Last name, Institution

Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University

Document Type

Book Chapter

Source of Publication

Service-Oriented Software System Engineering

Publication Date



Today, Internet technologies are enabling a wave of innovations that have an important impact on the way businesses deal with their partners and customers. Most businesses are moving their operations to the Web for more automation, efficient business processes, and global visibility. Web services are one of the promising technologies that help businesses in achieving these operations and being more Web-oriented. Besides the new role of the Internet as a vehicle of delivering Web services, a major growth in the field of wireless and mobile technologies is witnessed. Because users are heavily relying on mobile devices to conduct their operations, enacting Web services from mobile devices and possibly downloading these Web services for execution on mobile devices are avenues that academia and industry communities are pursuing. M-services denote the Web services in the wireless world. In this chapter, two research initiatives carried out at Zayed University are presented and referred to as SAMOS, standing for Software Agents for MObile Services, and SASC, standing for Software Agents for Service Composition.


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Computer Sciences

Indexed in Scopus


Open Access

