"Chapter 2 Carbon capture and utilization" by Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal et al.

Chapter 2 Carbon capture and utilization

Document Type

Book Chapter

Source of Publication

Sustainable Utilization of Carbon Dioxide in Waste Management

Publication Date



This chapter discusses the carbon capture technologies, such as postconversion, preconversion and oxy-fuel combustion, emitting sources, potentially captured quantities, associated capture costs for technological implementation, transport mechanisms, and storage options in the subsurface geological formations, in the ocean, or as a mineral carbonate. Carbon utilization technologies, such as the chemical conversion of CO2 without and with the use of hydrogen, biological CO2 conversion by photosynthesis, electrochemical and photochemical reduction of the CO2 carbon, and inorganic fixation of CO2 in inorganic compounds such as Ca- and Mg-carbonates are also discussed. An overview of the global CO2 utilization projects is highlighted. The potential binding capacities of some selected CCU products and their economic values are presented. The viability of both CCS and CCU technologies, from the viewpoint of market needs, is addressed. Finally, current relevant policy and regulations, which would support the development and implementation of both CCS and CCU, and recommendations for the development of new ones are expounded.





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Environmental Engineering | Environmental Sciences


Carbon capture, Carbon capture and storage, Carbon dioxide sources, Carbon-based mineralization technology, Climate change, CO, CO2 utilizations for material production, Direct CO2 utilizations, Emissions, Energy and climate change, Energy policy, Enhanced oil recovery, Environmental analysis, Environmental engineering, Environmental impact, Environmental impacts of carbon capture technologies, Environmental issues of energy resources, Environmental pollution, Green chemistry, Life cycle assessment, Natural resources, Oxy-fuel combustion, Postconversion, Preconversion, Rates, Storage and utilization, Sustainable development, Utilization of carbonated products, Waste management

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