"Chapter 3 Assessment of carbon dioxide utilization technologies" by Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal et al.

Chapter 3 Assessment of carbon dioxide utilization technologies

Document Type

Book Chapter

Source of Publication

Sustainable Utilization of Carbon Dioxide in Waste Management

Publication Date



This chapter provides the background for the conduct of Techno-Economic Assessment (TEA) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analyses, which include goal and scope setting, data inventory, delineation of economic indicators, analysis of data, modeling results, and reporting. Details are provided on how to properly define a product's system and functional unit, the system boundaries, the quality requirements of the collected data, the standards for benchmarking with other products of similar performance, the maturity of the technology to be used, and the assessment indicators of the study. The importance of information that relates to equipment, material, and energy flows, the transport needs and the waste generated, together with their assigned prices and market volumes, the regional setting for a carbon capture and utilization (CCU) product's marketability and its multi-functionality is also addressed given LCA, ISO, and the European Union's standards. For TEA, the use of economic indicators, such as profitability indicators and enviro-economic indicators (e.g., CapEx per ton of CO2 eq.) is explained, whereas, for LCA, indicators for global warming potential, resource depletion, human health, and biodiversity/ecosystem service are elaborated, with examples related to the carbon mineralization technology. The chapter concludes with the final stage of LCA studies, the interpretation step, where issues related to data quality, consistency, completeness, and reliability are discussed together with the risk analysis of the LCA study.





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Environmental Engineering | Environmental Sciences


Assessment indicators, Carbon capture and utilization, Energy and climate change, Energy economics, Energy resource, Energy systems, Environmental engineering, Environmental impact, Environmental impacts. sustainable development, Environmental management, Environmental management tool, Environmental pollution, Global warming potential, Goal setting, Inventory assessment, Inventory modeling, ISO standards, Life cycle assessment, Life-cycle assessment, Scope definition, System's boundaries, Techno-economic assessment functional unit, Waste management

Indexed in Scopus


Open Access

