Nurturing innovation: Mentoring and the development of exemplary leadership practices for empowering female students in higher education

Author First name, Last name, Institution

Sandra Baroudi, Zayed UniversityFollow

Document Type


Source of Publication

Transformative Leadership and Sustainable Innovation in Education: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Publication Date



Mentoring has been shown to positively affect student engagement, confi-dence, leadership, and skills. It is through the development of relationships, knowledge sharing, increased engagement, and a sense of belonging that mentors gain confidence and build leadership skills. However, little is known about the types of leadership, practices, and behaviors that mentors develop when undertaking the mentorship role. The purpose of this study is to examine the development of exemplary leadership practices that the mentoring role nurtures in undergraduate female student mentors. In particular, this study adopted the Kouzes and Posner (2002) transformational and servant leadership practices model to collect data from undergraduate female mentors (n = 94) and mentees (n =142). Results demonstrated significant correlations among all Student Leadership Practices Inventory Scale (S-LPI) subscales - Inspite a shared vision, Model the way, Challenge the process, Enable others to act, and Encourage the heart - and provided evidence for the association of the mentoring role with the development of transformational and servant practices. However, among the five transformational leadership practices, Inspire a shared vision was not correlated with the mentoring role. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that curriculum developers of undergraduate programs create curricula containing an array of peer teaching/mentoring experiences Transformative Leadership and Sustainable Innovation in Education: Interdisciplinary Perspectives based on clear roles and job descriptions for mentors. Further research is recommended to explore the impact of mentoring programs with a wider sample of students from diverse backgrounds.


[9781837535361, 9781837535378]


Emerald Publishing Limited

First Page


Last Page





Exemplary leadership practices, Female student leadership, Innovative practices at higher education, Student Leadership Practices Inventory Scale, Transformational and servant leadership, Undergraduate mentoring programs

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