Submissions from 2006
ICT Experiences in Two Different Middle Eastern Universities, Abdallah Tubaishat, Arif Bhatti, and Eyas El-Qawasmeh
Impact of gender and generational differences in work values and attitudes in an Arab culture, John W. Whiteoak, Norman G. Crawford, and Richard H. Mapstone
Submissions from 2005
Assessing the role of financial deepening in business cycles: The experience of the United Arab Emirates, Ali F. Darrat, Salah S. Abosedra, and Hassan Y. Aly
Best practices in business process redesign: Validation of a redesign framework, Selma Limam Mansar and Hajo A. Reijers
The South Korean chief negotiator: Balancing traditional values and contemporary business practices, Yong Jin Song, Claudia L. Hale, and Nagesh Rao
A Theoretical Framework for Effective Online Learning, Sarah Siew Chin Teo and Jeremy B. Williams
Submissions from 2004
Are Some Taxes Different than Others? An Empirical Investigation of Tax Policy in Canada, K. Peren Peren Arin and Faik Koray
The 'market' for contingent protection, Donald Feaver and Kenneth Wilson
Foreword, Leon Fulcher
The Enron Effects and the Former Andersen Clients' Auditor Selection in the Electric Services and Natural Gas Industry, Winifred D. Scott
The Association of Audit and Nonaudit Services Fees between Sec and Non-Sec Investigated Firms, Winifred D. Scott and Willie E. Gist
Assessing Group Efficacy: Comparing Three Methods of Measurement, John W. Whiteoak, Laurence Chalip, and Linda K. Hort
Submissions from 2003
Fiscal Policy, Private Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from G-7 Countries, Kerim Peren Arin
The Quality of Analysts' Earnings Forecasts During the Asian Crisis: Evidence from Singapore, Roger K. Loh and G. Mujtaba Mian
An Examination of Joint Ventures between Nonprofit Hospitals and For‐Profit Businesses, Kent Swift
Submissions from 2002
A unifying co-operative web caching architecture, Abdullah Abonamah, Akram Al-Rawi, and Mohammad Minhaz