Submissions from 2013
Composition of networks around entrepreneurs: Cross-national comparisons in the Middle East and North Africa, Constance Van Horne, Lotfi Belkacem, and Taha Ahmed Al Fusail
Socio-demographic factors and network configuration among MENA entrepreneurs, Victor Zengyu Huang, Anup Nandialath, Abdulkareem Kassim Alsayaghi, and Emine Esra Karadeniz
Submissions from 2012
Innovation capabilities and international performance of firms: A quantile regression approach, Madan Annavarjula, Anup M. Nandialath, and Ramesh Mohan
Determinants of Working Capital Management, Elena Archavli, Costas Siriopoulos, and Stavros Arvanitis
Trans-Tasman Transmission of Government Spending Shocks, K. Peren Arin, Murat Koyuncu, and Christoph Schumacher
Fusing creativity: Cultural metacognition and teamwork in multicultural teams, Susan K. Crotty and Jeanne M. Brett
Examining the Role of Narrative Performance Appraisal Comments on Performance, Emily David
The Power of Reframing Incentives: Field Experiment on (Students') Productivity, Suzanna Sobhy ElMassah
Introducing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility at Undergraduate Level in the United Arab Emirates: An Experiential Exercise on Website Communication, Valerie Priscilla Goby and Catherine Nickerson
Financial Characteristics of Companies Audited by Large Audit Firms, Marinos Mastorakis, Costas Siriopoulos, and Stavros Arvanitis
A causal model predicting student intention to enrol moderated by university image: Using strategic management to create competitive advantage in higher education, Laura L. Matherly
The effect of transnational threats on the security of Persian Gulf maritime petroleum transportation, Batoul Modarress, A. Ansari, and Emil Thies
Modelling heterogeneity in perceptions of stress in Indian call centres: A latent class analysis, Anup M. Nandialath, Diya Das, and Ramesh Mohan
Strategic complexity and global expansion: An empirical study of newcomer Multinational Corporations from small economies, Asta Dis Oladottir, Bersant Hobdari, Marina Papanastassiou, Robert Pearce, and Evis Sinani
Enhanced enforcement of the foreign corrupt practices act: Improving the ethics of U.S. business practices abroad, Carl Pacini, Mushfiq Swaleheen, and Katherine Barker
Do fear indices help predict stock returns, Ghulame Rubbaniy, Robel Asmerom, and Syed Kumail Abbas Rizvi
Consumption-related values and product placement: The effect of cultivating fashion consciousness on the appeal of brands in reality television, Claire Sherman and Damien Arthur
An analysis of entrepreneurship across five major nationality groups in the united arab emirates, Qingxia Tong, Declan McCrohan, and Murat Sakir Erogul
Innovation and value creation in university-industry research centres in the canadian forest products industry, Constance van Horne, Diane Poulin, and Jean Marc Frayret
The Impact of Regulatory Changes on the Efficiency of the Phase II EU ETS European Carbon Futures, Jin Young Yang, Andrew Lepone, and Alexander Sacco
Trouble Ahead: Derailment Is Alive and Well, Yi Zhang, Jean Brittain Leslie, and Kelly M. Hannum
Using Business Plans For Teaching Entrepreneurship, John Zimmerman
Submissions from 2011
Why are Corrupt Countries Less Successful in Consolidating Their Budgets?, K. Peren Arin, Viera Chmelarova, Eberhard Feess, and Ansgar Wohlschlegel
A Small Macro-Econometric Model for Greece: Implications About the Sustainability of the Greek External Debt, Dimitrios Asteriou, Dionysis Antonios Lalountas, and Costas Siriopoulos
Etihad: contributing to the UAE vision through Emiratisation, Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan, Payyazhi Jayashree, and Ian Michael
A Non-Parametric Analysis Of Efficiency Performances: The Case Of United Arab Emirates Banks, Bruce Q. Budd and Catherine R. Budd
There's no place like home: UK-based financial analysts' response to Dutch-English and British-English annual report texts, Elizabeth De Groot, Hubert Korzilius, Marinel Gerritsen, and Catherine Nickerson
Social Capital Impediments In The United Arab Emirates: A Case Of Emirati Female Entrepreneurs, Murat Sakir Erogul
From Predators To Icons: Exposing the Myth of the Business Hero, Valerie Priscilla Goby
Risk management of precious metals, Shawkat Hammoudeh, Farooq Malik, and Michael McAleer
An exploratory study of the under-representation of Emirate women in the United Arab Emirates' information technology sector, Ahlam Hassan al Marzouqi and Nick Forster
Fraudulent Tax Refunds: The Notorious Career of Harriette Walters, Philip F. Jacoby, Sebastian Lorigo, and Brent T. Mccallum
An Empirical Study of the Influence of Mentors and Organisational Climate on the Ethical Attitudes and Decision-Making of National Female Business Graduates in the United Arab Emirates, Wendy James and Lisa Ann McManus
Becoming readers: Our stories, Celine Kamhieh, Shaikha Al Hameli, Ayesha Al Hammadi, Nada Al Hammadi, Iman Nawfal, Athra Al Zaabi, and Khulood Khalfan
Herd Behaviour and Trading Among Dutch Pension Funds, Iman van Lelyveld, Willem F. C. Verschoor, and Ghulame Rubbaniy
Analyst's earnings estimates for publicly traded food companies: How good are they?, Mark R. Manfredo, Dwight R. Sanders, and Winifred D. Scott
Dubai outbound tourism: An exploratory study of Emiratis and expatriates, Ian Michael, Anona Armstrong, Badran Badran, and Brian King
HAIER: “Beat the Heat”, Ian Michael, Meerah Ketait, Sarah Al Qassimi, and Azza Al Nuaimi
Book review: Winnie Cheng and Kenneth C.C. Kong, Professional Communication: Collaboration between Academics and Practitioners. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2009. xii + 242 pp, Catherine Nickerson
Britt-Louise Gunnarsson, Professional Discourse. London and New York: Continuum, 2009, viii + 275 pp., £27.99 (pbk), Catherine Nickerson
The language of business meetings, Catherine Nickerson
Exploring organizational communication through website analysis: A problem-based learning community exercise, Catherine Nickerson and Valerie Priscilla Goby
Is the Progress of Financial Innovation a Continuous Spiral Process, Dionisis Th. Philippas and Costas Siriopoulos
Hay Group in the Middle East, Tim Rogmans
SenseHere: a born global start‐up based in the UAE, Tim Rogmans
Metal Investments: Distrust Killer or Inflation Hedging?, Ghulame Rubbaniy, Ken Ting Lee, and Willem F. C. Verschoor
Stocks, Bonds, T-Bills and Inflation Hedging, Laura Spierdijk and Zaghum Umar
Abraaj Capital Limited: Celebration of Entrepreneurship (CoE), Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan and Ian Michael
Do Shareholders Benefit from Corporate Misconduct? A Long-Run Analysis, Samuel L. Tibbs, Deborah L. Harrell, and Ronald E. Shrieves
Corporate Entrepreneurship At GE And Intel, John Zimmerman
Valuing An Emerging International Technology Company, John Zimmerman
Submissions from 2010
Challenges of outsourcing logistics to third-party providers, A. Ansari and Batoul Modarress
A closer look at the value of tax benefits for homeowners, Eli Beracha and Samuel L. Tibbs
English in product advertisements in non-english speaking countries in western europe: Product image and comprehension of the text, Marinel Gerritsen, Catherine Nickerson, Andreu van Hooft, Frank van Meurs, Hubert Korzilius, Ulrike Nederstigt, Marianne Starren, and Roger Crijns
Drucker on Leadership: New Lessons From the Father of Modern Management, Valerie Priscilla Goby
Implementation of a strategic group map and balanced scorecard in a university setting, Laura L. Matherly and Mohammed A. El-Saidi
Outsourcing logistics to third-party providers: practitioners perspectives, Batoul Modarress, A. Ansari, and Diane Lockwood
Heterogeneity and Strategic Choices: The Case of Stock Repurchases, Anup Menon Nandialath and Bernardo da Veiga
Corporate social responsibility communication in the Indian context, Brigitte Planken, Subrat Sahu, and Catherine Nickerson
Examining resistance, accommodation and the pursuit of aspiration in the Indian IT‐BPO space: reflections on two case studies, M. N. Ravishankar, Laurie Cohen, and Amal El-Sawad
Are commodity futures a good hedge against inflation, Laura Spierdijk and Zaghum Umar
An analysis of market access, Jay Squalli, Kenneth Wilson, and Sarah Hugo
Measuring value in the innovation processes of university-industry research centres, Constance Van Horne, Diane Poulin, and Jean Marc Frayret
Submissions from 2009
Are GCC financial markets weak-form efficient? An analysis using multiple variance ratio test, Osama El-Temtamy and Mukesh K. Choudhry
Cross-linguistic media usage and attitude in the United Arab Emirates, Peter John Hassall, Tariq Bhatti, Jihad Fakhreddine, Bob Gulovsen, and Tim Walters
Implied Volatility Indices – A Review, Costas Siriopoulos and Athanasios Fassas
Selecting Strategies to Foster Economists' Critical Thinking Skills: A Quantile Regression Approach, Costas Siriopoulos and Gerasimos Pomonis
Measuring the safety elasticity of advertising, Jay Squalli
Openness and access, Jay Squalli and Kenneth Wilson
Veto Power and Wealth: Analysis of the Development of the Swiss Old Age Security, Christina Zenker
Submissions from 2008
Do general indexes mask sectoral efficiencies? A multiple variance ratio assessment of Middle Eastern equity markets, Hicham Benjelloun and Jay Squalli
Islamic Investment Funds: An Analysis of Risks and Returns, Sanjoy Bose and Robert W. McGee
Introduction to the third workshop on business process design, Tom Davenport, Selma Mansar, and Hajo Reijers
Reviews: UNDERSTANDING ACTION LEARNING Judy O'Neill and Victoria J. Marsick. The Adult Learning Theory and Practice Book Series. New York: AMACOM, 2007, xxvi + 230 pages, Valerie Priscilla Goby
Managers Also Overrely on Tests, Scott L. Martin
Do the existing financial reporting and auditor reporting standards adequately protect the public interest? a case study, Lela D. Pumphrey and Gil Crain
A Comparative Study Of Ethical Values Of Business Students: American Vs. Middle Eastern Cultures, Michael Shurden, Susan Shurden, and Douglass Cagwin
The Information Content of VFTSE, Costas Siriopoulos and Athanasios Fassas
An analysis of growth competitiveness, Jay Squalli, Kenneth Wilson, and Sarah Hugo
Synchronous and lagged relationships between CEO pay and performance of quality companies, Lawrence S. Tai
Submissions from 2007
Applying the balanced scorecard for better performance of intellectual capital, Sanjoy Bose and Keith Thomas
Valuation of intellectual capital in knowledge-based firms: The need for new methods in a changing economic paradigm, Sanjoy Bose and Keith Thomas
Knowledge Management and Knowledge-based Marketing, Yoosuf Cader
Performance analysis of probabilistic packet marking in IPv6, Xuan Hien Dang, Emil Albright, and Abdullah A. Abonamah
Preferential trade agreements and their implications for customs services, Donald Feaver and Kenneth Wilson
Changing government policy and the resultant behavioural consequences within an accounting environment, David R. Goodwin and Ross Bloore
Best practices in business process redesign: Use and impact, S. Limam Mansar and H. A. Reijers
Enterprise resource planning systems and HIPAA compliance, Lela D. Pumphrey, Ken Trimmer, and John Beachboard
Erratum: A sectoral efficiency analysis of the Amman Stock Exchange (Applied Financial Economics Letters (2007) 2 (407-411)), Mufeed Rawashdeha and Jay Squalli
A Comparative Analysis of Economics Graduates' Learning Attitudes: Implications for Teaching, Costas Siriopoulos and Gerasimos A. Pomonis
Electricity consumption and economic growth: Bounds and causality analyses of OPEC members, Jay Squalli
Sectoral cointegration and causality analyses of the UAE financial markets, Jay Squalli
How Open are Arab Economies? An Examination with the CTI Measure, Jay Squalli and Kenneth Wilson
Measuring the Accessibility of Arab Markets, Jay Squalli and Kenneth Wilson