
Submissions from 2012


A systematic review of the impact of foreign postings on accompanying spouses of military personnel, Gillian Blakely, Catherine Hennessy, Man Cheung Chung, and Heather Skirton


Callytron monalisa (w. horn, 1927) from the arabian peninsula (coleoptera: cicindelidae), Fabio Cassola, Drew Gardner, Gary R. Feulner, and Brigitte Howarth


Intervening Mechanisms Between Personality and Turnover: Mediator and Suppressor Effects, Emily David and Courtney L. Holladay


Inhibitory effect of genistein on the invasive potential of human cervical cancer cells via modulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and tissue inhibitiors of matrix metalloproteinase-1 expression, Arif Hussain, Geetganga Harish, Sathyen Alwin Prabhu, Javeria Mohsin, Munawwar Ali Khan, Tahir A. Rizvi, and Chhavi Sharma


Conditional least squares estimators for the offspring mean in a subcritical branching process with immigration, I. Rahimov


Variance Estimators in Critical Branching Processes With Non-Homogeneous Immigration, Ibrahim Rahimov and George P. Yanev


Targeting neuroinflammation for therapeutic intervention in neurodegenerative pathologies: A role for the peptide analogue of thymulin (PAT), Bared Safieh-Garabedian, Yunis Mayasi, and Nayef E. Saadé


Re-branding Abu Dhabi: From oil giant to energy titan, Li Chen Sim


Convergent Validity and Internal Consistency of an Arabic Snaith Hamilton Pleasure Scale, Justin Thomas, Mona Al Ali, Amani Al Hashmi, and Alejandro Rodriguez


Cognitive vulnerability to depression: An exploration of dysfunctional attitudes and ruminative response styles in the United Arab Emirates, Justin Thomas and Belkeis Altareb


A Theoretical Formation of Emotional Intelligence and Childhood Trauma among Adolescents, A.A. Tolegenova, S.M. Jakupov, Man Cheung Chung, S. Saduova, and M.S. Jakupov


Body-composition reference data for simple and reference techniques and a 4-component model: A new UK reference child, Jonathan C.K. Wells, Jane E. Williams, Sirinuch Chomtho, Tegan Darch, Carlos Grijalva-Eternod, Kathy Kennedy, Dalia Haroun, Catherine Wilson, Tim J. Cole, and Mary S. Fewtrell

Submissions from 2011

Simplified HPLC method for identification of gingerol and mangiferin in herbal extracts, I. A. Abu-Yousef, C. Gunasekar, R. Dghaim, N. Abdo, and S. Narasimhan


Vitamin D deficiency and sun avoidance among university students at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Fatme Al Anouti, Justin Thomas, Laila Abdel-Wareth, Jaishen Rajah, William B. Grant, and Afrozul Haq


Posttraumatic stress disorder following myocardial infarction: Personality, coping, and trauma exposure characteristics, Man Cheung Chung, Ian Dennis, Zoë Berger, Rupert Jones, and Hannah Rudd


Trauma exposure characteristics, past traumatic life events, coping strategies, posttraumatic stress disorder, and psychiatric comorbidity among people with anaphylactic shock experience, Man Cheung Chung, Aisling Walsh, and Ian Dennis

Introduction, Hamdy Abdelrahman Hassan


Quantum Dots: Application for the Detection of Salmonella typhimurium, Munawwar Ali Khan and Sultan Mohammad Faheem


Shrinkage Estimation Using Ranked Set Samples, Hassen A. Muttlak, S. E. Ahmed, and I. Rahimov


Estimation of the offspring mean in a supercritical branching process with non-stationary immigration, I. Rahimov


Thymulin related peptide attenuates inflammation in the brain induced by intracerebroventricular endotoxin injection, Bared Safieh-Garabedian, Suhayl J. Jabbur, Mireille Dardenne, and Nayef E. Saadé


A narrative exploration of the sense of self of women recovering from childhood sexual abuse, Sormila Saha, Man Cheung Chung, and Lisa Thorne


Exploring the Islamic tradition for resonance and dissonance with cognitive therapy for depression, Justin Thomas and Saquab Ashraf

Submissions from 2010


Smoking counseling practices of physicians in the United Arab Emirates, Manal A. Awad, Mona El Kouatly, and Randa Fakhry


Exploring sun avoidant attitudes and behaviors in the United Arab Emirates, Justin Thomas, Fatme Alanouti, Carol Campbell, and Sumaya Al Ameri


Emotional stroop interference for depressionrelated stimuli in a United Arab Emirates student population, Justin Thomas, Carol Campbell, Belkeis Altareb, and Ahmed Yousif


Eating attitudes and body image concerns among female university students in the United Arab Emirates, Justin Thomas, Salim Khan, and Amani Ahmed Abdulrahman

Submissions from 2009


Are artificial reefs surrogates of natural habitats for corals and fish in Dubai, United Arab Emirates?, J. Burt, A. Bartholomew, P. Usseglio, A. Bauman, and P. F. Sale

A new troglomorphic whip spider of the genus Charinus from the Sultanate of Oman (Amblypygi: Charinidae), Laura Delle Cave, Andrew S. Gardner, and Peter Weygoldt


Urbanisation in the United Arab Emirates: The challenges for ecological mitigation in a rapidly developing country, Andrew Gardner and Brigitte Howarth


Increasing knowledge of the entomological fauna of the United Arab Emirates and the role of private collections, Brigitte Howarth and Michael P.T. Gillett


"It shouldn't be something that's evil, it should be talked about": A phenomenological approach to epilepsy and stigma, S. Kilinç and C. Campbell


Bootstrap of the offspring mean in the critical process with a non-stationary immigration, Ibrahim Rahimov


Indirect measurement of dysfunctional attitudes in bipolar affective disorder, Justin Thomas, Richard P. Bentall, Rebecca Knowles, and Sara Tai

Submissions from 2007


Liberalism without Democracy: Nationhood and Citizenship in Egypt, 1922-1936, by Abdeslam M. Maghraoui, Federico Vélez

Submissions from 2005


The selection of the IT platform: Enterprise system implementation in the NZ health board, Maha Shakir and Dennis Viehland

Submissions from 2004


Composition of eye cosmetics (kohls) used in Cairo, Andrew D. Hardy, Richard I. Walton, and Ragini Vaishnav

Submissions from 2002


A study of the composition of some eye cosmetics (kohls) used in the United Arab Emirates, A. D. Hardy, H. H. Sutherland, and R. Vaishnav