Submissions from 2016
Host adaptation and unexpected symbiont partners enable reef-building corals to tolerate extreme temperatures, Emily J. Howells, David Abrego, Eli Meyer, Nathan L. Kirk, and John A. Burt
Effects of spatial frequencies on word identification by fast and slow readers: Evidence from eye movements, Timothy R. Jordan, Jasmine Dixon, Victoria A. McGowan, Stoyan Kurtev, and Kevin B. Paterson
A further look at postview effects in reading: An eye-movements study of influences from the left of fixation, Timothy R. Jordan, Victoria A. McGowan, Stoyan Kurtev, and Kevin B. Paterson
Associations of Apolipoprotein A, High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Fasting Plasma Insulin in Obese Children With and Without Family History of Cardiovascular Disease, Zacharoula Karabouta, Dimitrios Papandreou, Areti Makedou, Israel Rousso, and Fani Athanassiadou
Development and evaluation of continuing education course in renal nutrition, Mirey Karavetian and Rana Rizk
Microbial quality of treated wastewater used for irrigation of public parks in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Munawwar Khan and Rania Dghaim
Understanding the history of extreme wave events in the Tuamotu Archipelago of French Polynesia from large carbonate boulders on Makemo Atoll, with implications for future threats in the central South Pacific, A. Y.Annie Lau, James P. Terry, Alan D. Ziegler, Adam D. Switzer, Yingsin Lee, and Samuel Etienne
Feeling culture: The emotional experience of six early childhood educators while teaching in a cross-cultural context, Samara Madrid, Nikki Baldwin, and Shashidhar Belbase
The distribution of blow fly (Diptera: Calliphoridae) larval lengths and its implications for estimating post mortem intervals, Colin Moffatt, Viv Heaton, and Dorine De Haan
An Improved Equation for TBS and ADD: Establishing a Reliable Postmortem Interval Framework for Casework and Experimental Studies, Colin Moffatt, Tal Simmons, and Jeanne Lynch-Aird
Evaluation of metals that are potentially toxic to agricultural surface soils, using statistical analysis, in northwestern Saudi Arabia, Yousef Nazzal, Faisal K. Zaidi, Bassam A. Abuamarah, Izrar Ahmed, Fares M. Howari, Muhammad Naeem, Nassir S.N. Al-Arifi, Muhammad Kamran Jafri, and Khaled M. Al-Kahtany
Weight-related teasing and internalized weight stigma predict abnormal eating attitudes and behaviours in Emirati female university students, Lily O'Hara, Sabrina Tahboub-Schulte, and Justin Thomas
Impact of Vitamin D on cardiovascular disease-mini review, Dimitrios Papandreou
Relation of neck circumference with total body fat and BMI, Dimitrios Papandreou, Mark Causapin, Zujaja Tul-Noor, and Pavlos Malindretos
Are dietary intakes related to obesity in children?, Dimitrios Papandreou, Kali Makedou, Areti Zormpa, Maria Karampola, Anastasia Ioannou, and Areti Hitoglou-Makedou
Estimation of the offspring mean in a branching process with non stationary immigration, I. Rahimov
Diabetes education program for people with type 2 diabetes: An international perspective, Osama A. Rashed, Haleama Al Sabbah, Mustafa Z. Younis, Adnan Kisa, and Jai Parkash
Economic evaluations of interventions to manage hyperphosphataemia in adult haemodialysis patients: A systematic review, Rana Rizk, Mickaël Hiligsmann, Mirey Karavetian, and Silvia Maa Evers
A societal cost-of-illness study of hemodialysis in Lebanon, Rana Rizk, Mickaël Hiligsmann, Mirey Karavetian, Pascale Salameh, and Silvia M.A.A. Evers
Effects of Energetic Solar Emissions on the Earth–Ionosphere Cavity of Schumann Resonances, Gabriella Sátori, Earle Williams, Colin Price, Robert Boldi, Alexander Koloskov, Yuri Yampolski, Anirban Guha, and Veronika Barta
Believing is Seeing: A Perspective on Perceiving Images of Objects on the Shroud of Turin, Mercedes Sheen and Timothy R. Jordan
Regional effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on shortening and calcium transport in epicardial and endocardial myocytes from rat left ventricle, Manal M.A. Smaill, Muhammad A. Qureshi, Anatoliy Shmygol, Murat Oz, Jaipaul Singh, Vadym Sydorenko, Alya Arabi, Frank C. Howarth, and Lina Al Kury
Prehistorical frequency of high-energy marine inundation events driven by typhoons in the Bay of Bangkok (Thailand), interpreted from coastal carbonate boulders, James P. Terry, Kieran Dunne, and Kruawun Jankaew
Ancient high-energy storm boulder deposits on Ko Samui, Thailand, and their significance for identifying coastal hazard risk, James P. Terry, Grahame J.H. Oliver, and Daniel A. Friess
Compulsive buying and depressive symptoms among female citizens of the United Arab Emirates, Justin Thomas, Salwa Al-Menhali, and Majeda Humeidan
From Black Bile to the Bipolar Spectrum: A Historical Review of the Bipolar Affective Disorder Concept, Justin Thomas and Ian Grey
Religiosity: Reducing Depressive Symptoms Amongst Muslim Females in the United Arab Emirates, Justin Thomas, Meera Mutawa, Steven W. Furber, and Ian Grey
Implicit out-group preference is associated with eating disorders symptoms amongst Emirati females, Justin Thomas, Susanne Quadflieg, and Lily O'Hara
Stress Reactivity, Depressive Symptoms, and Mindfulness: A Gulf Arab Perspective, Justin Thomas, Monique Raynor, and Eman Bahussain
Mindfulness-based stress reduction among Emirati Muslim women, Justin Thomas, Monique Raynor, and Marie Claire Bakker
Review of three books on the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, James Toth
Ibn al-balad vs. Ibn al-zawat in the land of the two pharaohs, James F. Toth
Submissions from 2015
Effects of cannabidiol on contractions and calcium signaling in rat ventricular myocytes, Ramez M. Ali, Lina T. Al Kury, Keun Hang Susan Yang, Anwar Qureshi, Mohanraj Rajesh, Sehamuddin Galadari, Yaroslav M. Shuba, Frank Christopher Howarth, and Murat Oz
Distribution of heavy metals in the coastal area of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, Saeed Al Rashdi, Alya A. Arabi, Fares M. Howari, and Abdi Siad
Knowledge and Beliefs Related to Cervical Cancer, Pap Smear Screening and HPV Vaccination among Women in Umm Al Qawain, Haleama Al Sabbah and Alya Saeed Al Haran
Consumption patterns and side effects of energy drinks among university students in Palestine: crosssectional study, Haleama Al Sabbah, Naim Qamhia, and Mustafa Younis
Detection of CO2 leakage from a simulated sub-seabed storage site using three different types of pCO2 sensors, Dariia Atamanchuk, Anders Tengberg, Dmitry Aleynik, Peer Fietzek, Kiminori Shitashima, Anna Lichtschlag, Per O.J. Hall, and Henrik Stahl
Benthic oxygen exchange in a live coralline algal bed and an adjacent sandy habitat: An eddy covariance study, Karl M. Attard, Henrik Stahl, Nicholas A. Kamenos, Gavin Turner, Heidi L. Burdett, and Ronnie N. Glud
Adolescent health risk behaviors in a migrant population, Caroline Barakat-Haddad and Rania Dghaim
A preservice mathematics teacher’s beliefs about teaching mathematics with technology, Shashidhar Belbase
Groundwater salinisation on atoll islands after storm-surge flooding: Modelling the influence of central topographic depressions, Ting Fong May Chui and James P. Terry
Determination of heavy metals concentration in traditional herbs commonly consumed in the United Arab Emirates, Rania Dghaim, Safa Al Khatib, Husna Rasool, and Munawwar Ali Khan
CO2 sequestration using accelerated gas-solid carbonation of pre-treated EAF steel-making bag house dust, Muftah H. El-Naas, Maisa El Gamal, Suhaib Hameedi, and Abdel Mohsen O. Mohamed
Evaporation losses and dispersion of volatile organic compounds from tank farms, Fares M. Howari
Prospecting for geothermal energy through satellite based thermal data: Review and the way forward, F. M. Howari
Seeing inscriptions on the Shroud of Turin: The role of psychological influences in the perception of writing, Timothy R. Jordan, Mercedes Sheen, Lily Abedipour, and Kevin B. Paterson
A new demonstration of the illusory letters phenomenon: Graphemic restoration in Arabic word perception, Timothy R. Jordan, Mercedes Sheen, Maryam A. AlJassmi, and Kevin B. Paterson
(-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate reverses the expression of various tumor-suppressor genes by inhibiting DNA methyltransferases and histone deacetylases in human cervical cancer cells, Munawwar Ali Khan, Arif Hussain, Madhumitha Kedhari Sundaram, Usama Alalami, Dian Gunasekera, Laveena Ramesh, Amina Hamza, and Uzma Quraishi
Sulforaphane Reverses the Expression of Various Tumor Suppressor Genes by Targeting DNMT3B and HDAC1 in Human Cervical Cancer Cells, Munawwar Ali Khan, Madhumitha Kedhari Sundaram, Amina Hamza, Uzma Quraishi, Dian Gunasekera, Laveena Ramesh, Payal Goala, Usama Al Alami, Mohammad Zeeshan Ansari, Tahir A. Rizvi, Chhavi Sharma, and Arif Hussain
Perspectives on cervical cancer screening among educated Muslim women in Dubai (the UAE): A qualitative study, Sarah Khan and Gillian Woolhead
Advantages of beachrock slabs for interpreting high-energy wave transport: Evidence from ludao island in south-eastern Taiwan, A. Y.Annie Lau, James P. Terry, Adam D. Switzer, and Jeremy Pile
Decomposition Rate and Pattern in Hanging Pigs, Jeanne Lynch-Aird, Colin Moffatt, and Tal Simmons
Local perceptions of the QICS experimental offshore CO2 release: Results from social science research, Leslie Mabon, Simon Shackley, Jerry C. Blackford, Henrik Stahl, and Anuschka Miller
Increasing foreign banks’ presence through M&AS: The case of Turkey, Eda Orhun
Frequency of rs731236 (Taql), rs2228570 (Fok1) of Vitamin-D Receptor (VDR) gene in Emirati healthy population, Enas Osman, Fatme Al Anouti, Gehad El ghazali, Afrozul Haq, Rajaa Mirgani, and Habiba Al Safar
Role of diet on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: An updated narrative review, Dimitrios Papandreou and Eleni Andreou
The Role of Vitamin D in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: An Updated Review of the Literature, Dimitrios Papandreou and Zujaja Tul Noor Hamid
Association of neck circumference with obesity in female college students, Dimitrios Papandreou, Zujaja Tul Noor, Maitha Rashed, and Hadeel Al Jaberi
No evidence for impacts to the molecular ecophysiology of ion or CO2 regulation in tissues of selected surface-dwelling bivalves in the vicinity of a sub-seabed CO2 release, Nicola Pratt, Benjamin J. Ciotti, Elizabeth A. Morgan, Henrik Stahl, Peter Taylor, and Chris Hauton
On the limit distributions for partially observed branching processes with generation-dependent detection, I. Rahimov
Gazes that matter: Young emirati women’s spatial practices in Dubai, Anke Reichenbach
Benthic O2 uptake of two cold-water coral communities estimated with the non-invasive eddy correlation technique, Lorenzo Rovelli, Karl M. Attard, Lee D. Bryant, Sascha Flögel, Henrik Stahl, J. Murray Roberts, Peter Linke, and Ronnie N. Glud
Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: Part 1 - The experiment, Nazmi Sellami, Marius Dewar, Henrik Stahl, and Baixin Chen
Effects of Contextual Information on Seeing Pareidolic Religious Inscriptions on an Artifact: Implications for the Shroud of Turin, Mercedes Sheen and Timothy R. Jordan
Adaptation to local thermal regimes by crustose coralline algae does not affect rates of recruitment in coral larvae, Nachshon Siboni, David Abrego, Christian Evenhuis, Murray Logan, and Cherie A. Motti
Obituary for Professor Laurence David Mee, Henrik Stahl and Anuschka Miller
Posttraumatic Stress and Well-Being Following Relationship Dissolution: Coping, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms From Past Trauma, and Traumatic Growth, Bhaveena Studley and Man Cheung Chung
Impact and recovery of pH in marine sediments subject to a temporary carbon dioxide leak, Peter Taylor, Anna Lichtschlag, Matthew Toberman, Martin D.J. Sayer, Andy Reynolds, Toru Sato, and Henrik Stahl
Coastal vulnerability to typhoon inundation in the Bay of Bangkok, Thailand? Evidence from carbonate boulder deposits on Ko Larn island, James P. Terry, Kruawun Jankaew, and Kieran Dunne
The genius is out of the bottle: smart drugs are here to stay, Justin Thomas
Conceptualising mental health in the United Arab Emirates: the perspective of traditional healers, Justin Thomas, Nowf Al-Qarni, and Steven W. Furber
Depressive rumination and experiential avoidance: A task based exploration, Justin Thomas, Monique Raynor, and David Ribott
Phosphorus behavior in sediments during a sub-seabed CO2 controlled release experiment, Ayumi Tsukasaki, Masahiro Suzumura, Anna Lichtschlag, Henrik Stahl, and Rachael H. James
The headscarf effect revisited: Further evidence for a culture-based internal face processing advantage, Yin Wang, Justin Thomas, Sophia C. Weissgerber, Sahar Kazemini, Israr Ul-Haq, and Susanne Quadflieg
Submissions from 2014
Concerns Regarding Food Biotechnology: An Ongoing Debate, Fatme Al Anouti
The Environmental Impact of Urbanization within Abu Dhabi on the Microbial Profile of Man-Made Beaches, Fatima Al Marzooqi and Fatme Al Anouti
The reproductive season of Acropora in Socotra, Yemen, Andrew H. Baird, David Abrego, Emily J. Howells, and Vivian R. Cumbo
The reproductive season of scleractinian corals in Socotra, Yemen, Andrew H. Baird, David Abrego, Emily J. Howells, and Vivian R. Cumbo
Adaption and adjustment of military spouses to overseas postings: An online forum study, Gillian Blakely, Catherine Hennessy, Man Cheung Chung, and Heather Skirton
Chemically mediated behavior of recruiting corals and fishes: A tipping point that may limit reef recovery, Danielle L. Dixson, David Abrego, and Mark E. Hay
Non-HDL and triglycerides are independently associated with anthropometrical indices in a cypriot population of healthy adults, Andreou Eleni, Papandreou Dimitrios, Hajigeorgiou Photos, Rachaniotis Nikolaos, Philippou Christiana, Kyriakou Katia, Avraam Thalia, Chappa Georgia, Kallis Prokopis, Lazarou Chrystalleni, Christoforou Christoforos, Kokkinofta Rebecca, Dioghenous Christos, Zampelas Antonis, Loizou Louis, and Aletrari Elena
Coral spawning in the Gulf of Oman and relationship to latitudinal variation in spawning season in the northwest Indian Ocean, E. J. Howells, D. Abrego, G. O. Vaughan, and J. A. Burt
Visual speech perception in foveal and extrafoveal vision: Further implications for divisions in hemispheric projections, Timothy R. Jordan, Mercedes Sheen, Lily Abedipour, and Kevin B. Paterson
A review of the role of fiber, phytochemicals and omega 3 fatty acids in cardiovascular disease, Dimitrios Papandreou, Hanadi Almessabi, Shamma Al Saad, Aaesha AlShehhi, and Alya AlMansoori
Cardiometabolic risk factors related to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obese children, Dimitrios Papandreou, Zacharoula Karabouta, Athina Pantoleon, Athina Sidiropoulou, and Israel Rousso
Relation of cardiovascular risk factors with obesity in children aged 8-15 years old, Dimitrios Papandreou, Israel Rousso, and Ioannis Mavromichalis
A novel sub-seabed CO2 release experiment informing monitoring and impact assessment for geological carbon storage, Peter Taylor, Henrik Stahl, Mark E. Vardy, Jonathan M. Bull, Maxine Akhurst, Chris Hauton, Rachel H. James, Anna Lichtschlag, Dave Long, Dmitry Aleynik, Matthew Toberman, Mark Naylor, Douglas Connelly, Dave Smith, Martin D.J. Sayer, Steve Widdicombe, Ian C. Wright, and Jerry Blackford
Potential for timing high-energy marine inundation events in the recent geological past through age-dating of reef boulders in Fiji, James P. Terry and Samuel Etienne
Changing physical appearance preferences in the United Arab Emirates, Justin Thomas, Fatima H. Al Marzooqi, Sabrina Tahboub-Schulte, and Steven W. Furber
The relationship between taste sensitivity to phenylthiocarbamide and anhedonia, Justin Thomas, Wahda Al-Mesaabi, Eman Bahusain, and Meera Mutawa
Academic integrity and oral examination: an Arabian Gulf perspective, Justin Thomas, Monique Raynor, and Merryn McKinnon
Submissions from 2013
Stress in higher education: a study of mismatched instruction as a contributing factor in female Emirati undergraduate students, Usama ALAlami, Mahaba Al-Saleh, and Tofi Rahal
Vitamin D Receptor Interactions and Genetic Variants in the Context of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Fatme Al Anouti
Alexithymia and posttraumatic stress disorder following epileptic seizure, Man Cheung Chung and Rachel D. Allen
Alexithymia and posttraumatic stress disorder following asthma attack, Man Cheung Chung and Natalie Wall
An Exploration of PTSD and Coping Strategies: Response to the Experience of Being in a Bomb Attack in Iraq, Fuaad Mohammed Freh, Rudi Dallos, and Man Cheung Chung
Fertile bonds: Bedouin class, kinship, and gender in the Bekaa Valley, Suzanne E. Joseph
Patterns of parental warmth, attachment, and narcissism in young women in United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom, Minna Lyons, Keith Morgan, Justin Thomas, and Amani Al Hashmi
Association of iron depletion with menstruation and dietary intake indices in pubertal girls: The healthy growth study, George Moschonis, Dimitrios Papandreou, Christina Mavrogianni, Angeliki Giannopoulou, Louisa Damianidi, Pavlos Malindretos, Christos Lionis, George P. Chrousos, and Yannis Manios