Submissions from 2020
Parallax visions of the belt and road initiative, Jonathan Fulton
Situating Saudi Arabia In China's Belt And Road Initiative, Jonathan Fulton
Biography of a Tolerant Nation the Year in the United Arab Emirates, Szidonia Haragos
A new hotbed for extremism? Jihadism and collective insecurity in the sahel, Hamdy A. Hassan
Sufi islamic discourse in Africa: From the greatest jihad to the establishment of the african caliphate, Hamdy A. Hassan
Gross Fraud in the UAE Civil Code: From Its Roots in Islamic Jurisprudence to Contemporary Proposals for Reform, Iyad Mohammad Jadalhaq
Tort law makes a quantum leap: a review of the civil liability regime for nuclear operators in UAE law, Iyad Mohammad Jadalhaq and Enas Mohammad Alqodsi
Finding Direction at the Edge of Law and Life: Islamic Fiqh, Correspondence, and UAE Takāful Insurance Regulation, Iyad Mohammad Jadalhaq and Luigi Russi
A deep learning framework for malware classification, Mahmoud Kalash, Mrigank Rochan, Noman Mohammed, Neil Bruce, Yang Wang, and Farkhund Iqbal
Linguistic landscape in a city of migrants: a study of Souk Naif area in Dubai, Magdalena Karolak
Social media in democratic transitions and consolidations: what can we learn from the case of Tunisia?, Magdalena Karolak
Saudi Women as Decision Makers: Analyzing the Media Portrayal of Female Political Participation in Saudi Arabia, Magdalena Karolak and Hala Guta
On the Significance of Students’ Appraisals of Their Language Learning Experiences at University: A Phenomenological Approach, Amir Kaviani
Changing systems and challenging inequalities: The ford foundation's mission and programs, Riham Ahmed Khafagy
Faith-based organizations: humanitarian mission or religious missionary, Riham Ahmed Khafagy
Gender stereotypes in television advertising in the Middle East: Time for marketers and advertisers to step up, Ali Khalil and Ganga S. Dhanesh
Enabling Secure Trustworthiness Assessment and Privacy Protection in Integrating Data for Trading Person-Specific Information, Rashid Hussain Khokhar, Farkhund Iqbal, Benjamin C.M. Fung, and Jamal Bentahar
Eurasian globalization: past and present, Habibul Haque Khondker
Eve Darian-Smith and Philip C McCarthy, The Global Turn: Theories, Research Designs, and Methods for Global Studies, Habibul Haque Khondker
Sustainable Development Goals in Arab Region – United Arab Emirates’ Case Study, Adam Krzymowski
The european union and the united arab emirates as civilian and soft powers engaged in sustainable development goals, Adam Krzymowski
The importance of Ukraine's political and economic relationship with the United Arab Emirates for the Lublin Triangle, Adam Krzymowski
The Significance of the Black Sea Countries of the Three Seas Initiative Relations With the United Arab Emirates, Adam Krzymowski
Border-crossing repertoires of contention: Palestine activism in a global justice context, Suzanne Morrison
Whither the State? The Oslo Peace Process and Neoliberal Configurations of Palestine, Suzanne Morrison
Efficient scheduling of video camera sensor networks for IoT systems in smart cities, Muhammad Naeem, Waleed Ejaz, Muhammad Iqbal, Farkhund Iqbal, Alagan Anpalagan, and Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues
I-docs: the Evolving Practices of Interactive Documentary, Michael R. Ogden
Predictors of life satisfaction in Australia: A study drawing upon annual data from the Gallup World Poll, Joonha Park, Mohsen Joshanloo, and Heinz Scheifinger
Employability Under The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Alexandrina Maria Pauceanu, Nada Rabie, and Ayman Moustafa
Rethinking the role of business school in creating corporate managers, Khurram Parvez Raja and Muhammad Anowar Zahid
The Propensity to Use FinTech: Input from Bankers in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Anjum Razzaque, Richard Thomas Cummings, Magdalena Karolak, and Allam Hamdan
An Overview of Innovation in the Arab Gulf States: From Origins and Five-Year Plans to New Cities and Indices, James C. A. Redman
From total dependency to corporatisation: The journey of domestic work in the UAE, Rima Sabban
“The Debt of Gratitude”: Mobilizing “Motherhood” in Times of Unrest in the United Arab Emirates, Rima Sabban
On data-driven curation, learning, and analysis for inferring evolving internet-of-Things (IoT) botnets in the wild, Morteza Safaei Pour, Antonio Mangino, Kurt Friday, Matthias Rathbun, Elias Bou-Harb, Farkhund Iqbal, Sagar Samtani, Jorge Crichigno, and Nasir Ghani
Supporting Organisational Justice through a Legal Framework for Performance Appraisal in the United Arab Emirates: Management Case and Comparison with the French System, Fadi Sakka, Mohammed El Hadi El Maknouzi, and Iyad Mohammad Jadalhaq
Exposed to Dubai: education and belonging among young Indian residents in the Gulf, David Sancho
Dialogue in the Quran: Types, Controls and Objectives: كيف حاور القرآن: دراسة في الأنواع والضوابط والأهداف, Mohammed Semi, Man Baker, and Mohamed Sharei Abouzeid
Triple Axis: Iran’s Relations with Russia and China, Yolanda K Spies
Innovations in Early Maritime Technology in Mesopotamia and the Arabian Gulf, Eric Staples
Restructuring the Small and Medium Enterprises in response to COVID-19 effect on Emerging Economies, Fady Tawakol and WalaaEldeen Ibrahim
Designing of bentonite based nanocomposite hydrogel for the adsorptive removal and controlled release of ampicillin, Bharti Thakur, Gaurav Sharma, Amit Kumar, Shweta Sharma, Mu Naushad, Jibran Iqbal, and Florian J. Stadler
BRI in Central Asia: Rail and Road Connectivity Projects, Roman Vakulchuk, Indra Øverland, Farkhod Aminjonov, Alina Abylkasymova, Bahtiyor Eshchanov, and Daniyar Moldokanov
The ruin problem: Negotiating cultural heritage in Macau, Marta Wieczorek
Submissions from 2019
Predictors of Emirati Marital Satisfaction: Contributions of Psychological Health and Family Functioning, Fatima Al-Darmaki, Hamzeh Dodeen, Saad Yaaqeib, Shaima Ahammed, and Mary J. Jacobson
The Karaki dialect of Christians and Muslims in Jordan- Social linguistic study., Ahmad S. Al janadbah
Constitutional and Legislative Guarantees of Foreign Investment in Light of Jordanian Legislation, Nayel Musa Shaker Alomran
Spatializing higher education: Emirati women learners’ hot and cold spaces, Gergana Alzeer
BRI in Central Asia: Agriculture and Food Projects, Farkhod Aminjonov, Alina Abylkasymova, Anna Aimée, Bahtiyor Eshchanov, Daniyar Moldokanov, Indra Overland, and Roman Vakulchuk
Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation Program as Driver of Regional Energy Projects to Promote Energy Security in the Post-Soviet Central Asia, F. S. Aminjonov
The Strength of Weak Ties: Eliza Haywood’s Social Network in The Dunciad in Four Books (1743), Ileana Baird
Predictors of life satisfaction in a large representative sample from Italy, Vincenza Capone, Mohsen Joshanloo, and Heinz Scheifinger
The pitfalls of protection: gender, violence, and power in Afghanistan, Melissa Kerr Chiovenda
Where are Islamic finance indices pointing towards?: Lessons from experimental ‘pockets’ of Islamic financial regulation on international stock markets, Mohammed El Hadi El Maknouzi and Iyad Mohammad Jadalhaq
Hydropower Potential of the Central Asian Countries, Bahtiyor Eshchanov, Alina Abylkasymova, Indra Overland, Daniyar Moldokanov, Farkhod Aminjonov, and Roman Vakulchuk
Implementing bi-temporal properties into various NoSQL database categories, Mohammed Eshtay, Azzam Sleit, and Monther Aldwairi
Book Review: China's Maritime Silk Road Initiative And South Asia: A Political Economic Analysis Of Its Purposes, Peril, And Promise, Jonathan Fulton
China’s challenge to US dominance in the Middle East, Jonathan Fulton
Friends with Benefits: China’s Partnership Diplomacy in the Gulf, Jonathan Fulton
Why Saudi Arabia is turning to Asia, Jonathan Fulton
‘Mother Weight Carried across Borders’: Migrant Materiality and the Maternal in Meena Alexander’s Fault Lines: A Memoir (2003), Szidonia Haragos
Selves and identities in the Arabian Gulf: The year in the Gulf Cooperation Council, Szidonia Haragos
Wordnet-Based Criminal Networks Mining for Cybercrime Investigation, Farkhund Iqbal, Benjamin C.M. Fung, Mourad Debbabi, Rabia Batool, and Andrew Marrington
The protection of minors in UAE law as persons in need: An analytical study, Iyad Mohammad Jadalhaq and Ibrahim Sulaiman Al-Qatawnah
Social media and urban social movements: The anatomy of continued protest in authoritarian contexts, Magdalena Karolak
Pakistan, Habibul Haque Khondker
The impact of the Arab Spring on democracy and development in the MENA region, Habibul Haque Khondker
Cuba and the Secret World, James Lockhart
Family volunteers as alternative future resources: School leaders' beliefs and practices, Hazar Hekmat Malluhi and Nayel Musa Alomran
Predictors of life satisfaction in a large nationally representative Japanese sample, Joonha Park, Mohsen Joshanloo, and Heinz Scheifinger
An Iron Age ceramic sequence from the Bayt Bin Ati, al-Ain, UAE, Timothy Power, Anne Benoist, and Peter Sheehan
Sewn-Plank Reconstructions of Oman: construction and documentation, Eric Staples
Archaeological, Historical, and Ethnographic Approaches to the Study of Sewn Boats: past, present, and future, Eric Staples and Lucy Blue
Macau’s Heterotopias: Ruins of St. Paul’s as a Spatial and Temporal Disruption, Marta Wieczorek
Defining new technological traditions of Late Islamic Arabia: a view on Bahlā Ware from al-Ain (UAE) and the lead-barium glaze production, Jelena Živković, Timothy Power, Myrto Georgakopoulou, and José Cristobal Carvajal López
Submissions from 2018
Toward a second wave of waqf revival in Islamic World, Tarak Abdallah
Immunomodulatory roles of bacterial toxins: Impacts on the innate pulmonary defense of the host, Charlotte Abrial, Jennifer da Silva, Régina Geitani, Carole Ayoub Moubareck, and Lhousseine Touqui
A perspective on women’s spatial experiences in higher education: between modernity and tradition, Gergana Alzeer
Types and dynamics of gendered space: a case of Emirati female learners in a single-gender context, Gergana Alzeer
Capital Punishment for Apostasy in Islam, Man Baker
Can water mitigate the palestinian-israeli conflict? The case for environmental peacemaking, Mona Farag
Steve A. Yetiv and Katerina Oskarsson, Challenged Hegemony: The United States, China, and Russia in the Persian Gulf, Jonathan Fulton
The Gulf between the Indo-Pacific and the Belt and Road Initiative, Jonathan Fulton
Troubled waters: insecurity in the Persian Gulf, Jonathan Fulton
Smart TV face monitoring for children privacy, P. C. K. Hung, K. Kanev, S.-C. Huang, F. Iqbal, and B. C. M. Fung
Foreigners' Real Estate Property in United Arab Emirates Comparative study, Walaa-Eldeen Ibrahim
Book Review: Bayat, Asef. Revolution without Revolutionaries: Making Sense of the Arab Spring, Habibul Haque Khondker
Class, identity, and insecurity: Bangladeshi temporary migrants in the United Arab Emirates, Habibul Haque Khondker
Best Practices in Environmental Governance, Habibul Haque Khondker
Glocalization, consumption, and cricket: The Indian Premier League, Habibul Haque Khondker and Roland Robertson
Genomic and transcriptomic signals of thermal tolerance in heat-tolerant corals (Platygyra daedalea) of the Arabian/Persian Gulf, Nathan L. Kirk, Emily J. Howells, David Abrego, John A. Burt, and Eli Meyer
The Adoption of Renewable Energy Policies in a Rentier State: A Case Study of the United Arab Emirates, Hessa Murooshid
The Salvation of Emirati Memory in Nujoom Alghanem's Hamama, Chrysavgi Papagianni
The Red Sea under the Caliphal Dynasties, c. 639–1171, Timothy Power
The Qur'an as the Only Constitutive Source of Islamic Law, Ahmed Ali Salem
Sociodemographic predictors of tobacco smoking among expatriate and national adolescents in the United Arab Emirates, Ayesha Siddiqua, Rania Dghaim, and Caroline Barakat-Haddad
Opinion: A Resurgent Russia and A Rising UAE in the Gulf, Li-Chen Sim
Indian Ocean navigation in Islamic sources 850–1560 CE, Eric Staples
Submissions from 2017
The effect of parathyroid hormone on the uptake and retention of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in skeletal muscle cells, M. Abboud, M. S. Rybchyn, J. Liu, Y. Ning, C. Gordon-Thomson, T. C. Brennan-Speranza, L. Cole, H. Greenfield, D. R. Fraser, and R. S. Mason