Scopus Indexed Works | Zayed University


Submissions from 2025


A threefold-ensemble k-nearest neighbor algorithm, Hassan I. Abdalla, Aneela Altaf, and Ali A. Hamzah


AI-based non-invasive imaging technologies for early autism spectrum disorder diagnosis: A short review and future directions, Mostafa Abdelrahim, Mohamed Khudri, Ahmed Elnakib, Mohamed Shehata, Kate Weafer, Ashraf Khalil, Gehad A. Saleh, Nihal M. Batouty, Mohammed Ghazal, Sohail Contractor, Gregory Barnes, and Ayman El-Baz


Federated learning on the go: Building stable clusters and optimizing resources on the road, Sawsan AbdulRahman, Safa Otoum, and Ouns Bouachir


Policies of Civil Service Leadership Reform in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates in Light of the United Kingdom's Experience, Karem Sayed Aboelazm, Emad Ibrahim, Hanadi Sharif, and Fady Tawakol


The Legal Framework for B.O.T. Contracts in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, Karem Sayed Aboelazm, Fady Tawakol, Emad Ibrahim, and Saad Ali Ramadan


Improving Public Sector Procurement Methods in International Practices: a Comparative Study, Karem Sayed Aboelazm, Fady Tawakol, Emad Ibrahim, and Hanadi Sharif


Enhancing pro-environmental behavior in tourism: Integrating attitudinal factors and Norm Activation Theory, Amjad Abu Elsamen, Anestis Fotiadis, Ali Abdallah Alalwan, and Tzung Cheng Huan

Preliminary validation of two math screening tools to identify gifted students in grades 3–5 in Jordan, Bashir Abu-Hamour and Hanan Al Hmouz


Evaluation of industry 4.0 adoption strategies in small and medium enterprises: A Circular-Fermatean fuzzy decision-making approach, Dareen Abu-Lail, Nahia Mourad, Sarah Qahtan, A. A. Zaidan, Hassan A. Alsattar, B. B. Zaidan, Dragan Pamucar, Muhammet Deveci, Witold Pedrycz, and Dursun Delen


Teaching Design for Sustainable Futures: Community, Construction, and Creativity, Lina Ahmad and Marco Sosa


The dual impact of audit partner busyness and boardroom gender diversity on audit quality in Australia, Ammad Ahmed, Atia Hussain, and Abiot M. Tessema

AI Innovations in rPPG Systems for Driver Monitoring: Comprehensive Systematic Review and Future Prospects, Soha G. Ahmed, Katrien Verbert, Nazar Zaki, Ashraf Khalil, Hamad Aljassmi, and Fady Alnajjar


Empowering women on screen: exploring the influence of female protagonists on contemporary culture and gendered enjoyment in film, Fokiya Akhtar and Azmat Rasul


Light dark matter constraints from SuperCDMS HVeV detectors operated underground with an anticoincidence event selection, M. F. Albakry, I. Alkhatib, D. Alonso-González, D. W.P. Amaral, J. Anczarski, T. Aralis, T. Aramaki, I. J. Arnquist, I. Ataee Langroudy, E. Azadbakht, C. Bathurst, R. Bhattacharyya, A. J. Biffl, P. L. Brink, M. Buchanan, R. Bunker, B. Cabrera, R. Calkins, R. A. Cameron, C. Cartaro, D. G. Cerdeño, Y. Y. Chang, M. Chaudhuri, J. H. Chen, R. Chen, N. Chott, J. Cooley, and H. Coombes


Repair Strategies in an English as a Foreign Language Online Educational Setting: A Case Study of Higher Education Studies, Sana Butti Al Maktoum, Basma Abri, and Bernadette M. Guirguis


Experiences of Pre-Service Teachers in Using Digital Stories Combined with the Language Experience Approach in the United Arab Emirates, Ghadah Al Murshidi, Reem Thani AlDhaheri, Chikwaka Miriam, Fatma AlMaghribi, Ahmed Al Zaabi, and Dawood Ahmad


Natural resource dependence and war nexus: new insights, Farah Al Shami, Mahmoud Arayssi, Walid Marrouch, and Nagham Sayour


Stock market responses to monetary policy shocks: Firm-level evidence, K. Peren Arin, Samuel Kaplan, Efstathios Polyzos, and Nicola Spagnolo

Sleep irregularity is associated with night-time technology, dysfunctional sleep beliefs and subjective sleep parameters amongst female university students, Teresa Arora, Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar, Roberto Hornero, and David Gozal


The effect of organizational identification on AIS acceptance: how gender and collectivism shape usage patterns, Muhammad Arshad, Sadia Afzal, Mariam Farooq, Omer Farooq, and Muhammad Atif


Accelerating Digital Transformation with the Cloud and the Internet of Things (IoT), Yacine Atif and Sujith Samuel Mathew


Digital echoes: Investigating the impact of online time on happiness and well-being in abu dhabi, Masood Badri, Mugheer Alkhaili, Hamad Aldhaheri, Guang Yang, Saad Yaaqeib, Muna Albahar, Asma Alrashdi, and Alanood Mohamed


Zeolite omega-confined silver nanoparticles AgNPs for antibacterial activities and catalytic reduction of organic contaminants, Abdelmadjid Belhadri, Bouhadjar Boukoussa, Fadila Benali, Amel Mekki, Adel Mokhtar, Mohammed Hachemaoui, Issam Ismail, Jibran Iqbal, Shashikant P. Patole, Inas Taha, Rachida Hamacha, and Mohamed Abboud


Counterpart of Marshall-Olkin bivariate copula with negative dependence and its neutrosophic application in meteorology, Rachid Bentoumi, Farid El Ktaibi, and Christophe Chesneau


Using choice Experiments to understand public preferences for reducing Lead-Based ammunition for environmental and health improvements in wetlands ecosystems, Mike Brock, Ruth L. Cromie, Julia L. Newth, and Kevin A. Wood


Lunar Mare Ingenii: A comprehensive multi data study unravelling composition, chronology and terrain dynamics, Neeraja C R, Arivazhagan S, and Karthi A


Federated Learning for Trust Enhancement in UAV-Enabled IoT Networks: A Unified Approach, Ikram Ud Din, Imran Taj, Ahmad Almogren, and Mohsen Guizani


Unconventional Monetary Policies and Foreign Exchange Swaps: The Case of Turkey, Ozan Eksi and Ivan Stetsyuk


Investment horizons and ESG decoupling: Distinct roles of long-term and short-term institutional investors, Yasser Eliwa and Mohamed E. Elmaghrabi


Ensuring academic integrity in the age of ChatGPT: Rethinking exam design, assessment strategies, and ethical AI policies in higher education, Edmund De Leon Evangelista


Calculus for Business and Economics: An Example-Based Introduction, Jon Pierre Fortney and Linda Smail


Effectiveness of postoperative cephalosporins in reducing urinary tract infections and other parameters following transurethral resection of the prostate: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Wael Hafez, Feras Al-Obeidat, Asrar Rashid, Arun Kumar Venkatachalapathi, Amr Massaod, Ziad AlBaha, Samy Kishk, Tesfalidet Emoshe, Samuel Tesfaye Tefera, Ismail A. Ibrahim, Mohammad Alkammar, Gowhar Rashid, Ahmed Fayed, Karim Soliman, Abdulqadir J. Nashwan, Alaaldeen Mohamed, Daniel Simancas-Racines, and Ivan Cherrez-Ojeda


Chronic Exposure to Two Regimens of Waterpipe Smoke Elicits Lung Injury, Genotoxicity, and Mitochondrial Impairment with the Involvement of MAPKs Activation in Mice, Naserddine Hamadi, Suhail Al-Salam, Sumaya Beegam, Nur Elena Zaaba, Ozaz Elzaki, and Abderrahim Nemmar


Advancements in photocatalytic systems for ciprofloxacin degradation, efficiency, mechanisms, and environmental considerations, Muhammad Idrees, Zia Ul Haq Khan, Sana Sabahat, Jingyu Sun, Noor Samad Shah, and Jibran Iqbal


Innovative desalination strategies for the removal of emerging pollutants in aquatic systems, Shamshad Khan, Jibran Iqbal, Cai Deng, Xiang Wenjing, and Hrachuhi Galstyan


Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Processes as a feasible approach towards treatment of pesticides contaminated water and environmental sustainability: A review, Zia Ul Haq Khan, Sana Sabahat, Noor Samad Shah, Huma Ajab, Jibran Iqbal, and Fida Ullah


High Gain Defected Slots 3D Antenna Structure for Millimetre Applications, Arkan Mousa Majeed, Fatma Taher, Taha A. Elwi, Zaid A. Abdul Hassain, Sherif K. El-Diasty, Mohamed Fathy Abo Sree, Sara Yehia Abdel Fatah, and Umi Aisah Asli


Are Neurocognitive Deficits Associated With Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Children due to COVID-19?, Kalliopi Megari, Evanthia Thomaidou, Maria Eleni Palioura, Stelios Parasxiakos, Aglaia Skoutara, Panagiota Stougioude, Maria Theodoratou, Maria Sofologi, Efthymia Efthymiou, Soultana Papadopoulou, and Dimitra V Katsarou


Cognitive AI and implicit pseudo-spline wavelets for enhanced seismic prediction, Mutaz Mohammad


Enhanced removal of cationic dyes using copper-based MOF-graphene oxide composite: Synthesis, characterization and performance evaluation, Maryam Naseer, Sadia Nazir, Abida Kausar, Muhammad Abid Rashid, Muhammad Usman, Rehana Naseer, and Jibran Iqbal


A Bayesian Network model to integrate blue-green and gray infrastructure systems for different urban conditions, Nur H. Orak and Linda Smail


Dysphagia in Rare Diseases and Syndromes: Current Approaches to Management and Therapeutic Innovations—A Systematic Review, Soultana Papadopoulou, Areti Anagnostopouplou, Dimitra V. Katsarou, Kalliopi Megari, Efthymia Efthymiou, Alexandros Argyriadis, Georgios Kougioumtzis, Maria Theodoratou, Maria Sofologi, Agathi Argyriadi, Efterpi Pavlidou, and Eugenia I. Toki


Emirati Student Attitudes Toward People with Intellectual Disabilities, Mazna Patka and Adam Murry


Inclusivity of virtual tourism destinations: An immersive netnographic study of Indonesian wheelchair users in virtual nature-based destinations, Rosliyana Perangin-Angin, Rokhshad Tavakoli, Camelia Kusumo, and Paolo Mura


The role of knowledge sharing in organisational and individual wellbeing, Catherine Prentice, Susan Zeidan, and Louis Prentice


Socially networked endorsements: Exploring the relationship between social identification and online marketing in multicultural societies, Azmat Rasul, Mian Muhammad Asim, and Donghee Shin


Upskilling and reskilling in the United Arab Emirates: Future-proofing careers with AI skills, David Santandreu Calonge, Firuz Kamalov, Pablo Medina Aguerrebere, Leisa Hassock, Linda Smail, Dima Yousef, Dimple R. Thadani, Theresa Kwong, and Nadia Abdulla


Enhancing arrhythmia prediction through an adaptive deep reinforcement learning framework for ECG signal analysis, Mohamed Adel Serhani, Heba Ismail, Hadeel T. El-Kassabi, and Hamda Al Breiki


The Degree to Which Translation Retains Parallelism: A Data-Driven Analysis of King Abdullah II’s Speeches from Arabic to English, Sana Shamaileh


The influence of sociodemographic characteristics and hospital type on patient satisfaction: An online survey, Audai Naji Al Smadi and Ahed Abugabah


Navigating the future: Aligning skills, employability, and career aspirations in the digital age, Martin Sposato


Leadership strategies for implementing environmental management systems, Martin Sposato and Eduardo Carlos Dittmar


New technologies in HR: bridging efficiency and ethical considerations, Martin Sposato, Eduardo Carlos Dittmar, and Jenny Patricia Vargas Portillo


Assessing the impact of mindfulness programs on attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: a systematic review, Meshal A. Sultan, Faisal A. Nawaz, Batol Alattar, Eman Khalaf, Sidra Shadan, Naila El-Abiary, Shakeel Tegginmani, Rakhtan K. Qasba, and Jigar Jogia


Coping strategies during faculty transitions: lessons learned from teaching an introductory happiness, positivity, and wellbeing course, Jobila Sy and Lani San Antonio


Reading achievements among students in the United Arab Emirates: A multilevel analysis of PIRLS 2021, Hanada Taha Thomure, Cherry Zin Oo, and Myint Swe Khine


Metamaterial Structure Effect on Printed Antenna for LTE/WIFI /Cancer Diagnosis, Fatma Taher, A. M.M.A. Allam, Ahmed F. Miligy, Mohamed A. Mohamed, Mohamed Fathy Abo Sree, and Sara Yehia Abdel Fatah


Design and Fabrication of Compact MIMO Array Antenna with Tapered Feed Line for 5G Applications, F. Taher, Mohamed Fathy Abo Sree, Hesham A. Mohamed, Hussein Hamed Ghouz, and Sarah Yehia Abdel Fatah


Status incongruence effects under conditions of task interdependence: Too close for comfort, María del Carmen Triana, M. Fernanda Garcia, Orlando Richard, İlhami Yücel, and Rawia Ahmed


Recent developments in photo-fermentative hydrogen evolution: Fundamental biochemistry and influencing factors a review, Yaksha Verma, Jibran Iqbal, Mu Naushad, Aishwarya Bhaskaralingam, Amit Kumar, Pooja Dhiman, Chin Wei Lai, and Gaurav Sharma


Parenting programs in the Middle East/North Africa (MENA) region: A multilevel meta-analysis, Antje von Suchodoletz, Christin Camia, Amina Maliki, Mariam S. Alwahedi, and Michelle P. Kelly

Submissions from 2024


How does asset redeployability affect stock price crash risk?, Wajih Abbassi, Mariem Khalifa, Walid Saffar, and Yuan Sun


Dietary Knowledge and Eating Habits among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Lebanon, Myriam Abboud, Cyrille Nacouzi, Zeina Chahine, Angelica Atallah, and Mira Hleyhel


Advancements in Microwave Technology for Congestive Heart Failure Diagnosis, M. Abdel-Aleim, Moath Alathbah, Fatma Taher, Mohamed Fathy Abo Sree, Thamer Alghamdi, and Sara Yehia Elshatlawy


Advancements in Microwave Technology for Brain Diagnosis: A Comprehensive Survey on Neurodegenerative Diseases, Tumors, and Stroke Detection, M. Abdel-Aleim, Ahmed F. Miligy, Fatma Taher, Mohamed Fathy Abo Sree, Assem H. Elfeky, and Sara Yehia Abdel Fatah


Green finance growth prediction model based on time-series conditional generative adversarial networks, Aya Salama Abdelhady, Nadia Dahmani, Lobna M. AbouEl-Magd, Ashraf Darwish, and Aboul Ella Hassanien


Strategic responses of the clients of multinational audit firms to corporate governance audit regulation, Zayyad Abdul-Baki, Ahmed Diab, and Abdelrhman Yusuf


CRAS-FL: Clustered resource-aware scheme for federated learning in vehicular networks, Sawsan AbdulRahman, Ouns Bouachir, Safa Otoum, and Azzam Mourad


Robotic Judges: A New Step Towards Justice or the Exclusion of Humans?, Karem Sayed Aboelazm, Khalid Mohamed Dganni, Fady Tawakol, and Hanadi Sharif


Public-Private Partnership: A New Policy to Ameliorate the Quality of Public Utility Services to the Public, Karem Sayed Aboelazm, Fady Tawakol, Khalid Mohamed Dganni, and Nada Zuhair Alfil


Does the audit committee member’s accounting experience associated with key audit matter types?, Ahmed Aboud, Hany Elbardan, Moataz El-Helaly, and Amr Kotb


Software Defined Radio Based Sensing for Breathing Monitoring: Design, Challenges, and Performance Evaluation, Najah AbuAli, Muhammad Bilal Khan, Farman Ullah, Mohammad Hayajneh, Mohammed Hussain, Mobeen Ur Rehman, and Kil To Chong


The Information Age for Education via Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: A Bibliometric and Systematic Literature Analysis, Hassan Abuhassna, Fareed Awae, Mohamad A.B.M. Adnan, Mahyudin Daud, and Abdulla S.B. Almheiri


Improved genetic algorithm for mobile robot path planning in static environments, Mohd Nadhir Ab Wahab, Amril Nazir, Ashraf Khalil, Wong Jun Ho, Muhammad Firdaus Akbar, Mohd Halim Mohd Noor, and Ahmad Sufril Azlan Mohamed


Mangrove sediments-associated bacterium (Bacillus sp. SW7) with multiple plant growth-promoting traits promotes the growth of tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum), Mahideen Afridi, Balamurugan Sadaiappan, Amna Saood Nassar, Henda Mahmoudi, Munawwar Ali Khan, and Sunil Mundra


Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Efficient Cluster Head Selection in WSN, Imtiaz Ahmad, Tariq Hussain, Babar Shah, Altaf Hussain, Iqtidar Ali, and Farman Ali


Nonplanar Robotic Printing of Earth-Based Material: A Case Study Using Cob-like Mixture, Lina Ahmad, Wassim Jabi, and Marco Sosa


Crossing Boundaries: Upscaling Obsolete Aircraft Interiors in a Sustainability-Focused Design Studio, Lina Ahmad, Marco Sosa, and Karim Musfy


An expert system-based restoration method for energy services, Waqas Ahmad, Babar Shah, Tariq Hussain, Shaker EI-Sappagh, and Farman Ali


Empowering change: The role of gender diversity in steering ESG integration into executive compensation, Ammad Ahmed, Abiot Tessema, and Atia Hussain


Early Detection and Categorization of Cervical Cancer Cells Using Smoothing Cross Entropy-Based Multi-Deep Transfer Learning, Rania Ahmed, Nadia Dahmani, Ghada Dahy, Ashraf Darwish, and Aboul Ella Hassanien


Of ‘international exposure’, place and mobility trajectories: domestic students and international students in the education hub of Dubai, Jill Ahrens


A sentiment analysis approach for understanding users’ perception of metaverse marketplace, Ahmed Al-Adaileh, Mousa Al-Kfairy, Mohammad Tubishat, and Omar Alfandi


One-Year-Ahead Neural Network-Based HVAC Electricity Consumption Optimization: The Influence of Occupancy Schedules, Maher Alaraj, Marianela Parodi, Mohammed Radi, Maysam F. Abbod, and Munir Majdalawieh


Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the Arabian Gulf Region Over a 12-Year Period (2010–2021), A. Alatoom, M. Alattas, B. Alraddadi, C. Ayoub Moubareck, A. Hassanien, W. Jamal, A. Kurdi, N. Mohamed, A. Senok, A. M. Somily, and H. Ziglam


Entrepreneurial Fear-of-Failure among the Emirati Youth: An Ordered Logistic Regression Estimation, Mouawiya Alawad, Aleciane da Silva Moreira Ferreira, and Linda Smail


Analyzing Student's Perceptions about the Values of Digital Citizenship, Abdelsalam F. ALAwAmRAh, Hadi Al Ajmi, Najwa A. Darawsheh, Hanadi Alrashdan, Khaleda Kh Alkailanee, Abdulla sultan bin Hareb Almheiri, Ibrahim A.E. Aldarmaki, O. Darawsheh, and Ola A. Urabi


Integrating User-Generated Content (UGC) with the Normative Approach to Define Indicators of Quality for Visitor Experience at Archaeodestinations, Mohammad M. Alazaizeh


How are value orientations toward intangible cultural heritage important to local cultural festival development?, Mohammad M. Alazaizeh, Paolo Mura, and Malek M. Jamaliah


Smartphone Forensics: A Comparative Study of Common Mobile Phone Models, Abduljalil Alblooshi, Naser Aljneibi, Farkhund Iqbal, Richard Ikuesan, Mohamad Badra, and Zainab Khalid


Unlocking Transparency in Credit Scoring: Leveraging XGBoost with XAI for Informed Business Decision-Making, Maryam Alblooshi, Hessa Alhajeri, Meera Almatrooshi, and Maher Alaraj


The relationship between emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and clinical decision-making among critical care nurses in Jordan, Mohammed R. AL Btoush, Malakeh Z. Malak, Shaher H. Hamaideh, and Ahmed H. Shuhaiber


Entrepreneurship Education Integration and Implementation in Undergraduate Programs in the United Arab Emirates, Reem AlDhaheri


SaaS Application Maturity Assessment Model, Saiqa Aleem, Rabia Batool, Shayma Alkobaisi, Faheem Ahmed, and Asad Masood Khattak


Deep convolutional neural networks with genetic algorithm-based synthetic minority over-sampling technique for improved imbalanced data classification, Suja A. Alex, J. Jesu Vedha Nayahi, and Sanaa Kaddoura


Assessment of Heavy Metals in Greenhouse Cultivated Soils, Northern Jordan, Abeer A. Al-Hamad, Ahmed A. Al-Taani, Habes Ghrefat, Mohammad Khawajah, and Abeer Zoubi


Assessing the efficiency of teacher education program in Emirati university for preparing pre-service teachers for inclusive education, Muna Mohamed Alhammadi


The Role of Endowments in Achieving the Goals of Security and Freedom, Eiman Alhashmi


How to Overcome Poverty with Zakat, Eiman Ahmed Khaleel Alhashmi


Proof of Disciplinary Violations During Administrative Investigation Per Jordanian Civil Service Bylaw No. 9 Of 2020: A Comparative Study, Odai AlHeilat and Nayel AlOmran