Submissions from 2015
A service oriented broker-based approach for dynamic resource discovery in virtual networks, Sleiman Rabah, May El Barachi, Nadjia Kara, Rachida Dssouli, and Joey Paquet
On the limit distributions for partially observed branching processes with generation-dependent detection, I. Rahimov
Perspectives and obstacles of the shareholder activism implementation: A comparative analysis of civil and common law systems, Khurram Raja and Alex Kostyuk
Orientations to Interpersonal Arguing in the United Arab Emirates, with Comparisons to the United States, China, and India, Chrysi Rapanta and Dale Hample
Gazes that matter: Young emirati women’s spatial practices in Dubai, Anke Reichenbach
Laughter in times of uncertainty: Negotiating gender and social distance in Bahraini women's humorous talk, Anke Reichenbach
Marriage counseling in the UAE, K. Rider
Raising the Green Banner: Islamist Student Politics in Israel, Tilde Rosmer
Benthic O2 uptake of two cold-water coral communities estimated with the non-invasive eddy correlation technique, Lorenzo Rovelli, Karl M. Attard, Lee D. Bryant, Sascha Flögel, Henrik Stahl, J. Murray Roberts, Peter Linke, and Ronnie N. Glud
Agent-based framework for sensor-to-sensor personalization, Nabil Sahli, Nafaa Jabeura, and Mohamad Badra
A fuzzy-based credibility model for a probabilistic evaluation of web resources, Zohra Saoud, Noura Faci, Zakaria Maamar, and Djamal Benslimane
Impact of Sybil attacks on Web services trust assessment, Zohra Saoud, Noura Faci, Zakaria Maamar, and Djamal Benslimane
Sybil tolerance and probabilistic databases to compute web services trust, Zohra Saoud, Noura Faci, Zakaria Maamar, and Djamal Benslimane
Web services trust assessment based on probabilistic databases, Zohra Saoud, Noura Faci, Zakaria Maamar, and Djamal Benslimane
Mathematics and mobile learning, Fayez Sayed
E-mail authorship attribution using customized associative classification, Michael R. Schmid, Farkhund Iqbal, and Benjamin C.M. Fung
Effective alignment of disciplinary and institutional accreditation and assessment: A UAE computing case study, Kevin Schoepp, Maurice Danaher, and Leon Jololian
Investigating the need for transparent disclosures of political campaign contributions and lobbying expenditures by U.S. private prison corporations, Winifred D. Scott
Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: Part 1 - The experiment, Nazmi Sellami, Marius Dewar, Henrik Stahl, and Baixin Chen
Fuzzy logic-based guaranteed lifetime protocol for real-time wireless sensor networks, Babar Shah, Farkhund Iqbal, Ali Abbas, and Ki Il Kim
Problems with best practice, Raymond Sheehan
Effects of Contextual Information on Seeing Pareidolic Religious Inscriptions on an Artifact: Implications for the Shroud of Turin, Mercedes Sheen and Timothy R. Jordan
Adaptation to local thermal regimes by crustose coralline algae does not affect rates of recruitment in coral larvae, Nachshon Siboni, David Abrego, Christian Evenhuis, Murray Logan, and Cherie A. Motti
Posttraumatic Stress and Well-Being Following Relationship Dissolution: Coping, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms From Past Trauma, and Traumatic Growth, Bhaveena Studley and Man Cheung Chung
Enhancing social science research in the UAE: An open source software solution university of sharjah (UOS) case study, Manar Abu Talib, Muhammed AbuOdeh, Adhraa Almansoori, and Arwa AlNauimi
Impact and recovery of pH in marine sediments subject to a temporary carbon dioxide leak, Peter Taylor, Anna Lichtschlag, Matthew Toberman, Martin D.J. Sayer, Andy Reynolds, Toru Sato, and Henrik Stahl
Coastal vulnerability to typhoon inundation in the Bay of Bangkok, Thailand? Evidence from carbonate boulder deposits on Ko Larn island, James P. Terry, Kruawun Jankaew, and Kieran Dunne
The genius is out of the bottle: smart drugs are here to stay, Justin Thomas
Conceptualising mental health in the United Arab Emirates: the perspective of traditional healers, Justin Thomas, Nowf Al-Qarni, and Steven W. Furber
Culturally and Spiritually Attuned Psychotherapy in the UAE, Justin Thomas and Steven W. Furber
Depressive rumination and experiential avoidance: A task based exploration, Justin Thomas, Monique Raynor, and David Ribott
Developing general cultural awareness in a monocultural English as a foreign language context in a Mexican university: a wiki-based critical incident approach, Paola Trejo Vences and Richard Fay
A green energy-aware hybrid virtual network embedding approach, Nizar Triki, Nadjia Kara, May El Barachi, and Souad Hadjres
Stock markets and industrial production in north and south of Euro-zone: Asymmetric effects via threshold cointegration approach, Athanasios Tsagkanos and Costas Siriopoulos
Phosphorus behavior in sediments during a sub-seabed CO2 controlled release experiment, Ayumi Tsukasaki, Masahiro Suzumura, Anna Lichtschlag, Henrik Stahl, and Rachael H. James
Grief experiences among female American and Arab undergraduate college students, Mary Alice Varga, Tricia M. McClam, and Sofoh Hassane
Latin American revolutionaries and the Arab world: From the Suez Canal to the arab spring, Federico Vélez
Network and device forensic analysis of Android social-messaging applications, Daniel Walnycky, Ibrahim Baggili, Andrew Marrington, Jason Moore, and Frank Breitinger
The headscarf effect revisited: Further evidence for a culture-based internal face processing advantage, Yin Wang, Justin Thomas, Sophia C. Weissgerber, Sahar Kazemini, Israr Ul-Haq, and Susanne Quadflieg
Re-Forming vision. On the governmentality of Griersonian documentary film, Lars Weckbecker
Poor men with money: On the politics of not studying the poorest of the poor in Urban South Africa, James Williams
Enhancing business processes with web 2.0 features, Fadwa Yahya, Khouloud Boukadi, Zakaria Maamar, and Hanêne Ben Abdallah
Characterization of L-type calcium channel activity in atrioventricular nodal myocytes from rats with streptozotocin-induced Diabetes mellitus, Kathryn H. Yuill, Lina T. Al Kury, and Frank Christopher Howarth
Effects of ethical leadership on emotional exhaustion in high moral intensity situations, Dianhan Zheng, L. A. Witt, Eleanor Waite, Emily M. David, Marinus van Driel, Daniel P. McDonald, Kori R. Callison, and Loring J. Crepeau
Submissions from 2014
Privacy of mobile users: Pitfalls and recommendations, Naser Mohamed Al Ali, Dima Alhadidi, and Zakaria Maamar
Explaining the decline in fertility among citizens of the GCC countries: The case of the UAE, Mouawiya Al Awad and Carole Chartouni
CAT Record (computer activity timeline record): A unified agent based approach for real time computer forensic evidence collection, Shadi Al Awawdeh, Ibrahim Baggili, Andrew Marrington, and Farkhund Iqbal
An information security awareness program to address common security concerns in IT unit, Shadi Al Awawdeh and Abdallah Tubaishat
A comparison of forensic acquisition techniques for android devices: A case study investigation of orweb browsing sessions, Nedaa Al Barghouthy and Andrew Marrington
Ethics behind cyber warfare: A study of Arab citizens awareness, Nedaa Baker Al Barghuthi and Huwida Said
The link between national paid leave policy and work-family conflict among married working parents, Tammy D. Allen, Laurent M. Lapierre, Paul E. Spector, Steven A.Y. Poelmans, Michael O'Driscoll, Juan I. Sanchez, Cary L. Cooper, Ashley Gray Walvoord, Alexandros Stamatios Antoniou, Paula Brough, Sabine Geurts, Ulla Kinnunen, Milan Pagon, Satoru Shima, and Jong Min Woo
An approach for the validation of file recovery functions in digital forensics' software tools, Sultan Al Sharif, Mohamed Al Ali, Naser Salem, Farkhund Iqbal, May El Barachi, and Omar Alfandi
A forensic analysis framework for recovering encryption keys and BB10 backup decryption, Halima Al Shehhi, Dua'A Abu Hamdi, Izzeddin Asad, and Farkhund Iqbal
Report on the seal impressions and related small finds, Marta Ameri
Gender differences in response to contingent rewards: Evidence from a natural experiment of junior tennis, Nejat Anbarci, K. Peren Arin, and Jungmin Lee
Sourcing strategies to keep up with competition: The case of SAP, Michelle Antero, Jonas Hedman, and Stefan Henningsson
Revealing variations in perception of mental states from dynamic facial expressions: A cautionary note, Elisa Back and Timothy R. Jordan
Preface, M. Badra
Design and performance analysis of a virtual ring architecture for smart grid privacy, Mohamad Badra and Sherali Zeadally
Performance of a logical, five-phase, multithreaded, bootable triage tool, Ibrahim Baggili, Andrew Marrington, and Yasser Jafar
The reproductive season of Acropora in Socotra, Yemen, Andrew H. Baird, David Abrego, Emily J. Howells, and Vivian R. Cumbo
Smartcity workshop chairs welcome message, F. Belqasmi, R. Glitho, and N. Crespi
Web service compositions with fuzzy preferences: A graded dominance relationship-based approach, Karim Benouaret, Djamal Benslimane, Allel Hadjali, Mahmoud Barhamgi, Zakaria Maamar, and Quan Z. Sheng
An exploration of bias in meta-analysis: the case of technology integration research in higher education, Robert M. Bernard, Eugene Borokhovski, Richard F. Schmid, and Rana M. Tamim
A meta-analysis of blended learning and technology use in higher education: From the general to the applied, Robert M. Bernard, Eugene Borokhovski, Richard F. Schmid, Rana M. Tamim, and Philip C. Abrami
Detecting bias in meta-analyses of distance education research: big pictures we can rely on, Robert M. Bernard, Eugene Borokhovski, and Rana M. Tamim
Adaption and adjustment of military spouses to overseas postings: An online forum study, Gillian Blakely, Catherine Hennessy, Man Cheung Chung, and Heather Skirton
Analysis of the Rhode Island schumann resonance daily-average data, Robert Boldi, Earle Williams, and Anirban Guha
Inclusion in higher education: A case study, Christopher C. Butts, Kizzy M. Parks, Lavious Felix Daniels, and Elizabeth Sanz
New technologies track chairs welcome message, Jose M.Alcaraz Calero, Yan Zhang, and Munir Majdalawieh
Reputation-based composition of social web services, Alessandro Celestini, Gianpiero Costantino, Rocco De Nicola, Zakaria Maamar, Fabio Martinelli, Marinella Petrocchi, and Francesco Tiezzi
Prospects and Challenges of Free Trade Agreements: Unlocking Business Opportunities in Gulf Co-Operation Council (GCC) Markets, Doren Chadee, Banjo Roxas, and Tim Rogmans
Accruals and Real Earnings Management around Debt Covenant Violations, Trevor W. Chamberlain, Umar R. Butt, and Sudipto Sarkar
Posttraumatic stress symptoms and well-being following relationship dissolution: Past trauma, alexithymia, suppression, Man Cheung Chung and Laura J. Hunt
Posttraumatic stress disorder and psychiatric comorbidity following the 2010 flood in Pakistan: Exposure characteristics, cognitive distortions, and emotional suppression, Man Cheung Chung, Sabeena Jalal, and Najib Ullah Khan
Posttraumatic stress reactions following burglary: The role of coping and personality, Man Cheung Chung, Jacqui Stedmon, Rachel Hall, Zoe Marks, Kate Thornhill, and Rebecca Mehrshahi
Common Educational Proficiency Assessment (CEPA) in English, Christine Coombe and Peter Davidson
Online engineering courses: Benchmarking quality, Maurice Danaher
Chemically mediated behavior of recruiting corals and fishes: A tipping point that may limit reef recovery, Danielle L. Dixson, David Abrego, and Mark E. Hay
Non-HDL and triglycerides are independently associated with anthropometrical indices in a cypriot population of healthy adults, Andreou Eleni, Papandreou Dimitrios, Hajigeorgiou Photos, Rachaniotis Nikolaos, Philippou Christiana, Kyriakou Katia, Avraam Thalia, Chappa Georgia, Kallis Prokopis, Lazarou Chrystalleni, Christoforou Christoforos, Kokkinofta Rebecca, Dioghenous Christos, Zampelas Antonis, Loizou Louis, and Aletrari Elena
Macro-scaffolding: Contextual support for teacher learning, Marion Engin
The anthropology of the state and the state of anthropology in Brunei, Frank Fanselow
Britain, Europe and national identity: Self and other in international relations, Justin Gibbins
Digital forensics and cyber crime: Fifth international conference, ICDF2C 2013 Moscow, Russia, September 26–27, 2013 revised selected papers, Pavel Gladyshev, Andrew Marrington, and Ibrahim Baggili
Accreditation and assessment of learning in the UAE, Valerie Priscilla Goby and Catherine Nickerson
Cross-level effects of procedural justice perceptions on faculty trust, Maja Graso, Lixin Jiang, Tahira M. Probst, and Wendi L. Benson
Schumann Resonance spectral characteristics: A useful tool to study Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) on a global scale, Anirban Guha, Earle Williams, Robert Boldi, Gabriella Satori, Tamás Nagy, Joan Montanyà, and Pascal Ortega
Countrywide spread of OXA-48 carbapenemase in Lebanon: Surveillance and genetic characterization of carbapenem-non-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae in 10 hospitals over a one-year period, D. Hammoudi, C. Ayoub Moubareck, J. Aires, A. Adaime, A. Barakat, N. Fayad, N. Hakime, M. Houmani, T. Itani, Z. Najjar, M. Suleiman, R. Sarraf, and D. Karam Sarkis
How to detect carbapenemase producers? A literature review of phenotypic and molecular methods, D. Hammoudi, C. Ayoub Moubareck, and D. Karam Sarkis
Privacy-preserving medical reports publishing for cluster analysis, Ali Hmood, Benjamin C.M. Fung, and Farkhund Iqbal
The effect of global English on culture and identity in the UAE: a double-edged sword, Sarah Hopkyns
Differentiated QoS for overlay-based disaster response systems, Mohammadmajid Hormati, Ferhat Khendek, Roch Glitho, and Fatna Belqasmi
Coral spawning in the Gulf of Oman and relationship to latitudinal variation in spawning season in the northwest Indian Ocean, E. J. Howells, D. Abrego, G. O. Vaughan, and J. A. Burt
The second postwar party system and the future of Japanese politics, R. J. Hrebenar
The fall of the DPJ and return of the LDP to power: The december 2012 house elections, R. J. Hrebenar and K. Haraguchi
Japan's changing party system, R. J. Hrebenar and M. Itoh
Party politics in Japan: Political chaos and stalemate in the twenty-first century, R. J. Hrebenar and A. Nakamura
An authentication scheme to protect the location privacy of femtocell users, Mohammed Hussain
Trust in Mobile Cloud Computing with LTE-based Deployment, Mohammed Hussain and Basel Mohamed Almourad
Effective third party auditing in cloud computing, Mohammed Hussain and Mohamed Basel Al-Mourad