Submissions from 2018
Smart Toys, Patrick C. K. Hung, Farkhund Iqbal, and Benjamin Yankson
A Guide to Resources for Business Discourse Teaching, Cornelia Ilie, Catherine Nickerson, and Brigitte Planken
Business Discourse Teaching Materials, Cornelia Ilie, Catherine Nickerson, and Brigitte Planken
Case Studies in Teaching, Cornelia Ilie, Catherine Nickerson, and Brigitte Planken
Consultancy-Based Projects, Cornelia Ilie, Catherine Nickerson, and Brigitte Planken
Interviews with Business Discourse Teachers, Cornelia Ilie, Catherine Nickerson, and Brigitte Planken
Learners and Business Discourse Learning Outcomes, Cornelia Ilie, Catherine Nickerson, and Brigitte Planken
Research and Client-Based Projects, Cornelia Ilie, Catherine Nickerson, and Brigitte Planken
Research Methodologies and Business Discourse Teaching, Cornelia Ilie, Catherine Nickerson, and Brigitte Planken
The Future of Business Discourse Teaching, Cornelia Ilie, Catherine Nickerson, and Brigitte Planken
What Is Business Discourse Teaching, Cornelia Ilie, Catherine Nickerson, and Brigitte Planken
Reconciling Culture and Digital Literacy in the United Arab Emirates, Tony Jewels and Rozz Albon
A new perspective on the swiss cheese model applied to understanding the anatomy of healthcare data breaches, Faouzi Kamoun and Mathew Nicho
Cruise tourism in the Middle East, Magdalena Karolak
Conclusions: Where next for wearables?, Don Kerr and John Gammack
Glocalization, Habibul Haque Khondker
Making sociology universal: Revisiting the contributions of Syed Hussein Alatas, Habibul Haque Khondker
Poverty and Inequality in the Arab World, Habibul Haque Khondker
Encounters with Interactive Technologies in UAE Museums, Kara McKeown and Sabrina DeTurk
Islamic pedagogy: Potential and perspective, Nadeem A. Memon and Mariam Alhashmi
Chapter 10 Emerging Pollutants: Fate, Pathways, and Bioavailability, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 11 Stability and Safety of Engineered Barrier Systems for Waste Containment, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 12 Radioactive Waste Disposal: Hosting Environment, Engineered Barriers, and Challenges, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 13 Hydraulic Properties of Soils, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 14 Electrical Properties of Soils, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 15 Magnetic Properties of Soils, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 16 Dielectric Permittivity and Moisture Content, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 17 Advances in the Determination of Soil Moisture Content, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 2 Sources and Characteristics of Wastes, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 3 Management of Wastes: An International Prospective, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 4 The Soil System, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 5 Groundwater, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 6 Soil-Water Interaction, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 7 Soil and Contaminant Interaction, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 8 Fate and Effects of Pollutants on the Land Environment, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 9 Subsurface Contaminant Transport, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Preface, Abdel-Mohsen Onsy Mohamed and Evan K. Paleologos
Cinema technologies, M. R. Ogden
Student‐Generated Assessment, David M. Palfreyman
Building Student Background for Specific Academic Vocabulary, Muhammad Asif Qureshi
Reliability, Matthew A. Robby and Christina Gitsaki
Encountering Domestic Slavery: A Narrative from the Arabian Gulf, Rima Sabban
Qatar and Bahrain, Rima Sabban
United Arab Emirates and Oman, Rima Sabban
Promoting or resisting change?: The United States and the Egyptian uprising, 2011–2012, Ahmed Ali Salem
Russia’s return to the Gulf, Li-Chen Sim
Quo Vadis? External Powers in a Changing Gulf Region, Li-Chen Sim and Jonathan Fulton
Social Business Process Modeling, Fadwa Yahya, Khouloud Boukadi, Zakaria Maamar, and Hanêne Ben-Abdallah
Submissions from 2017
Women in Organizations: Understanding Barriers to Advancements of Female Employees, Afra Ahmad, Amanda Anderson, Isaac Sabat, Ashley Membere, and Eden King
Contributor Biographical Sketches, Christopher J. Anderson, Angela H. Balius, Amy Barlow, Jayne Blodgett, Cassie Brand, Hilary Bussell, Mary Ann Cullen, Emy Nelson Decker, Scott Fralin, Carolyn White Gamtso, Christy Groves, Jessica Hagman, Lauren Hays, Corinne Laverty, Corinne Laverty, Melissa Mannon, Brian Mathews, Judith Mavodza, Pete McDonnell, Lauren Pressley, Keith Russell, Elizabeth A. Sanders, Stephen A. Sanders, Corey Seeman, Ashley Shealy, Amy R. Stalker, Jennifer A. Townes, Karen Viars, Sandy Whipple, and Sally Ziph
Biliteracy as policy in academic institutions, Beverly Baker, David M. Palfreyman, Gwenn Hiller, Wilson Poha, and Zina Manu
Empowering culturally foreign teachers by fostering cultural competence, Lydia Barza
Newspaper coverage of the rise of Lincoln in 1860: Cooper Union, the Republican convention, and the election, David W. Bulla
The suppression of the Mid-Atlantic Copperhead Press, David W. Bulla
"Freely and fearlessly": The 1863 New York editors' resolutions, D. W. Bulla
The French intellectuals in the face of Stalinism: André Gide and L.F. Céline in the Soviet Union (1936), Annick Durand
Determinants of Corporate Leverage in Publicly Listed GCC Companies – Conventional versus Sukuk, Rwan El-Khatib
Destination image, customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions: The state-of-the-art and a new research agenda, A. Fotiadis, M. Sotiriadis, and C. A. Vassiliadis
The promise and perils of wearable technologies, John Gammack and Andrew Marrington
Africa and the middle east: Shifting alliances and strategic partnerships, Hamdy A. Hassan and Hala Thabet
The United Arab Emirates: Modernity and Traditionalism in Petroleum Sector Management, Martin Hvidt
Parliamentary debates, Cornelia Ilie
Destination Place Identity, Touristic Diversity and Diversification in the Arabia Gulf, Magdalena Karolak
Negotiating space for women's academic leadership within the Arab Gulf States, Linzi J. Kemp, Christina Gitsaki, and Wafa Zoghbor
Karim, Nazmul (1922–1982), Habibul Khondker
Migrant Workers, Habibul Khondker
Bangladesh and the Banality of Violence: Civility, Culture, and Crime, Habibul Haque Khondker
Citizen-centered governance Lessons from high-performing Asian economies for Bangladesh, Habibul Haque Khondker
Industrialization and the Factory System, Habibul Haque Khondker
Migration governance: Global national interface, Habibul Haque Khondker
Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh: Politics, Personality and Policies, Habibul Haque Khondker
UAE: Training and development at United Bank: What do the employes think?, Scott L. Martin, Zainab Habeeb Abdulla, and Hashil Abdalla Zamzam
Integrating Experiential Learning Into Information Literacy Curriculum, J. Mavodza
Gea Group Aktiengesellschaft: Doing Business In The Middle East, Ian Michael, Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan, and Zeenath Khan
Exploring leadership communication in the United Arab Emirates: Issues of culture and gender, Catherine Nickerson and Valerie Priscilla Goby
Learner autonomy and groups, David M. Palfreyman
Introduction: Biliteracies in Higher Education, David M. Palfreyman and Christa Van Der Walt
A Security Threat Analysis of Smart Home Network with Vulnerable Dynamic Agents, Laura Rafferty, Farkhund Iqbal, and Patrick C. K. Hung
Introduction, David B. Sachsman
Travel review websites and interactive travel forums, M. Sotiriadis, A. Fotiadis, and C. A. Vassiliadis
Chapter 12. Arabic language teacher education, Hanada Taha
Hindu identity as a site of liminality, Leena Taneja
Arts and the Super-Rich: Emerging Relations in the Gulf and the East, Sarina Wakefield
Transnational heritage in Abu Dhabi: Power, politics and identity, Sarina Wakefield
Privacy Preservation Framework for Smart Connected Toys, Benjamin Yankson, Farkhund Iqbal, and Patrick C. K. Hung
Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, Joshua Jebuntie Zaato
Submissions from 2016
Model course syllabus: Management of security issues in wearable technology, Michelle C. Antero
The ethicality of immersive sponsorship within a children’s edutainment centre, Damien Arthur
Elephants and the making of early modern India, Martha Chaiklin
Impact of piracy on Somalia: Society, economy, and state building, Afyare A. Elmi, Said Mohamed, and Ladan Affi
Teaching gender in other classrooms: A view from the outside, Jyoti Grewal
Carbapenem-Resistant, Gram-Negative Bacilli: The State of the Art. The State of the Art, D. H. Halat, D. K. Sarkis, and Carole Ayoub Moubareck
Emirati cultural identity in the age of 'Englishisation': Voices from an Abu Dhabi university, Sarah Hopkyns
Parliament as a conceptual nexus, Pasi Ihalainen, Cornelia Ilie, and Kari Palonen
Parliamentary discourse and deliberative rhetoric, Cornelia Ilie
Central and Eastern European parliamentary rhetoric since the nineteenth century: The case of Romania and Poland, Cornelia Ilie and Cezar M. Ornatowski
Towards Conflict-Free Virtual Enterprises, Ejub Kajan, Nanjangud C. Narendra, and Zakaria Maamar
Towards a Typology of Business Models for NFC-Based Mobile Payment Services, Faouzi Kamoun
Does Interface Design Influence Consumers' Security Perception?, Faouzi Kamoun and Mohanad Halaweh
Social media and the Arab spring in Bahrain: From mobilization to confrontation, Magdalena Karolak