Submissions from 2020
Writeprint Mining For Authorship Attribution, Farkhund Iqbal, Mourad Debbabi, and Benjamin C. M. Fung
A Survey of Approaches for Estimating Meteorological Visibility Distance Under Foggy Weather Conditions, Faouzi Kamoun, Hazar Chaabani, Fatma Outay, and Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar
Clubbing in Dubai: The Making of a “Party Capital”, Magdalena Karolak
Music for Thought: Examining Saudi Identities Expressed Through Music on Social Media, Magdalena Karolak
International Cooperation During the Cold War: British Interest in Chile’s Early Nuclear History, 1955–1970, James Lockhart
Correction to: A Recursive Co-occurrence Text Mining of the Quran to Build Corpora for Islamic Banking Business Processes, Farhi Marir, Issam Tlemsani, and Munir Majdalwieh
The Evolving Landscape of Research Methods in Library and Information Science, Judith Mavodza
A Closer Look at Undergraduate Research in the United Arab Emirates, Jase Moussa-Inaty
Contemporary Asian Artistic Expressions and Tourism – An Introduction, Paolo Mura, Keith Kay Hin Tan, and Chun Wei Choy
UAE: Brief Review of Education in the United Arabic Emirates, Edward G. Nichols and Anna Kohn
Islamic Banking in GCC: Emergence, Growth, and Prospects, Eda Orhun
Arzner, Dorothy (1897–1979), Chrysavgi Papagianni
Postfeminist Media Cultures, Chrysavgi Papagianni
Women Filmmakers in the United Arab Emirates, Chrysavgi Papagianni
Assessing L2 Argumentation in the UAE Context, Jingjing Qin
“Facing life together”: Everyday friendship and well-being among Dubai’s Indian diaspora, David Sancho
Maritime Heritage in the Sultanate of Oman, Eric Staples
Methodological Quality of Educational Technology Meta-analyses, Rana M. Tamim, Eugene F. Borokhovski, and Robert M. Bernard
Different Types of Sport Events, Chris A. Vassiliadis and Anestis Fotiadis
‘What Do I Get?’ Punk Objects as Meaningful and Valuable Souvenirs, Kok Leong Yuen and Paolo Mura
Kid-Friendly Digital Communication For Hotels And Service Adaptation: Empirical Evidence From Family Hotels, Mustafeed Zaman, Tatiana Dauxert, and Noela Michael
Submissions from 2019
Zakat and Its Socio-Economic Merits, Mohammed Abdul Karim Al-Banna and Ian Michael
Post-Arab Spring: The Arab World Between the Dilemma of the Nation-State and the Rise of Identity Conflicts, Hassanein Ali
Big data and wellbeing in the Arab world, Aamna Al-Shehhi, Ian Grey, and Justin Thomas
Sleep, obesity and cardiometabolic disease in children and adolescents, Teresa Arora and Ian Grey
A critical snapshot of the practice of public relations in the United Arab Emirates, Badran A. Badran
Literacy Learning in the UAE: A Case for Exploration: NorthStar International School, United Arab Emirates, Fatima Bailey
Revisiting Software Engineering in the Social Era, Vanilson Burégio, Ejub Kajan, Mohamed Sellami, Noura Faci, Zakaria Maamar, and Djamal Benslimane
The Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia: Survival of a Minority Faith in a Secular Society, Frank Cibulka
Computational Analysis Techniques: A Case Study On Fmri For Autism Spectrum Disorder, Omar Dekhil, Ali Mahmoud, Ahmed Shalaby, Ahmed Soliman, Fatma Taher, Hassan Hajjdiab, Ashraf Khalil, Mohammed Ghazal, Robert Keynton, Gregory Barnes, and Ayman El-Baz
Innovation and Transformation in Early Childhood Education in the UAE, Anna Dillon
A Critical Approach to Developing Culturally Relevant Leadership Curricula for Muslim Students, Eman S. ElKaleh
A Noninvasive Image-Based Approach Toward An Early Diagnosis Of Autism, Yaser ElNakieb, Ahmed Shalaby, Ali Mahmoud, Hassan Hajjdiab, Ashraf Khalil, Mohammed Ghazal, Fatma Taher, Ahmed Soliman, Robert Keynton, Gregory Barnes, and Ayman El-Baz
Chinese Economic Statecraft and the Gulf Cooperation Council, Jonathan Fulton
Drone-Based Vegetation Assessment in Arid Ecosystems, David Gallacher
Challenges and Opportunities in Sourcing, Preparing and Developing a Teaching Force for the UAE, Kay Gallagher
Introduction: Education in the UAE—Context and Themes, Kay Gallagher
Leadership Development in the UAE: Critical Perspectives on Intercultural Pedagogies in a Graduate Education Programme, Barbara Harold and Lauren Stephenson
The Making of a Mobile Caliphate State in the African Sahel, Hamdy Hassan
The Halting Process of Democratization in the Arab World: Current Challenges and Prospects, Hamdy A. Hassan and Hassanein T. Ali
Developing Oracy Skills for Student Voice Work, Marion Heron and David M. Palfreyman
Gender Equality and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Middle East, Nicolina Kamenou-Aigbekaen
Novel Approaches For Segmenting Cerebral Vasculature, Heba Kandil, Ahmed Soliman, Ali Mahmoud, Ahmed Shalaby, Fatma Taher, Mohammed Ghazal, Adel Elmagraby, and Ayman El-Baz
The Gamification of Augmented Reality Art, Patrick Lichty
Towards A Robust Cad System For Early Diagnosis Of Autism Using Structural Mri, Ali Mahmoud, Yaser ElNakieb, Ahmed Shalaby, Ahmed Soliman, Fatma Taher, Hassan Hajjdiab, Ashraf Khalil, Mohammed Ghazal, Robert Keynton, Jasjit S. Suri, Gregory N. Barnes, and Ayman El-Baz
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms: An exciting era of genome sequence analysis, B. Meera Krishna, Munawwar Ali Khan, and Shams Tabrez Khan
Using Theory-Based Research in Supporting Creative Learning Environment for Young Children, Amanda J. Muhammad, Gloysis Mayers, and Deborah G. Wooldridge
Autonomy and Its Role in English Language Learning: Practice and Research, David M. Palfreyman and Philip Benson
Interactive/Transmedia Storytelling As Cultural Narrative: Stories Of Family, Place And Identity, Melissa Lee Price and Michael R. Ogden
“Emotional Exhaustion and Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study of a Port Logistics Organization”, Panagiotis Reklitis, Anestis Fotiadis, and Panagiotis Trivellas
Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Job Satisfaction in a Port Logistics Organization, Panagiotis Reklitis, Anestis Fotiadis, and Panagiotis Trivellas
Editors’ Introduction: An Overview of the Educational Administration and Leadership Curriculum: Traditions of Islamic Educational Administration and Leadership in Higher Education, Eugenie A. Samier and Eman S. ElKaleh
Educational Administration and Leadership Curricula for Modern Nation-Building in Muslim Countries: Modernisation, National Identity and the Preservation of Values and Culture, Eugenie A. Samier and Eman S. ElKaleh
Employers’ Perception on the Antecedents of Graduate Employability for the Information Technology Sector, Nidhi Sehgal and Saboohi Nasim
Early Diagnosis System For Lung Nodules Based On The Integration Of A Higher-Order Mgrf Appearance Feature Model And 3d-Cnn, Ahmed Shaffie, Ahmed Soliman, Ali Mahmoud, Hadil Abu Khalifeh, Fatma Taher, Mohammed Ghazal, Adel Elmaghraby, and Ayman El-Baz
International Student Perceptions of Libraries: Experiences from the Middle East and North Africa, Kristine N. Stewart and Kenneth C. Haggerty
Arabic Language Education in the UAE: Choosing the Right Drivers, Hanada Taha Thomure
In Quest of Educational Quality in the UAE, Rana M. Tamim and Linda K. Colburn
Gendering Farmer Producer companies at the Agricultural Frontier of India: Empowerment or Burden?, Indrakshi Tandon
The Experience of Quality in Higher Education in the United Arab Emirates: In Times of Rapid Change and Complexities, Burcu Tezcan-Unal
Social Business Process Modeling, Fadwa Yahya, Khouloud Boukadi, Zakaria Maamar, and Hanêne Ben-Abdallah
Submissions from 2018
Foreign language learning policy in the United Arab Emirates: Local and global agents of change, Mira Al Hussein and Christina Gitsaki
Early Diagnosis and Staging of Prostate Cancer Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: State of the Art and Perspectives, Ruba Alkadi, Fatma Taher, Ayman El-Baz, and Naoufel Werghi
Bab al-Maqam: From Beginnings to Caricatures of Banality, Samirah Alkassim and Nezar Andary
Behind the Scenes and Films in the Making, Samirah Alkassim and Nezar Andary
Collaborations and Documentary, Samirah Alkassim and Nezar Andary
Early Years and Memories, Samirah Alkassim and Nezar Andary
Excerpts from The Dream: A Diary of a Film, Samirah Alkassim and Nezar Andary
Filmmaking in the New Millennium, Samirah Alkassim and Nezar Andary
From Quneitra to Moscow and Back, Samirah Alkassim and Nezar Andary
Ladder to Damascus : On Patriarchy and Resistance, Samirah Alkassim and Nezar Andary
On Cinema al-Dunya by Muhammad Malas, Samirah Alkassim and Nezar Andary
Poignancy and Memoir in Documentary, Samirah Alkassim and Nezar Andary
Reflections on Memory, Intertextuality, and Banned Films, Samirah Alkassim and Nezar Andary
The Cinema of Memory, Samirah Alkassim and Nezar Andary
Lifestyle modification in long-term management of Chronic diseases, Haleama Al Sabbah
Model course syllabus: Management of security issues in wearable technology, Michelle C. Antero
The Origins And Evolution Of Islamic Law Of Rebellion: Its Significance To The Current International Humanitarian Law Discourse, Mohamed Badar, Ahmed Al-Dawoody, and Noelle Higgins
Leveraging brand touchpoints: A literature review and research agenda, Lars Bergkvist and Marc Mazodier
Gauging the Effectiveness of Educational Technology Integration in Education: What the Best-Quality Meta-Analyses Tell Us, Robert M. Bernard, Eugene Borokhovski, Richard F. Schmid, and Rana M. Tamim
The state of research on distance, online, and blended learning: Meta-analyses and qualitative systematic reviews, Robert M. Bernard, Eugene Borokhovski, and Rana M. Tamim
Gender and Gender Roles, Jane Bristol-Rhys
New spaces and sociabilities are reshaping Emirati society, Jane Bristol-Rhys
Hazara civil society activists and local, national, and international political institutions, Melissa Kerr Chiovenda
Media narratives of gender in the contentious conservative age of Trump, Pam Creedon
The Impact of a SIG on Assessment Literacy, Peter Davidson and Christine Coombe
An Example: Electromagnetism, Jon Pierre Fortney
An Introduction to Differential Forms, Jon Pierre Fortney
Changes of Variables and Integration of Forms, Jon Pierre Fortney
Generalized Stokes' Theorem, Jon Pierre Fortney
Manifolds and Forms on Manifolds, Jon Pierre Fortney
Push-Forwards and Pull-Backs, Jon Pierre Fortney
Vector Calculus and Differential Forms, Jon Pierre Fortney
Visualizing One-, Two-, and Three-Forms, Jon Pierre Fortney
Striking a balance between economics and security: China’s relations with the Gulf Monarchies, Jonathan Fulton
The promise and perils of wearable technologies, John Gammack and Andrew Marrington
Foreword, Christina Gitsaki
Ethics in Testing and Assessment, Christina Gitsaki and Matthew A. Robby
The role of the private sector in supporting research, Barbara Harold
Transitioning from a Teaching to a Research-Focused Collection in a Middle Eastern University: A Road Map for Future Directions, Lilly Hoi Sze Ho