Submissions from 2022
Written to be Erased: Paper Rights and the Visibility of Migrant Domestic Workers, Rima Sabban and Hannah Kasak-Gliboff
Lexical collocations in Arabic-English bilinguals' writing across two proficiency levels, Ali Kamel Al Sharef and Michael Bowles
A Job Killer or a Job Creator? The Adoption of AI in Organizations, Ahmed Shuhaiber
Developing and Validating a Model of Intention to Use a Smart Energy Metering System, Ahmed Shuhaiber and Nabil (Transpower Adam
Conclusion, Telma Gharibian Steinhagen
Rethinking learning and teaching using plurilingual pedagogy in the UAE: Challenges and success stories, Telma Gharibian Steinhagen
Arabic language teacher training in the Arabian peninsula: Great teachers don't grow on trees, Hanada Taha Thomure
Acintyabhedābheda, Leena Taneja
Reflections on English-Medium Instruction in Turkish Higher Education Institutions, Educational Quality and Insights from International Experience, Burcu Tezcan-Ünal and Diane Schmitt
Football in Egypt: Between Joy and Politics, Hala Thabet
Dual Learning Model for Multiclass Brain Tumor Classification, Rohit Thanki and Sanaa Kaddoura
There Is No Health Without Mental Health: The Middle East and North Africa, Justin Thomas and Alaa Galadari
Salutogenesis Post-Graduate Education: Experience From the European Perspective on the ETC-PHHP Health Promotion Summer Schools (1991–2020), Lenneke Vaandrager, Anna Bonmatí-Tomàs, Arnd Hofmeister, Carlos Alvarez-Dardet, Paolo Contu, Maria Koelen, Gaby Ortiz-Barreda, Giuseppe Masanotti, Gwendolijn Boonekamp, Lynne Kennedy, Giancarlo Pocetta, Dolors Juvinya Canal, Patrizia Garista, Bengt Lindström, and Magdalena Wrzesińska
The Application of Salutogenesis in Communities and Neighborhoods, Lenneke Vaandrager and Lynne Kennedy
Teacher Training in Inclusive Education: Project Collaboration Between Al Jalila Foundation - Ta’alouf Program and Zayed University, Beth Wiens, Suha Karaki, and Laila Mohebi
Submissions from 2021
Towards a Modular Ontology for Cloud Consumer Review Mining, Emna Ben Abdallah, Khouloud Boukadi, and Rima Grati
2 Left ventricle segmentation for cine MR using deep learning, Hisham Abdeltawab, Fahmi Khalifa, Fatma Taher, Mohammed Ghazal, Ali H. Mahmoud, Ayman El-Baz, and Jasjit S. Suri
Implementing Blended Learning in Classrooms: Educators' Perspectives, Ilhaam Abrahams, Lawrence Meda, and Eunice N. Ivala
Palm Tree Detection in Drone Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: Investigating the Effective Use of YOLO V3, R. Y. Aburasain, E. A. Edirisinghe, and Ali Albatay
Conclusion: Emerging Insights on Islamic Education Curriculum Renewal, Mariam Alhashmi
The Changing Dynamics in the UAE–Syria Relationship, Khalid Almezaini
Chapter 21 Artificial intelligence and data analytics for geosciences and remote sensing theory and application, Feras Al-Obeidat, Farhi Marir, Fares M. Howari, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, and Neil Banerjee
Some Socio-demographic Usage Patterns in Ephemeral Content Sharing Social Networks: The Case of Snapchat, Ons Al-Shamaileh, Anas Aloudat, Amal Alrayes, and Hakim Hacid
Chapter 12 Groundwater scarcity in the Middle East, Ahmed A. Al-Taani, Yousef Nazzal, and Fares M. Howari
Circulating Things, Circulating Stereotypes: Representations of Arabia in Eighteenth-Century Imagination, Ileana Baird
Introduction: Complex Legacies: Materiality, Memory, and Myth in the Arabian Peninsula, Ileana Baird
Introduction: “Speaking to the Eyes”—Reassessing the Enlightenment in the Digital Age, Ileana Baird
Outliers, Connectors, and Textual Periphery: John Dennis’s Social Network in The Dunciad in Four Books, Ileana Baird
From Cradle to Grave: A Life Story in Jewelry, Marie-Claire Bakker and Kara McKeown
Fandet Semantic Model: An OWL Ontology for Context-Based Fake News Detection on Social Media, Anoud Bani-Hani, Oluwasegun Adedugbe, Elhadj Benkhelifa, and Munir Majdalawieh
Construct Confusion in Advertising Research, Lars Bergkvist and Tobias Langner
Afghan Refugees in Greece: Overcoming Traumatic Events and Post-Traumatic Growth, Melissa Kerr Chiovenda
Religion and Transitional Justice in the Czech Republic, Frank Cibulka
Solving the Multi-objective 2-Dimensional Vector Packing Problem Using ϵ-constraint Method, Nadia Dahmani, Saoussen Krichen, El-Ghazali Talbi, and Sanaa Kaddoura
Beyond Internal Corporate Social Responsibility Communication (ICSRC): Creating a Purposeful Organization, Ganga S. Dhanesh
Corporate Social Responsibility in Egypt, Noha El-Bassiouny, Dina El-Bassiouny, Salma Karem Kolkailah, Nada Zahran, and Sara Moharram
3 Computational methods for identifying left ventricle heart pathologies, Ahmed Elnakib, Mohammed Ghazal, Fatma Taher, Ali H. Mahmoud, and Ayman El-Baz
CropWaterNeed: A Machine Learning Approach for Smart Agriculture, Malek Fredj, Rima Grati, and Khouloud Boukadi
Transient Places. Dialogues on Photography Education, Ioannis Galanopoulos Papavasileiou
Ethnicity, Insecurity and Geostrategic Transformation in the Horn of Africa, Hamdy A. Hassan
Multilingualism and linguistic hybridity in Dubai, Sarah Hopkyns
Chapter 4 Geographic information system spatial data structures, models, and case studies, Fares M. Howari and Habes Ghrefat
Freya Stark’s Tales of Travel on the Coast of Incense, Zoe Hurley
Perennial Forage Grass Production on the Marginal Arabian Peninsula Land, M. Iftikhar Hussain, Nosheen Akhtar, Asad Sarwar Qureshi, and David Gallacher
Efficacy of Group Work in the Online Platform: An Exploration of Multicultural Undergraduates’ Attitudes in Online Academic Writing Classes, Ajrina Hysaj, Doaa Hamam, and Sandra Baroudi
Chapter 20 Assessment of radiation pollution from nuclear power plants, Jibran Iqbal, Fares M. Howari, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, and Evan K. Paleologos
Blockchain for Healthcare and Medical Systems, Sanaa Kaddoura and Rima Grati
E-services and M-services Using IoT: An Assessment of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Magdalena Karolak, Anjum Razzaque, and Abdalmuttaleb Al-Sartawi
Playing First-Person Perspective Games with Deep Reinforcement Learning Using the State-of-the-Art Game-AI Research Platforms, Adil Khan, Asad Masood Khattak, Muhammad Zubair Asghar, Muhammad Naeem, and Aziz Ud Din
Playing Doom with Anticipator-A3C Based Agents Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and the ViZDoom Game-AI Research Platform, Adil Khan, Muhammad Naeem, Asad Masood Khattak, Muhammad Zubair Asghar, and Abdul Haseeb Malik
Treating Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders With Herbal Medicines - The Mechanistic Approach to Tackle Obesity Using Traditional Herbal Plants, Saniyah Saleem Khan
Strategies to Counter Zinc Deficiency, Current Status and Future Directions, Shams Tabrez Khan and Munawwar Ali Khan
An Efficient Supervised Machine Learning Technique for Forecasting Stock Market Trends, Asad Khattak, Adil Khan, Habib Ullah, Muhammad Usama Asghar, Areeba Arif, Fazal Masud Kundi, and Muhammad Zubair Asghar
A Guiding Framework for IoT Servitization, Zakaria Maamar, Noura Faci, and Fadwa Yahya
A Transactional Approach to Enforce Resource Availabilities: Application to the Cloud, Zakaria Maamar, Mohamed Sellami, and Fatma Masmoudi
Secure and Internet-Less Connectivity to a Blockchain Network for Limited Connectivity Bank Users, Daniel Maldonado-Ruiz, Mohamad Badra, Nour El Madhoun, and Jenny Torres
Digital Transformation in Higher Education: Maturity and Challenges Post COVID-19, Adam Marks, Maytha AL-Ali, Reem Attasi, Abdellah Abu Elkishk, and Yacine Rezgui
Chapter 6 Site investigation, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Fares M. Howari, Habes Ghrefat, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 9 Outdoor air pollutants sources, characteristics, and impact on human health and the environment, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Munjed A. Maraqa, Fares M. Howari, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 19 Noise pollution and its impact on human health and the environment, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Evan K. Paleologos, and Fares M. Howari
Marine Mammals of the Arabian Seas, Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara, Robert Baldwin, Gillian Braulik, Tim Collins, and Ada Natoli
Modeling Immune Dynamics in Plants Using JIMENA-Package, Özge Osmanoglu, Shabana Shams, Thomas Dandekar, and Muhammad Naseem
Cine-Things: The Revival of the Emirati Past in Nojoom Alghanem’s Cinemascape, Chrysavgi Papagianni
Male Infertility Management With Alternative Medicine: Promises, Practice, and Perspectives – Treatment of Male Infertility Using Plant-Based Alternative Medicine, Sreepoorna Pramodh
Risk, Identity and Conflict: A Critical Overview, Steven Ratuva, Hamdy A. Hassan, and Radomir Compel
Risk, Identity and Conflict: Some Concluding Remarks, Steven Ratuva, Hamdy A. Hassan, and Radomir Compel
Blending of Physicians’ Leadership and Decision-Making Style Within Virtual Platforms for Improving Service Quality, Anjum Razzaque and Magdalena Karolak
Written in Silver: Protective Medallions from Inner Oman, James Redman
Creatio Continua and Quantum Randomness, Emil Salim and Shoaib Ahmed Malik
Chapter 12 Health economics of air pollution, Costas Siriopoulos, Aristeidis Samitas, Vasileios Dimitropoulos, Angeliki Boura, and Durra M. AlBlooshi
Hyperhomocysteinemia and Cancer: The Role of Natural Products and Nutritional Interventions, Wamidh H. Talib, Muna Barakat, and Lina T. Al Kury
Muslim Women Travellers’ Constraints: A Critical Review, Rokhshad Tavakoli and Paolo Mura
COVID-19 and the Way to Authoritarian Rule in Ethiopia, Hala Thabet
RootAsRole: Towards a Secure Alternative to sudo/su Commands for Home Users and SME Administrators, Ahmad Samer Wazan, David W. Chadwick, Remi Venant, Romain Laborde, and Abdelmalek Benzekri
Organic Reach on YouTube: What Makes People Click on Videos from Social Media Influencers?, Jason Weismueller and Paul Harrigan
Semi-supervised Time Series Anomaly Detection Model Based on LSTM Autoencoder, Hui Xiao, Donghai Guan, Rui Zhao, Weiwei Yuan, Yaofeng Tu, and Asad Masood Khattak
Afterword: All Things Collected, Hülya Yağcıoğlu
An IoT-Based Non-invasive Diabetics Monitoring System for Crucial Conditions, Hermon Yehdego, Safa Otoum, and Omar Alfandi
Hard Disk Failure Prediction via Transfer Learning, Rui Zhao, Donghai Guan, Yuanfeng Jin, Hui Xiao, Weiwei Yuan, Yaofeng Tu, and Asad Masood Khattak
Submissions from 2020
Cloud Applications in Language Teaching, Ibtehal Mahmoud Aburezeq and Fawzi Fayez Ishtaiwa Dweikat
Introduction, Nermin Allam and Magdalena Karolak
Chapter 11 Families and physical health, Haleama Al Sabbah
Small-Scale Sports Event Marketing Using New Marketing Concepts and Communication Tools, Park Beede
Promises and Prospects of Educational Technology, Evidence from Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses, Eugene F. Borokhovski, Rana M. Tamim, Robert M. Bernard, and Richard F. Schmid
System Dynamics Modeling of Logistics Hub Capacity: The Dubai Logistics Corridor Case Study, Alberto De Marco, Hussein Fakhry, Marco Postorino, Zakaria Maamar, and Hakim Hacid
Media Education for Sustainable Development: Integrating Sustainable Development Into Media Education, Hossam Mohamed Elhamy
Civic Nationalism and Language-in-Education Policies in the United Arab Emirates, Fatima Esseili
Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage - Sports Management, Project Management, and Sports Event Management, Anestis Fotiadis
The Gulf Cooperation Council’s “Visions” of Maritime Silk Road Initiative Cooperation, Jonathan Fulton
10 A noninvasive approach for the early detection of diabetic retinopathy, Winston Furtado, Ahmed Shalaby, Ali H. Mahmoud, Ashraf Khallaf, Ashraf Khalil, Mohammed Ghazal, Fatma Taher, Jasjit S. Suri, Guruprasad Giridharan, and Ayman El-Baz
Trade and Security Cooperation in the Arab Maghreb Union Region, Hamdy A. Hassan
Dancing between English and Arabic: Complexities in Emirati Cultural Identities, Sarah Hopkyns
Linguistic Hybridity and Cultural Multiplicity in Emirati Identity Construction, Sarah Hopkyns
Analyzing Network Level Information, Farkhund Iqbal, Mourad Debbabi, and Benjamin C. M. Fung
Artificial Intelligence And Digital Forensics, Farkhund Iqbal, Mourad Debbabi, and Benjamin C. M. Fung
Authorship Analysis Approaches, Farkhund Iqbal, Mourad Debbabi, and Benjamin C. M. Fung
Authorship Attribution With Few Training Samples, Farkhund Iqbal, Mourad Debbabi, and Benjamin C. M. Fung
Criminal Information Mining, Farkhund Iqbal, Mourad Debbabi, and Benjamin C. M. Fung
Cybersecurity And Cybercrime Investigation, Farkhund Iqbal, Mourad Debbabi, and Benjamin C. M. Fung
Messaging Forensics In Perspective, Farkhund Iqbal, Mourad Debbabi, and Benjamin C. M. Fung