Submissions from 2013
State versus society: Rethinking the state in Egypt, Hamdy Abdel Rahman Hassan
Reconciling Culture and Digital Literacy in the United Arab Emirates, Tony Jewels and Rozz Albon
Mobile NFC Services: Adoption Factors and a Typology of Business Models, Faouzi Kamoun
Globalization, disasters, and disaster response, Habibul Khondker
Social Web Services Research Roadmap: Present and Future, Zakaria Maamar, Jamal Bentahar, Noura Faci, and Philippe Thiran
Towards a Framework for Weaving Social Networks Into Mobile Commerce, Zakaria Maamar, Noura Faci, Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui, and Fahim Akhter
Great disappointments in the Arab world during Obama‘s first term, Mohammad Masad
State formation, religion, and ethnicity in the middle East and North Africa: An overview, Mohammad Masad and Kenneth Christie
Implementing the learning commons in a Middle Eastern University Library: The case of Zayed University, Judith Mavodza, Mary Sengati-Zimba, and Leslie Haas
Prosecute and Punish: Curbing Political and Administrative Corruption in Kenya, Simon H. Okoth
Technology integration in UAE schools: Current status and way forward, Rana Tamim
Anxiety Disorders, Justin Thomas
Eating Disorders, Justin Thomas
Intervention, Justin Thomas
Mood Disorders: Melancholy, Mania and Modernity, Justin Thomas
Substance-Related Disorders (Addiction), Justin Thomas
The New Arabia Felix, Justin Thomas
Submissions from 2012
Customer Service in an Emerging Market (UAE), Rawdha Khamis Al Mehairbi and Yoosuf Cader
The quest for higher socioeconomic status and adolescent health risk behavior: Case study from a migrant population in the United Arab Emirates, Caroline Barakat-Haddad and Rania Dghaim
CSMA, Khouloud Boukadi, Lucien Vincent, Chirine Ghedira, and Zakaria Maamar
The Czech Republic, Frank Cibulka
Terror, war and disjunctures in the global order, Lena Jayyusi
Teaching enterprise information systems in the United Arab Emirates, Tony Jewels
WQTM, “the team,” Orlando: Sports-talk radio in a city where sports are not king, Alma Kadragic
American Foreign Policy and the continuing struggle against Anti-Americanism in the Muslim world, M. A.Muqtedar Khan and Sara J. Chehab
Towards a healthcare interoperability framework based on medical business artifacts, social networks, and communities of healthcare professionals, Zakaria Maamar and Youcef Baghdadi
English for Specific Purposes and English as a Lingua Franca, Catherine Nickerson
Bringing the world into the institution: Mobile intercultural learning for staff and students, David M. Palfreyman
Enhancing education in the UAE through blended learning, Rana M. Tamim
Capacity-Driven Web Services, Samir Tata, Zakaria Maamar, Djamel Belaïd, and Khouloud Boukadi
How to Design and Deliver Courses for Higher Education in the AI Era?, Ahmad Samer Wazan, Imran Taj, Abdulhadi Shoufan, Romain Laborde, and Remi Venant
The Word of Politics/Politics of the Word: Immanence and Transdescendence in Sean O'Casey and Samuel Beckett, Sandra Wynands
Submissions from 2011
Business Artifacts for E-Business Interoperability, Youakim Badr, Nanjangud C. Narendra, and Zakaria Maamar
Business Artifacts for E-Business Interoperability, Youakim Badr, Nanjangud C. Narendra, and Zakaria Maamar
Critical success factors for the acquisition of enterprise resource planning (ERP): Empirical validation, Tariq Bhatti and Veerappan Jayaraman
Globalization and the transformation of gender relations in Asia, Habibul Haque Khondker
Web Services Communities: from Intra-Community Coopetition to Inter-Community Competition, Zakaria Maamar, Philippe Thiran, and Jamal Bentahar
Family, friends, and learning beyond the classroom: Social networks and social capital in language learning, David M. Palfreyman
How similar or different are we? A perception of diversity in global virtual teams, Gaelle Picherit-Duthler
The myth and reality of the North Africa versus Sub-Saharan split in the Nile basin, Ahmed Ali Salem
A Framework for the Implementation of Eco-Efficient Business Systems, Maha Shakir
Submissions from 2010
State and secularism in Bangladesh, Habibul Haque Khondker
The role and ethics of community-building for consumer products and services: With some recommendations for new-marketplace economies in emerging democracies, Dean Kruckeberg, Kenneth Starck, and Marina Vujnovic
Managing Relationships in Virtual Team Socialization, Shawn D. Long, Gaelle Picherit-Duthler, and Kirk W. Duthler
Towards a Contextual and Policy-Driven Method for Service Computing Design and Development, Zakaria Maamar, Djamal Benslimane, and Youakim Badr
Social networks and web services-based systems, Zakaria Maamar and Leandro Krug Wives
Aspect-Oriented Framework for Web Services (AoF4WS), Ghita Kouadri Mostefaoui, Zakaria Maamar, and Nanjangud C. Narendra
Leadership cultures, Almarie Esther Munley, Richard A. Couto, and Kate O'Neill
Community service learning: Preparing female students in the United Arab Emirates for the workplace, Sandra Poirier, Deborah G. Wooldridge, Gloysis Mayers, Nancy Sonleitner, and Chris Coughlin
Approximation of a sum of martingale differences generated by a bootstrap branching process, Ibrahim Rahimov
A Framework for the Implementation of Eco-Efficient Business Systems, Maha Shakir
Submissions from 2009
Evaluation of fuzzy models to support online-trust assessment, Fahim Akhter and Zakaria Maamar
Sharing the transformation: Public relations and the uae come of age, B. A. Badran, J. V. Turk, and T. N. Walters
IP Address Management: Challenges, Solutions and Future Perspectives, Faouzi Kamoun
Concepts and Operations of Two Research Projects on Web Services and Mobile Web Services, Zakaria Maamar
Design and Development of Communities of Web Services, Zakaria Maamar
Design Methodology for Mobile Information Systems, Zakaria Maamar and Qusay H. Mahmoud
Engineering Wireless Mobile Applications, Qusay H. Mahmoud and Zakaria Maamar
Palestine's view of the 2008 US presidential election, Mohammad Masad
Portals in Consumer Search Behavior and Product Customization, Ian Michael
Context-based semantic mediation in web service communities, Michael Mrissa, Stefan Dietze, Philippe Thiran, Chirine Ghedira, Djamal Benslimane, and Zakaria Maamar
Globalization, multilingualism, and gender: looking into the future, Ingrid Piller and Aneta Pavlenko
Saudi Arabia, Tim Rogmans
The Progression Towards Project Management Competence, Gregory J. Skulmoski and Francis T. Hartman
The lebanon-detroit express, Alia Yunis
Submissions from 2008
The Influence of Familiarity and Security on Decision Making Processes in E-Commerce: The Role of User Experience, Fahim Akhter and Wendy Hui
A Fuzzy Logic-Based Approach for Supporting Decision-Making Process in B2C Electronic Commerce Transaction, Fahim Akhter, Zakaria Maamar, and Dave Hobbs
A Fuzzy Logic-Based Approach for Supporting Decision-Making Process in B2C Electronic Commerce Transaction, Fahim Akhter, Zakaria Maamar, and Dave Hobbs
Developing B2B Virtual Enterprises, Ghazi Alkhatib and Zakaria Maamar
Biotechnology portals in medicine, Yoosuf Cader
Regionalism and regionalization: The state of the art from a neo-realist perspective, Monica Gariup
Distributed Resources Management in Wireless LANs, Ghassan Kbar and Wathiq Mansoor
Sociological reflections on the diasporic Bangladeshis in Singapore and USA, Habibul Haque Khondker
On Personalizing Web Services Using Context, Zakaria Maamar, Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui, and Qusay H. Mahmoud
Personalization of Web Services, Zakaria Maamar, Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Qusay H. Mahmoud, Ghita Kouadri Mostéfaoui, and Djamal Benslimane
Engineering Wireless Mobile Applications, Qusay H. Mahmoud and Zakaria Maamar
Engineering Wireless Mobile Applications, Qusay H. Mahmoud and Zakaria Maamar
Aspect-oriented framework for web services (AoF4WS): Introduction and two example case studies, Ghita Kouadri Mostefaoui, Zakaria Maamar, and Nanjangud C. Narendra
ERP Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges: A Focus on the Gulf Region in the Middle East, Maha Shakir
Case Study of Rosneft, Li-Chen Sim
Case Study of Slavneft, Li-Chen Sim
Case Study of YUKOS, Li-Chen Sim
Introduction to the Policymaking Process, Li-Chen Sim
The Initiation and Spread of Privatization, Li-Chen Sim
Entrepreneurial IT governance in a rural family practice residency program, Carla Wiggins, John C. Beachboard, Kenneth Trimmer, and Lela Kitty Pumphrey
Submissions from 2007
Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications - Enterprise Portals and Web Services Integration, Ghazi Alkhatib and Zakaria Maamar
The practice of marriage and family counseling and islam, Belkeis Altareb
Challenges in the Future, Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini, Catherine Nickerson, and Brigitte Planken
Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications - Biotechnology Portals in Medicine, Yoosuf Cader
Personalization of Web Services: Concepts, Challenges, and Solutions, Zakaria Maamar, Soraya K. Mostéfaoui, Qusay H. Mahmoud, Ghita K. Mostéfaoui, and Djamal Benslimane
Design Methodology for Mobile Information Systems, Z. Maamar and Q. Mahmoud
Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications - E-Portals in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, Ian Michael
Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies and Applications - Portals in Consumer Search Behavior and Product Customization, Ian Michael
Introduction: Learning and teaching across cultures in higher education, D. Palfreyman
"A Funky Language for Teenzz to Use", David Palfreyman and Muhamed Al Khalil
The Dubai E-Government Project, J. Piecowye
Submissions from 2006
Preface, Tom Davenport, Selma Mansar, Hajo Reijers, and Michael Rosemann
US imperialism and Bengali nationalism, Habibul Haque Khondker