Submissions from 2023
Postdigital Feminisms, Zoe Hurley
Social Media Influencing In The City Of Likes Dubai And The Postdigital Condition Conclusion, Zoe Hurley
Intersectional Feminist Autoethnographic Snaphots of Socotra, Yemen, Zoe Hurley and Widad Abdulmalik Abdu Mohammed
How Harsh Should the Legislation Be to Prevent Financial Crimes?, Perihan Iren and Moo Sung Kim
Chapter 2 - Supervised machine learning techniques to protect IoT healthcare environment against cyberattacks, Sanaa Kaddoura, Amal El Arid, and Auday Al-Dulaimy
Metaverse Forensics, Faouzi Kamoun, Farkhund Iqbal, Siem Zeresenay, Zainab Khalid, Richard Ikuesan, and Sened Abraham
Medical image analysis for the early prediction of hypertension, Heba Kandil, Ahmed Soliman, Ali Mahmoud, Fatma Taher, and Ayman S. El-Baz
Saudi Women in the Mohammed bin Salman Era: Examining the Paradigm Shift, Magdalena Karolak
Epistemology, Habibul Haque Khondker
Globalization of Sociology to the Sociology of Globalization, Habibul Haque Khondker
Modern Law, Traditional “Shalish” and Civil Society Activism in Bangladesh, Habibul Haque Khondker
Recent Developments in Chatbot Usability and Design Methodologies, Mohammad Amin Kuhail, Shahbano Farooq, and Shurooq Almutairi
An Approach-Based on Allen’s Interval Algebra to Provision Resources for Disrupted Business Processes, Zakaria Maamar, Fadwa Yahya, and Lassaad Ben Ammar
Chapter 10 Carbonation of calcium carbide residue, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 11 Carbonation of cement-based construction waste, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 12 Carbonation of mine tailings waste, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 13 Carbonation of brine waste, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 14 Carbonation of cement kiln dust, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 1 Emerging carbon-based waste management sustainable practices, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 2 Carbon capture and utilization, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 3 Assessment of carbon dioxide utilization technologies, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 4 Carbonation reaction kinetics, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 5 Mineral carbonation, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 6 Carbonation technologies, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 7 Laboratory carbonation methods: testing and evaluation, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 8 Carbonation of fly ash, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Chapter 9 Carbonation of steel slag, Abdel-Mohsen O. Mohamed, Maisa M. El Gamal, Suhaib M. Hameedi, and Evan K. Paleologos
Marine Mammals of the Emirates: Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises and Dugongs, Ada Natoli and Shamsa Al Hameli
Online Learning Habits and Engagement of Male Emirati Students: Exploratory Study, Larysa Nikolayeva
Blockchain Based Secure Interoperable Framework for the Internet of Medical Things, Wajid Rafique, Babar Shah, Saqib Hakak, and Maqbool (Software Competence Center Hagenberg Khan
How Can Blockchain Technology Be Used to Manage the COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chain? A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Directions, Huwida Said, Nedaa Baker Al Barghuthi, Sulafa Badi, and Shini Girija
Conclusion: Decolonising educational administration and leadership research to protect social institutions, culture, and identity, Eugenie A. Samier and Eman S. ElKaleh
Introduction: Exploring culturally sensitive and Indigenous research methods, Eugenie A. Samier and Eman S. ElKaleh
Moral Dilemmas in Social Robots: An Exploratory Study for Future Research, Muhammad Umair Shah, Patrick C. K. Hung, Farkhund Iqbal, Robee Kassandra Adajar, and Inon Wiratsin
‘E-Barter’ Exchanging System: Toward a Smart and Sustainable Community, Ahmed Shuhaiber, Heyam Salem Ali Alfayadhi, May Mohammed AlAwlaqi, and Maitha Abdulnasser Awadh Ali
Trust in Smart Homes: The Power of Social Influences and Perceived Risks, Ahmed Shuhaiber, Wed Alkarbi, and Sara Almansoori
Conclusion: What We Found and What Is the Way Forward?, Nataša Slak Valek
What Brain Imaging Research and Science of Reading Can Do for Arabic Language Teaching & Learning, Hanada Taha-Thomure
Early Lung Cancer Detection by Using Artificial Intelligence System, Fatma Taher
A New Science Of Teaching, Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa
Beyond Words and Numbers, Georgios Tsakirakis
Empowering Minds, Transforming Mathematics, Georgios Tsakirakis
A Subclass of Close-to-Convex Function Involving Srivastava-Tomovski Operator, Elangho Umadevi and Kadhavoor R. Karthikeyan
The Complexity of Large-scale Migrations from South Asia to the Gulf, Marko Valenta, Zan Strabac, Jo Jakobsen, and Mouawiya Alawad
The Social and Technological Incentives for Cybercriminals to Engage in Ransomware Activities, Yichao Wang, Sophia Roscoe, Budi Arief, Lena Connolly, Hervé Borrion, and Sanaa Kaddoura
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Sewit T. Yohannes, Simar Mansi, and Sanaa Kaddoura
Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, Joshua Jebuntie Zaato
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Author Age and Gender Identification, Zarah Zainab, Feras Al-Obeidat, Fernando Moreira, Haji Gul, and Adnan Amin
Submissions from 2022
A Machine Learning Approach for a Robust Irrigation Prediction via Regression and Feature Selection, Emna Ben Abdallah, Rima Grati, Malek Fredj, and Khouloud Boukadi
Meta-analysis of AI Research in Journalism: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Research Agenda for Arab Journalism, Maha Abdulmajeed and Nagwa Fahmy
Waqf as a Financing Tool and Its Role in Achieving SDGs and Foreseeing the Future, Eiman Ahmad Mohammad Khaleel Al Hashmi
Integrating Blockchain with Fog and Edge Computing for Micropayment Systems, Jamal Al-Karaki, Deepa Pavithran, and Amjad Gawanmeh
UX in the Arab World - Research Trends and Challenges for a Better Understanding and Collaboration, Ons Al-Shamaileh and Ahmed Seffah
Managerial Conflict Among the Software Development Team, Madnia Ashraf, Abdallah Tubaishat, Feras Al-Obeidat, and Ali Raza
Adolescent Mental Health in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA): Where Are We and Where Do We Go from Here?, Caroline Barakat and Fatme Al Anouti
Adolescent Health in the Middle East and North Africa: Determinants and Distribution, Caroline Barakat, Moatassem Kenaan, Fatme Al Anouti, and Rania Dghaim
Physical Activity and Sport Participation Among Adolescents from MENA, Caroline Barakat, Susan Yousufzai, Samah Mohammed, and Rania Dghaim
Innovative Practices Implemented by Preservice Teachers During Their Field Experience: Lesson Learnt from Face-to-Face and Online Field Placement, Sandra Baroudi and Zeina Hojeij
Nanoparticulate Iron Oxide Minerals for Arsenic Removal from Contaminated Water, Hamna Bashir, Irshad Bibi, Muhammad Mahroz Hussain, Nabeel Khan Niazi, and Jibran Iqbal
Toward a Configurable Thing Composition Language for the SIoT, Soura Boulaares, Salma Sassi, Djamal Benslimane, Zakaria Maamar, and Sami Faiz
Contaminant Removal by Adsorption, Marc Calvo-Schwarzwalder, Abel Valverde, Francesc Font, Maria Aguareles, and Timothy G. Myers
From theory to practice: Ways to implement plurilingual pedagogy in educational institutions in the Arabian Peninsula, Daniela Coelho and Telma Gharibian Steinhagen
Introduction, Daniela Coelho and Telma Gharibian Steinhagen
Achieving the Promise of a First-Rate Education: The UAE’s Attempt at Transforming Education Through the Lens of the Leadership for Learning Theoretical Framework, Frederic E. Conde
Language Assessment Literacy, Christine Coombe and Peter Davidson
Practical Applications of Learning-Oriented Assessment (LOA) in the UAE, Peter Davidson and Christine Coombe
Demographic and Geographic Variations in Respiratory and Allergic Conditions Among Adolescents in the United Arab Emirates, Rania Dghaim, Shatha Muhsineh, Fatma Nasser, and Caroline Barakat
Simulating Blockchain Consensus Protocols in Julia: Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake, Georgios Drakopoulos, Eleanna Kafeza, Ioanna Giannoukou, Phivos Mylonas, and Spyros Sioutas
Perspectives on Reconceptualizing and Recontextualizing Schools’ Inclusive Culture for Students with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Efthymia Efthymiou
Social Semiotics for Social Media Visuals: A Framework for Analysis and Interpretation, Hossam Mohamed Elhamy
A Process for Providing Environmentally Conscious Housing in the UAE, Mohamed Elkaftangui, Basem Eid Mohamed, Rana Zureikat, and Aya Dibaje
New Security Protocols for Offline Point-of-Sale Machines, Nour El Madhoun and Emmanuel (Orange Bertin
Early Language Education in the United Arab Emirates, Kay Gallagher
Real-World Protein Particle Network Reconstruction Based on Advanced Hybrid Features, Haji Gul, Feras Al-Obeidat, Fernando Moreira, Muhammad Tahir, and Adnan Amin
ZAEBUC design and annotation: Guidelines, processes, and insights, Nizar Habash and David M. Palfreyman
Bridging the Gap Between Informal Learning Pedagogy and Multimodal Learning Analytics, Rawad Hammad, Mohammed Bahja, and Mohammad Amin Kuhail
A Global Conversation on Native-Speakerism: Toward Promoting Diversity in English Language Teaching, Sarah Hopkyns
Snapshot of Research Issues in Service Robots, Patrick C. K. Hung, Farkhund Iqbal, Saiqa Aleem, and Laura Rafferty
Current discussions on plurilingual pedagogy: Language learning implications in the Arabian Peninsula, Nadine Jaafarawi
The Journey of Task-Based Learning and TPACK in Higher Education in the UAE, Nadine Jaafarawi
A Comparative Study of Autoregressive and Neural Network Models: Forecasting the GARCH Process, Firuz Kamalov, Ikhlaas Gurrib, Sherif Moussa, and Amril Nazir
Ten Years On: Assessing the Outcomes of The Arab Spring for Bahraini Women, Magdalena Karolak
Predictive Modeling for Obesity and Overweight in Adolescents, Current Status and Application to the MENA Region, Kinda Khalaf, Dhanya Menoth Mohan, Nour El Asswad, and Fatme Al Anouti
Forensic Analysis of Microsoft Teams: Investigating Memory, Disk and Network, Zainab Khalid, Farkhund Iqbal, Khalil Al-Hussaeni, Aine MacDermott, and Mohammed Hussain
Stopover, Filareti Kotsi and Steven Pike
Social Media Analytics for Non-Governmental Organizations, Shanghao Li, Dickson K. W. Chiu, Eleanna Kafeza, and Kevin K. W. Ho
An Approach for Mitigating Disruptions on Resources’ Consumption Cycles, Zakaria Maamar, Fatma Masmoudi, and Ejub Kajan
Digital Transformation in Higher Education: A Framework for Maturity Assessment, Adam Marks and Maytha AL-Ali
Smart Online Exam Proctoring Assist for Cheating Detection, Mohammad M. Masud, Kadhim Hayawi, Sujith Samuel Mathew, Temesgen Michael, and Mai El Barachi
An Intelligent Information System and Application for the Diagnosis and Analysis of COVID-19, Atif Mehmood, Ahed Abugabah, Ahmad A. L. Smadi, and Reyad Alkhawaldeh
A General Framework of Particle Swarm Optimization, Loc Nguyen, Ali A. Amer, and Hassan I. Abdalla
Replacing Human Input in Spam Email Detection Using Deep Learning, Mathew Nicho, Farzan Majdani, and Christopher D. McDermott
Teaching Business English in the UAE to Undergraduate Learners: A Learner-Centred Approach, Catherine Nickerson
Reader Response to Text Adaptation: A Study of Female Emirati Undergraduate Students, Larysa Nikolayeva
Reverse-Engineering Malware, Marwan Omar, Luís Borges Gouveia, Jamal Al-Karaki, and Derek Mohammed
Why a bilingual writer corpus? Motivations and approaches, David M. Palfreyman
"Social media has invaded our homes, our lives, even our dining tables": Metaphor in bilingual writers' discourse about social media, David M. Palfreyman and Omnia Amin
Object-Oriented Software Testing: A Review, Ali Raza, Babar Shah, Madnia Ashraf, and Muhammad Ilyas
Teacher Development Through Outreach Programs, Naziha Ali Raza, Christine Coombe, and Peter Davidson
Diffusing IT Competence with Business Analytics Enables Data-Driven Culture for Achieving Evidence-Based Managerial Decisions for Assuring Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Literature Survey, Anjum Razzaque, Magdalena Karolak, Frank Lorne, and Sekhar Amba