Submissions from 2025
Natural resource dependence and war nexus: new insights, Farah Al Shami, Mahmoud Arayssi, Walid Marrouch, and Nagham Sayour
Stereolithography 3D printing for vanadium redox flow battery: Electrolyte compatibility and watertightness of 3D-printed parts, Anugrah Andisetiawan, Anugrah (Research Development Centre; Tawaddod Alkindi; Saleh Atatreh; Ayoob Alhammadi; Abdulmonem Fetyan; Musbaudeen O. Bamgbopa; and Rahmat Agung Susantyoko
Stock market responses to monetary policy shocks: Firm-level evidence, K. Peren Arin, Samuel Kaplan, Efstathios Polyzos, and Nicola Spagnolo
Using choice Experiments to understand public preferences for reducing Lead-Based ammunition for environmental and health improvements in wetlands ecosystems, Mike Brock, Ruth L. Cromie, Julia L. Newth, and Kevin A. Wood
Surveillance Digitisation, Performativity, and Teacher-Student Relationships in a Blended Learning Setting, Sarah Julia Calderwood
Lunar Mare Ingenii: A comprehensive multi data study unravelling composition, chronology and terrain dynamics, Neeraja C R, Arivazhagan S, and Karthi A
Investment horizons and ESG decoupling: Distinct roles of long-term and short-term institutional investors, Yasser Eliwa and Mohamed E. Elmaghrabi
Leading Through Diversity: A Case Study of Cultural Sensitivity in a UAE Private University, Zeina Hojeij
Assessing the impact of emojis in personality-imbued chatbots: insights from an academic advising perspective, Mohammad Amin Kuhail, Ons AL-Shamaileh, Justin Thomas, Erik Thornquist, and Syed Jawad Hussain Shah
Understanding Consumers' Value Co-Creation And Value Co-Destruction With Augmented Reality Service Marketing, Waqar Nadeem, Saifeddin Alimamy, Abdul Rehman Ashraf, and Kai-Yu Wang
A Bayesian Network model to integrate blue-green and gray infrastructure systems for different urban conditions, Nur H. Orak and Linda Smail
Dysphagia in Rare Diseases and Syndromes: Current Approaches to Management and Therapeutic Innovations—A Systematic Review, Soultana Papadopoulou, Areti Anagnostopouplou, Dimitra V. Katsarou, Kalliopi Megari, Efthymia Efthymiou, Alexandros Argyriadis, Georgios Kougioumtzis, Maria Theodoratou, Maria Sofologi, Agathi Argyriadi, Efterpi Pavlidou, and Eugenia I. Toki
Emirati Student Attitudes Toward People with Intellectual Disabilities, Mazna Patka and Adam Murry
Upskilling and reskilling in the United Arab Emirates: Future-proofing careers with AI skills, David Santandreu Calonge, Firuz Kamalov, Pablo Medina Aguerrebere, Leisa Hassock, Linda Smail, Dima Yousef, Dimple R. Thadani, Theresa Kwong, and Nadia Abdulla
Status incongruence effects under conditions of task interdependence: Too close for comfort, María del Carmen Triana, M. Fernanda Garcia, Orlando Richard, İlhami Yücel, and Rawia Ahmed
Exploring Gendered Perspectives On Personality Traits And Entrepreneurial Performance In Lebanon During The Covid-19 Crisis, Moustafa Haj Youssef and Nagham Sayour
Submissions from 2024
Hyperstructures in Chemical Hyperstructures of Redox Reactions with Three and Four Oxidation States, Fakhry Asad Agusfrianto, Sonea Andromeda, and Mariam Hariri
What are the contrasting types of proactivity that manifest at work? A systematic literature review, content analysis, and future directions, Rawia Ahmed, Said Al-Riyami, Nisar Ahmad, and Aqsa Bibi
Entrepreneurial Fear-of-Failure among the Emirati Youth: An Ordered Logistic Regression Estimation, Mouawiya Alawad, Aleciane da Silva Moreira Ferreira, and Linda Smail
The AR Cloud: Navigating Metaverse Augmentation Technologies for Enhanced Co-Creation of Value Within Services, Saifeddin Alimamy and Timothy Jung
Retrieving the information stored in the donated organ may cause the patient’s personality to change after the transplant operation, Jamal Al-Karaki, Muhammad Al-Zafar Khan, Phoka Rathebe, Raul Valverde, Alireza Sepehri, and Massimo Fioranelli
An analytical investigation into solute transport and sorption via intra-particle diffusion in the dual-porosity limit, Lucy C. Auton, Maria Aguareles, Abel Valverde, Timothy G. Myers, and Marc Calvo-Schwarzwalder
Advancing Emotional Health Assessments: A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach Using Physiological Signals for Robust Emotion Recognition, Amna Waheed Awan, Imran Taj, Shehzad Khalid, Syed Muhammad Usman, Ali Shariq Imran, and Muhammad Usman Akram
High-Precision Algorithms for Fredholm Integral Equations, Fadi Awawdeh and Linda Smail
Nurturing innovation: Mentoring and the development of exemplary leadership practices for empowering female students in higher education, Sandra Baroudi
Driving transformation in higher education: Exploring the process and impact of educational innovations for sustainability through interdisciplinary studies, Sandra Baroudi and Areej ElSayary
Leadership and innovation in higher education in 2035: The open research agenda, Sandra Baroudi and Miltiadis D. Lytras
Digital, Self-Regulated Vocabulary Learning and Device Control In Out-Of-Class, Higher Education Settings, Michael Bowles
Academic integrity in the framework of a student’s sustainable anti-corruption stance: insights from sociological analysis, N. G. Chevtaeva, O. V. Bobrova, and E. Coll
Reacting to criticism: What motivates top leaders to respond substantively to negative social performance feedback?, Myrto Chliova, Gabriella Cacciotti, Teemu Kautonen, and Ignacio Pavez
Reinaga, Fausto, Ximena Cordova
Advancing Cognitive Accessibility: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Inclusivity, Rukiya Deetjen-Ruiz, Marjorie P Daniel, Jennie Telus, and Lodz Deetjen
The effect of age discrimination on employee silence: The role of age similarity with familiar individuals, María Del Carmen Triana, Rawia Ahmed, and M Fernanda García
Enhancing Social Skills Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Evaluation of the "power of Camp Inclusion" Program, Aikaterini Dolyka, Christina Evaggelinou, Katerina Mouratidou, Irini Koidou, Efthymia Efthymiou, Eleni Nikolaou, and Dimitra Katsarou
Intra-organizational knowledge sharing, ambidexterity and firm performance: evaluating the role of knowledge quality, Aleksandra Dzenopoljac, Vladimir Dzenopoljac, Shahnawaz Muhammed, Oualid Abidi, and Sascha Kraus
Entrepreneurial universities and transformational entrepreneurship: the case of the Zayed University- Minerva Project partnership, Vladimir Dzenopoljac, Elena Nikolova, and Zeynep Ozel
Voices from Afar: Cross-national study of parental perspectives towards implementation of a smart learning environment in schools in the United Arab Emirates, Maria Efstratopoulou, Maxwell Peprah Opoku, Christina Davison, Abdulrafi Jaffarul, and Aalya Mesmar
In their own voices: a nationwide study of students’ attitudes towards the implementation of smart learning environments in UAE schools, Maria Efstratopoulou, Maxwell Peprah Opoku, Aizhan Shomotova, Christina Davison, Abdulrafi Jaffarul, and Aalya Mesmar
The power of oversight: institutional investors as moderators of the earnings quality-information asymmetry nexus in Europe, Yasser Eliwa, Jim Haslam, Santhosh Abraham, and Ahmed Saleh
Integrating Generative AI in Active Learning Environments: Enhancing Metacognition and Technological Skills, Areej ElSayary
The Effectiveness of an Online Training Module for Pre-service and in-service Teachers: A Case Study, Areej Elsayary, Jenny Eppard, Laila Mohebi, Fatima Bailey, and Hanada Thomure
The Effective Use of Virtual Communication in an Online Professional Development Program: Investigating Teachers’ Attitudes, Areej Elsayary, Lawrence Meda, Suha Karaki, and Laila Mohebi
Fostering preservice teachers socio-emotional, technological, and metacognitive knowledge (STM-K) using e-portfolios, Areej ElSayary and Laila Mohebi
Entrepreneurial Intention And Education Among High School And Technical Students From Federal Institutes In Brazil, Aleciane da Silva Moreira Ferreira and Linda Smail
Performance enhancement of vanadium redox flow battery with novel streamlined design: Simulation and experimental validation, Abdulmonem Fetyan, Bronston P. Benetho, Tawaddod Alkindi, Anugrah Andisetiawan, Musbaudeen O. Bamgbopa, Ayoob Alhammadi, and Gumaa A. El-Nagar
Bankruptcy trends among european football clubs, Bojan Georgievski, Kristina Velickovska, Vladimir Dzenopoljac, Nikita Pahwa, and Aleksandra Dzenopljac
Influencer advertising: facilitating poor-fitting influencer posts, Matthew A. Hawkins and Fathima Z. Saleem
Leveraging on-board computing in autonomous ferries to identify malicious network connections: Leveraging on-board computing in autonomous ferries to identify..: K. Hayawi et al., Kadhim Hayawi, Junaid Sajid, Asad Waqar Malik, Zouheir Trabelsi, and Ayaz Ur Rehman
Generative AI and large language models: A new frontier in reverse vaccinology, Kadhim Hayawi, Sakib Shahriar, Hany Alashwal, and Mohamed Adel Serhani
An overview of university-industry collaboration in the Arab world, Zeina Hojeij
Educational leadership's role in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in education: A narrative literature review, Zeina Hojeij
Scoping the literature on Professional Development for Educators and Educational Leaders in the UAE, Zeina Hojeij, Shayma Ali Alsuwaidi, and Shanzila Ahmed
Investigating in-service teachers’ views on ChatGPT integration, Zeina Hojeij, Mohammad Amin Kuhail, and Areej ElSayary
Comparing and assessing four AI chatbots' competence in economics, Patrik T. Hultberg, David Santandreu Calonge, Firuz Kamalov, and Linda Smail
Generative AI’s Family Portraits of Whiteness: A Postdigital Semiotic Case Study, Zoe Hurley
Semioethics as an axiology of care for the self-other: A Welbian genealogy, Zoe Hurley
Soundscapes of the Adhan, the Islamic Call-to-Prayer: A Semiotic More-Than-Digital Analysis, Zoe Hurley and Tariq Elyas
What drives Indian ethnic entrepreneurs’ success in the UAE? A case study, Reynold James, Suzanna ElMassah, and Shereen Bacheer
Attention-Based Load Forecasting with Bidirectional Finetuning, Firuz Kamalov, Inga Zicmane, Murodbek Safaraliev, Linda Smail, Mihail Senyuk, and Pavel Matrenin
Identifying Language Development in Children with ADHD: Differential Challenges, Interventions, and Collaborative Strategies, Dimitra V. Katsarou, Efthymia Efthymiou, Georgios A. Kougioumtzis, Maria Sofologi, and Maria Theodoratou
Can information save lives? Effect of a victim-focused police intervention on intimate partner homicides, Vijetha Koppa
A review on polyadic chatbots: trends, challenges, and future research directions, Mohammad Amin Kuhail, Imran Taj, Saifeddin Alimamy, and Bayan Abu Shawar
Photo-to-chemical energy transformation: Pioneering photocatalysts, surface and interface engineering, Rajiv Kumar, M. P. Chaudhary, Amir Al-Ahmed, Somnath Bhattacharyya, Svetlana von Gratowski, Jibran Iqbal, and Inamuddin
Greenland summer blocking characteristics: an evaluation of a high-resolution multi-model ensemble, Linh N. Luu, Edward Hanna, Dilkushi de Alwis Pitts, Jacob Maddison, James A. Screen, Jennifer L. Catto, and Xavier Fettweis
Combining Multi-Agent Systems and Artificial Intelligence of Things: Technical challenges and gains, Pedro Hilario Luzolo, Zeina Elrawashdeh, Igor Tchappi, Stéphane Galland, and Fatma Outay
Evaluation of machine learning and deep learning methods for early detection of internet of things botnets, Ashraf Suleiman Mashaleh, Noor Farizah Ibrahim, Mohammad Alauthman, Jamal Al-Karaki, Ammar Almomani, Shadi Atalla, and Amjad Gawanmeh
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Mieszko Mazur and Efstathios Polyzos
Analyzing the effects of knowledge management on organizational performance through knowledge utilization and sustainability, Faezeh Mohaghegh, Halil Zaim, Vladimir Dzenopoljac, Aleksandra Dzenopoljac, and Nick Bontis
Critical Consciousness is an Individual Difference: A Test of Measurement Equivalence in American, Ukrainian, and Iranian Universities, Adam Murry and Mazna Patka
Unraveling the factors that influence connectedness and relationship performance with augmented reality apps, Waqar Nadeem, Saifeddin Alimamy, and Abdul R. Ashraf
Shifting sands: the use of marketing communication strategies in corporate social responsibility disclosure in the United Arab Emirates, Catherine Nickerson and Effrosyni Georgiadou
Realist or utopian pacifist? Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the question of war, Nikolaos Nikolakakis
Nanozyme-based sensing of dopamine using cobalt-doped hydroxyapatite nanocomposite from waste bones, Umar Nishan, Nighat Jabeen, Amir Badshah, Nawshad Muhammad, Mohibullah Shah, Irfan Ullah, Saifullah Afridi, Jibran Iqbal, Muhammad Asad, Riaz Ullah, Essam A. Ali, Sarfraz Ahmed, and Suvash Chandra Ojha
Multi-agent system-based framework for an intelligent management of competency building, Fatma Outay, Nafaa Jabeur, Fahmi Bellalouna, and Tasnim Al Hamzi
Enhancing Communication and Swallowing Skills in Children with Cri Du Chat Syndrome: A Comprehensive Speech Therapy Guide, Soultana Papadopoulou, Areti Anagnostopoulou, Dimitra V. Katsarou, Kalliopi Megari, Efthymia Efthymiou, Alexandros Argyriadis, Georgios Kougioumtzis, Maria Theodoratou, Maria Sofologi, Agathi Argyriadi, Efterpi Pavlidou, and Eugenia I. Toki
Knocking on Heaven’s Door? Entrepreneurship, Firm Growth, and Health Risks, Jukka Partanen, Aino Tenhiälä, Teemu Kautonen, Markus Jokela, Daniel A. Lerner, and Alexander McKelvie
The asymmetric impact of Twitter Sentiment and emotions: Impulse response analysis on European tourism firms using micro-data, Efstathios Polyzos, Anestis Fotiadis, and Tzung Cheng Huan
Efficient Market Hypothesis on the blockchain: A social-media-based index for cryptocurrency efficiency, Efstathios Polyzos, Ghulame Rubbaniy, and Mieszko Mazur
Fostering student engagement with criticism feedback: importance, contrasting perspectives and key provisions, Lutfieh M. Rabbani and Salwa Habib Husain
‘Epic Tribe’: An analysis of communitas in an underground rave movement, Razzan Razee, Neil Carr, Hazel Tucker, and Paolo Mura
Intrinsic satisfaction and turnover intentions: the moderating roles of collegial and managerial values congruence, Bridget Rice, Muhammad Mustafa Raziq, Nigel Martin, John Lewis Rice, Mumtaz Memon, and Peter Fieger
Dynamic Returns Connectedness: Portfolio Hedging Implications During the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Russia–Ukraine War, Ghulame Rubbaniy, Ali Awais Khalid, Konstantinos Syriopoulos, and Efstathios Polyzos
Bilingual language education as key to sustainable knowledge production for the knowledge economy in the gulf, Fatma F.S. Said
Grandparents as custodians of Arabic as a heritage language in the United Kingdom, Fatma F.S. Said
Introduction: learning, re-learning, and un-learning language(s) in the multilingual family during COVID-19 lockdown, Fatma F. S. Said and Kristin Vold Lexander
Does Mandating CSR Reporting in the EU Generate Horizontal Spillovers?, Ahmed Saleh, Yasser Eliwa, and Ahmed Aboud
Analyzing student prompts and their effect on ChatGPT’s performance, Ghadeer Sawalha, Imran Taj, and Abdulhadi Shoufan
Enhancing resilience and reducing waste in food supply chains: a systematic review and future directions leveraging emerging technologies, Asmaa Seyam, May EI Barachi, Cheng Zhang, Bo Du, Jun Shen, and Sujith Samuel Mathew
Putting GPT-4o to the Sword: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Language, Vision, Speech, and Multimodal Proficiency, Sakib Shahriar, Brady D. Lund, Nishith Reddy Mannuru, Muhammad Arbab Arshad, Kadhim Hayawi, Ravi Varma Kumar Bevara, Aashrith Mannuru, and Laiba Batool
A hybrid approach of vision transformers and CNNs for detection of ulcerative colitis, Syed Abdullah Shah, Imran Taj, Syed Muhammad Usman, Syed Nehal Hassan Shah, Ali Shariq Imran, and Shehzad Khalid
Higher education student engagement, leadership potential and self-perceived employability in the United Arab Emirates, Aizhan Shomotova and Ali Ibrahim
Leadership potential and self-perceived employability of undergraduate students in the United Arab Emirates, Aizhan Shomotova, Tatiana Karabchuk, and Ali Ibrahim
Exploring the determinants of students’ motivation in pursuing a degree in the field of education in the UAE, Zubaida Shraim, Assile AlAmili, Shaikha Al Shehhi, and Zeina Hojeij
Exploring the influence of environmental, social and individual factors on the entrepreneurial intentions of Emirati university students, Linda Smail, Mouawiya AlAwad, and Wasseem Abaza
The Metaverse, Religious Practice and Wellbeing: A Narrative Review, Justin Thomas, Mohammad Amin Kuhail, and Fahad AlBeyahi
Investigating the impact of adsorbent particle size on column adsorption kinetics through a mathematical model, Abel Valverde, Alba Cabrera-Codony, Marc Calvo-Schwarzwalder, and Timothy G. Myers
School as sustainable enterprise: Building climate resilient communities through investment in the girl child, Jeremy B. Williams and Rebecca Keogh
Submissions from 2023
Blockchain based solution for Pharma Supply Chain Industry, Salam Abdallah and Nishara Nizamuddin
Transition to Distance Learning: Student Experience and Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Arab Emirates, Soumaya Abdellatif, Aizhan Shomotova, Safouane Trabelsi, Salwa Husain, Najeh Alsalhi, and Mohamed Eltahir
Online meeting tools, tacit knowledge sharing and entrepreneurial behaviours among knowledge workers during COVID-19, Oualid Abidi, Vladimir Dženopoljac, and Mirna Safi