Submissions from 2011
Revitalizing the introductory programming course, Qusay Mahmoud, Manar Abu Talib, Zakaria Maamar, Emad Bataineh, and Leon Jololian
Web of things: Description, discovery and integration, Sujith Samuel Mathew, Yacine Atif, Quan Z. Sheng, and Zakaria Maamar
Knowledge representation using Bayesian networks: A case study in web effort estimation, Emilia Mendes
Forensic analysis of private browsing artifacts, Huwida Said, Noora Al Mutawa, Ibtesam Al Awadhi, and Mario Guimaraes
IPhone forensics techniques and crime investigation, Huwida Said, Alya Yousif, and Hessa Humaid
Submissions from 2010
Why customers reluctant to buy from your website?, Fahim Akhter and Adam Marks
The construction of a new Lexicon design for Arabic language, Bilal Bataineh and Emad Bataineh
Is Facebook really "open" to all?, Maria Claudia Buzzi, Marina Buzzi, Barbara Leporini, and Fahim Akhter
Towards a service-oriented network virtualization architecture, May El Barachi, Nadjia Kara, and Rachida Dssouli
Database forensics, Mario A.M. Guimaraes, Richard Austin, and Huwida Said
Track 4 - digital ecosystem research and development, Zakaria Mammar and Yoosuf Cader
Techniques for quantitative analysis of software quality throughout the SDLC: The SWEBOK guide coverage, Manar Abu Talib, Adel Khelifi, Alain Abran, and Olga Ormandjieva
A Gulf Perspective to Using a Blended Learning Approach to Motivate Students in an Outcome-Based University, Abdallah Tubaishat and Azzedine Lansari
Submissions from 2009
Conceptual framework: How to engineer online trust for disabled users, Fahim Akhter, Maria Claudia Buzzi, Marina Buzzi, and Barbara Leporini
Usability and accessibility of eBay by screen reader, Maria Claudia Buzzi, Marina Buzzi, Barbara Leporini, and Fahim Akhter
User trust in ecommerce services: perception via screen reader, Maria Claudia Buzzi, Marina Buzzi, Barbara Leporini, and Fahim Akhter
Database and database application security, Huwida E. Said, Mario A. Guimaraes, Zakaria Maamar, and Leon Jololian
Internet usage among Arab adolescents: Preliminary findings, Kathy Ning Shen and Maha Shakir
The Impact of Laptops on Female Students Learning in an Outcome-Based Learning Environment, Abdallah Tubaishat and Emad Bataineh
Submissions from 2008
Assessment of real-time software specifications quality using COSMIC-FFP, Manar Abu Talib, Adel Khelifi, Alain Abran, and Olga Ormandjieva
E-commerce security: The categorical role of computers in forensic online crime, Fahim Akhter
Gender and cultural differences in adoption of e-business infrastructure in UAE, Fahim Akhter
Building secure e-business systems: Technology and culture in the UAE, Fahim Akhter and Lami Kaya
Integrating The Security+ Exam Objectives Into Information Technology Curricula, Akram Al-Rawi and Azzedine Lansari
A Course Sequence For Integrating Problem Solving And Critical Thinking In A Hybrid Outcome Based Is/It Curriculum, Azzedine Lansari, Akram Al-Rawi, Abdallah Tubaishat, and Faouzi Bouslama
Submissions from 2007
A case study: Adoption of information technology in e-business of United Arab Emirates, Fahim Akhter
The contribution of intelligent system in forming trust and competitiveness during online transactions, Fahim Akhter
An intelligent integrated e-Government framework: The case of Jordan, Ghazi Alkhatib, Emad Bataineh, Haider Fraihat, and Zakaria Maamar
New Mobile-based Electronic Grade Management System, Emad Bataineh and Hend Al Abbar
Exploring factors influencing the adoption of mobile commerce, Tariq Bhatti
Submissions from 2006
The cross-cultural challenges of adopting b2ce-commerce in middle east, europe, north americaand africa: An exploratory study, Fahim Akhter
Integrating IT certifications in networking courses: CISCO CCNA versls comptia network+, Akram Al-Rawi, Azzedine Lansari, and Faouzi Bouslama
Smart e-trader: A prototype information management system for UAE stock markets, F. A. Amir, H. Ibraheem, H. Mesmar, S. A. Mutawa, and E. Bataineh
Web service = E + F + I, Emad Bataineh, Zakaria Maamar, Djamai Benslimane, and Chirine Ghedira
New hardware architecture for bit-counting, Ahmed Dalalah, Sami Baba, and Abdallah Tubaishat
Optimal restrictions for shareware use - time or functionality based, Wendy Hui and Fahim Akhter
Analysis of distributed resource management in wireless LANs that support fault tolerance, Ghassan Kbar and Wathiq Mansoor
Towards aspect-based modeling of self-healing Web Services, G. Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Z. Maamar, N. C. Narendra, and Ph Thiran
Decoupling security concerns in web services using aspects, G. Kouadri Mostéfaoui, N. C. Narendra, Z. Maamar, and S. Sattanathan
The world of work beneath the veil, A. Rhodes and N. Edge
Ontologies for specifying and reconciling contexts of web services, S. Sattanathan, N. C. Narendra, and Z. Maamar
Context-driven policy enforcement and reconciliation for Web services, S. Sattanathan, N. C. Narendra, Z. Maamar, and G. Kouadri Mostéfaoui
Submissions from 2005
Integrating certifications into information systems curricula, Akram Al-Rawi, Azzedine Lansari, and Faouzi Bouslama
E-learning and the educational organizations structure reengineering (EOSR), Osama Alshara and Abdallah Tubaishat
A Proposed Architecture to Support Student-Centered Paradigm in Virtual Learning Environment, Emad Bataineh
On coordinating personalizedweb services using CooPS, Zakaria Maamar, Emad Bataineh, and Ghazi AlKhatib
On Coordinating Personalized Web Services using COOPS, Z. Maamar, E. Bataineh, and G. AlKhatib
Context for Personalized Web Services, Z. Maamar, S.K. Mostefaoui, and Q.H. Mahmoud
On self-coordinating web services using similarity and neural networks, Z. Maamar, I. Younas, D. Benslimane, C. Ghedira, and H. Yahyaoui
Addressing enterprise information security, Anthony Rhodes
Submissions from 2004
Determining the factors which engender customer trust in business-to-consumer (B2C) electronic commerce, Fahim Akhter, Dave Hobbs, and Zakaria Maamar
Infrastructure for mobile learning environments, Arif Bhatti and Miroslaw Majewski
A conceptual analysis of the role of conversations in Web services composition, Zakaria Maamar, Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui, and Emad Bataineh
Submissions from 2003
A new non-recursive algorithm for binary search tree traversal, Akram Ai-Rawi, Azzedine Lansari, and Faouzi Bouslama
A New Structured Approach to Alleviate Disorientation in a Hypermedia Environment, Emad Bataineh
An agent-based approach to specify a Web service-oriented environment, Z. Maamar, F. Akhter, and M. Lahkim
Mining the web and medline medical records to discover new facts on diabetes, Farhi Marir, Huwida Said, and Usama Alalami
Submissions from 2002
The Use of Laptops within the Gulf and Islamic Culture, Emad Bataineh and Bradley Saunders
Rethinking process guidance for selecting software components, N. Maiden, H. Kim, and Cornelius Ncube
The limitations of current decision-making techniques in the procurement of COTS software components, Cornelius Ncube and John C. Dean
Submissions from 2001
A Summary Look at Internet Based Distance Education, Emad Bataineh