Submissions from 2005
Technology Tools for Teaching: A Current Initiative in Public Teacher Training in the United Arab Emirates, Fida Atallah and Robin Dada
Social Work with Muslims: Insights from the Teachings of Islam, Abdullahi Barise
A Proposed Architecture to Support Student-Centered Paradigm in Virtual Learning Environment, Emad Bataineh
Using Technology-Mediated Learning Environment to Overcome Social and Cultural Limitations in Higher Education, Arif Bhatti, Abdallah Tubaishat, and Eyas El-Qawasmeh
Using Technology-Mediated Learning Environment to Overcome Social and Cultural Limitations in Higher Education, Arif Bhatti, Abdallah Tubaishat, and Eyas El-Qawasmeh
Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Empirical Validation, T. R. Bhatti
Understanding Information Technology: What do Graduates from Business-oriented IS Curricula Need to Know?, John C. Beachboard and Kevin R. Parker
Technology Tools for Teachers (T3): A Case Study, Robin Dada and Fida Atallah
Wind-towers and pearl fishing: Architectural signals in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century Arabian Gulf, Ronald Hawker, Daniel Hull, and Omid Rouhani
Online Information Literacy: Challenges in an Arabic Context, Fiona Hunt and Janet Martin
Views in composite Web services, Zakaria Maamar, Djamal Benslimane, Chirine Ghedira, and Michael Mrissa
Toward an agent-based and context-oriented approach for web services composition, Zakaria Maamar, Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui, and Hamdi Yahyaoui
A Holistic Approach to Develop IS Curricula: Focusing on Accreditation and IT Certification, Akram Mahmoud Al-Rawi, Azzedine Lansari, and Faouzi Bouslama
Integrating Sun Certification Objectives into an IS Programming, Akram Mahmoud Al-Rawi, Azzedine Lansari, and Faouzi Bouslama
Book Review: Punishment And Power In The Making Of Modern Japan, Bill Mihalopoulos
Towards a semantic- and context-based approach for composing web services, Michaël Mrissa, Djamal Benslimane, Zakaria Maamar, and Chirine Ghedira
Construcciones japonesas, Rafael Reyes-Ruiz
Youth in the United Arab Emirates: Perceptions of problems and needs for a successful transition to adulthood, Alan Russell, Chris Coughlin, Mohamed El Walily, and Mona Al Amri
A framework for place based health planning, David A. Yeboah
The Portfolio Assessment Model – Assessing Learning Outcomes and Program Review, Brad Young and Susan Jones
Submissions from 2004
Are Some Taxes Different than Others? An Empirical Investigation of Tax Policy in Canada, K. Peren Peren Arin and Faik Koray
Is it Inflation or Inflation Variability? A Note on the Stock Return-Inflation Puzzle, K. Peren Peren Arin and Abdullah Mamun
An Enhanced Multimedia-based System for e-learning Applications, Ibrahim Kamel and Emad Batainah
Explorations in Blended Learning in a Second Language University, Steve Lydiatt
The Association of Audit and Nonaudit Services Fees between Sec and Non-Sec Investigated Firms, Winifred D. Scott and Willie E. Gist
Enabling personalized composition and adaptive provisioning of web services, Quan Z. Sheng, Boualem Benatallah, Zakaria Maamar, Marion Dumas, and Anne H.H. Ngu
Submissions from 2003
Fiscal Policy, Private Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from G-7 Countries, Kerim Peren Arin
A New Structured Approach to Alleviate Disorientation in a Hypermedia Environment, Emad Bataineh
A Novel Outcome-Based Educational Model and its Effect on Student Learning, Curriculum Development, and Assessment, Faouzi Bouslama, Azzedine Lansari, Akram Mahmoud Al-Rawi, and Abdullah A. Abonamah
An efficient indexing scheme for multi-dimensional moving objects, Khaled Elbassioni, Amr Elmasry, and Ibrahim Kamel
Understanding the Role of Software Agents in E-Commerce, Zakaria Maamar
Faculty & Technology: Zayed University Experience, Jacques Morin
"A funky language for teenzz to use": Representing gulf arabic in instant messaging, David Palfreyman and Muhamed Al Khalil
Islamic Constructions: The Geometry Needed by Craftsmen, Raymond F. Tennant
Third Generation E-Learning: The Impact of Digital Portfolios on Learning, Frederick Van Sant
Submissions from 2002
The Use of Laptops within the Gulf and Islamic Culture, Emad Bataineh and Bradley Saunders
IT Challenge Competition for Faculty, George Kontos and Jacques Morin
Development of Digital Portfolios in a Outcomes Based Curriculum, Jacques Morin
The limitations of current decision-making techniques in the procurement of COTS software components, Cornelius Ncube and John C. Dean
Submissions from 2001
A Summary Look at Internet Based Distance Education, Emad Bataineh
Laptops, Learning Outcomes and Abayas, Robin McGrew-Zoubi, Winnifred Procyshen, and Mohammed El Darabie
Submissions from 2000
Vaccination in a model of an epidemic, M. S. Abual-Rub
Social Identity: International Perspectives, James Piecowye