Open Access | Zayed University


Submissions from 2017


A Big Data Analytics Method for Tourist Behaviour Analysis, Shah Jahan Miah, Huy Quan Vu, John Gammack, and Michael McGrath


Public relations for the next generation: Middle East Public Relations Association (MEPRA)'s engagement with students, Noela Michael and T. Serra Gorpe


Push and pull escape travel motivations of Emirati nationals to Australia, Noela Michael, Charlotte Wien, and Yvette Reisinger


A relational perspective on the contract-control-trust nexus in an interfirm relationship, Reinald A. Minnaar, Ed Vosselman, Paula M.G. van Veen-Dirks, and Muhammad Kaleem Zahir-ul-Hassan


The influence of coring method on the preservation of sedimentary and biogeochemical features when sampling soft-bottom, shallow coastal environments, Andrew O.M. Mogg, Karl M. Attard, Henrik Stahl, Tim Brand, Robert Turnewitsch, and Martin D.J. Sayer


Project-Based Learning in Higher Education in the UAE: A Case Study of Arab Students in Emirati Studies, Noorah Mohammed


ConVeh: Driving Safely into a Connected Future, Fatma Outay, Faouzi Kamoun, Ansar Yasar, Elhadi Shakshuki, and Samar El-Amine


Cellular and molecular targets of menthol actions, Murat Oz, Eslam G. El Nebrisi, Keun Hang S. Yang, Frank C. Howarth, and Lina T. Al Kury


Geologic environments for nuclear waste repositories, Evan K. Paleologos, Abdel Mohsen O. Mohamed, and Kosmas Pavlopoulos


Editor's Introduction, David M. Palfreyman


Celiac Disease or Gluten Sensitivity? A mini update review, Dimitrios Papandreou


Obese Children with Metabolic Syndrome Have 3 Times Higher Risk to Have Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Compared with Those without Metabolic Syndrome, Dimitrios Papandreou, Mirey Karavetian, Zacharoula Karabouta, and Eleni Andreou


Fasting ghrelin levels are decreased in obese subjects and are significantly related with insulin resistance and body mass index, Dimitrios Papandreou, Christos Karavolias, Fotini Arvaniti, Eleana Kafeza, and Fatima Sidawi


A tree based broadcast scheme for (m, k)-firm real-time stream in wireless sensor networks, Ho Sung Park, Beom Su Kim, Kyong Hoon Kim, Babar Shah, and Ki Il Kim


Three-dimensional wireless ad hoc and sensor networks 2016, Soo Chang Park, Babar Shah, Euisin Lee, and Ki Il Kim


Environmental vibration reduction utilizing an array of mass scatterers, A. T. Peplow, L. V. Andersen, and P. Bucinskas


OS2: Oblivious similarity based searching for encrypted data outsourced to an untrusted domain, Zeeshan Pervez, Mahmood Ahmad, Asad Masood Khattak, Naeem Ramzan, and Wajahat Ali Khan


Book review: How to talk about hot topics on campus: from polarization to moral conversation (Nash, R.J., Bradley, D.L. & Chickering, A.W.; 2008; Jossey-Bass), James Piecowye


Generation Z consumers' expectations of interactions in smart retailing: A future agenda, Constantinos Vasilios Priporas, Nikolaos Stylos, and Anestis K. Fotiadis


China-Gulf Economic Relationship under the “Belt and Road” Initiative, Xuming QIAN and Jonathan FULTON


Age of exposure, task stimulus, and type of second language knowledge, Muhammad Asif Qureshi


Towards a Privacy Rule Conceptual Model for Smart Toys, Laura Rafferty, Patrick C. K. Hung, Marcelo Fantinato, Sarajane Marques Peres, Farkhund Iqbal, Sy-Yen Kuo, and Shih-Chia Huang


mlCAF: Multi-level cross-domain semantic context fusioning for behavior identification, Muhammad Asif Razzaq, Claudia Villalonga, Sungyoung Lee, Usman Akhtar, Maqbool Ali, Eun Soo Kim, Asad Masood Khattak, Hyonwoo Seung, Taeho Hur, Jaehun Bang, Dohyeong Kim, and Wajahat Ali Khan


Agents of Change: How Islamist Women Activists in Israel Are Challenging the Status Quo, Tilde Rosmer


Reach-scale river metabolism across contrasting sub-catchment geologies: Effect of light and hydrology, Lorenzo Rovelli, Karl M. Attard, Andrew Binley, Catherine M. Heppell, Henrik Stahl, Mark Trimmer, and Ronnie N. Glud


Family Food Environment and Child Eating Behavior in a Private School of Abu Dhabi, Al Amoodi Sara Ahmed Abdulla Saeed


How many sleep diary entries are needed to reliably estimate adolescent sleep?, Michelle A. Short, Teresa Arora, Michael Gradisar, Shahrad Taheri, and Mary A. Carskadon


Book Review: Intercultural Communication With Arabs: Studies In Educational, Professional And Societal Contexts, Ginger Silvera


Junction trees constructions in Bayesian networks, Linda Smail


Using Bayesian networks to understand relationships among math anxiety, genders, personality types, and study habits at a university in Jordan, Linda Smail


SAND - A dashboard for analyzing employees' social actions over google hangouts, Edvan Soares, Marcos Eduardo, Vanilson Burégio, Emir Ugljanin, and Zakaria Maamar


Comparing The Effectiveness Of Processing Instruction And Production-Based Instruction On L2 Grammar Learning: The Role Of Explicit Information, Adem Soruc, Jingjing Qin, and YouJin Kim


Travel review websites and interactive travel forums, M. Sotiriadis, A. Fotiadis, and C. A. Vassiliadis


Explicit integration of a generic Hénon-Heiles system with quartic potential, Nicola Sottocornola


Selecting Sensors when Forecasting Temperature in Smart Buildings, Bruce Spencer, Feras Al-Obeidat, and Omar Alfandi


Staying on track: The buffering effect of culture on leadership strength and derailment potential, Mary F. Sully de Luque, Yi Zhang, and Jean Brittain Leslie


The Advising Palaver Hut: Case Study in West African Higher Education, Jobila Williams Sy


Trends of Breastfeeding in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Zainab Taha


The Effect of Breakfast on Academic Performance among High School Students in Abu Dhabi, Zainab Taha and Ayesha S. Rashed


Dividend Yields and Stock Returns under a Tax-Free Environment, Kienpin Tee and Abiot Tessema


Seasonal differences in thermal sensation in the outdoor urban environment of Mediterranean climates – the example of Athens, Greece, Areti Tseliou, Ioannis X. Tsiros, and Marialena Nikolopoulou


Implementation guidelines for green data centres, Abdallah Tubaishat and Sara Sumaidaa


Labour migrations to resource-rich countries: Comparative perspectives on migrants' rights in Canada, Norway and the United Arab Emirates, Marko Valenta, Zan Strabac, Jo Jakobsen, Jeffrey Reitz, and Mouawiya Al Awad


Domains of public activity in touristic flamenco shows, Marta Wieczorek


Review of Health Literacy and Nutrition-Related Research in the Middle East, Ludmilla F. Wikkeling-Scott and R.V. Rikard


A fuzzy logic-based approach for assessing the quality of business process models, Fadwa Yahya, Khouloud Boukadi, Hanêne Ben Abdallah, and Zakaria Maamar


Natural radioactivity and groundwater quality assessment in the northern area of the Western Desert of Egypt, Mohamed Yehia, Ashraf Baghdady, Fares M. Howari, Samir Awad, and Ahmed Gad


Association of beverage consumption with obesity in healthy adults, Sirine Maher Zahran


Exploring the use of social networking tools among Lebanese students, Rana Zein, Hani Lababidi, and Maysoun Dimashkieh


Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19·1 million participants, Bin Zhou, James Bentham, Mariachiara Di Cesare, Honor Bixby, Goodarz Danaei, Melanie J. Cowan, Christopher J. Paciorek, Gitanjali Singh, Kaveh Hajifathalian, James E. Bennett, Cristina Taddei, Ver Bilano, Rodrigo M. Carrillo-Larco, Shirin Djalalinia, Shahab Khatibzadeh, Charles Lugero, Niloofar Peykari, Wan Zhu Zhang, Yuan Lu, Gretchen A. Stevens, Leanne M. Riley, Pascal Bovet, Paul Elliott, Dongfeng Gu, Nayu Ikeda, Rod T. Jackson, Michel Joffres, Andre Pascal Kengne, Tiina Laatikainen, and Tai Hing Lam

Submissions from 2016


An Architecture for QoS-Enabled Mobile Video Surveillance Applications in a 4G EPC and M2M Environment, Mohammad Abu-Lebdeh, Fatna Belqasmi, and Roch Glitho


The Western Understanding to the Meaning of the Prophethood, Bashir AbulQaraya


The Political Consequences of Ethnic Tension: Theory and Evidence, Kemal KKvann Akkz, K. Peren Arin, and Christina Zenker


Bloom Filters Optimized Wu-Manber for Intrusion Detection, Monther Aldwairi, Koloud Al-Khamaiseh, Fatima Alharbi, and Babar Shah


Critical Success Factors to Improve the Game Development Process from a Developer’s Perspective, Saiqa Aleem, Luiz Fernando Capretz, and Faheem Ahmed


Game development software engineering process life cycle: a systematic review, Saiqa Aleem, Luiz Fernando Capretz, and Faheem Ahmed


Calculating the speed of vehicles using Wireless Sensor Networks, Omar Alfandi, Arne Bochem, Mehdi Akbari Gurabi, Alberto Rivera Diaz, Md Istiak Mehedi, and Dieter Hogrefe


Cross Cultural Indicators of Independent Learning in Young Children: A Jordanian Case, Qais Almeqdad, Firas Al-Hamouri, Rafe'A A. Zghoul, Ayoub Al-Rousan, and David Whitebread


An Algorithm for Inferring Big Data Objects Correlation Using Word Net, M. Basel Almourad, Mohammed Hussain, and Talal Bonny


Forensic investigation of cyberstalking cases using Behavioural Evidence Analysis, Noora Al Mutawa, Joanne Bryce, Virginia N.L. Franqueira, and Andrew Marrington


Cloud-based Lineament Extraction of Topographic Lineaments from NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Data, Feras Al-Obeidat, Leonardo Feltrin, and Farhi Marir


Towards on Demand Road Condition Monitoring Using Mobile Phone Sensing as a Service, Wael Alrahal AlOrabi, Sawsan Abdul Rahman, May El Barachi, and Azzam Mourad


Auto-Configuration of ACL Policy in Case of Topology Change in Hybrid SDN, Rashid Amin, Nadir Shah, Babar Shah, and Omar Alfandi


Evaluating dispersion forces for optimization of van der Waals complexes using a non-empirical functional, Alya A. Arabi


Significant Predictors of e-Learning Readiness for Faculty and Students in a Public University in the UAE, Fida Atallah and Jase Moussa-Inaty


A Lightweight Security Protocol for NFC-based Mobile Payments, Mohamad Badra and Rouba Borghol Badra


Monetizing Personal Data: A Two-Sided Market Approach, Ahmed Saleh Bataineh, Rabeb Mizouni, May El Barachi, and Jamal Bentahar


Book Review: The scholarship of teaching and learning in and across the disciplines, Shashidhar Belbase


A MOF-based social web services description metamodel, Amel Benna, Zakaria Maamar, and Mohamed Ahmed Nacer


Endogenous, very small embryonic-like stem cells: Critical review, therapeutic potential and a look ahead, Deepa Bhartiya, Ambreen Shaikh, Sandhya Anand, Hiren Patel, Sona Kapoor, Kalpana Sriraman, Seema Parte, and Sreepoorna Unni


Influence of aerial seed banks on germination response in three desert plant species, Arvind Bhatt, Prakash Chandra Phondani, Shyam S. Phartyal, Andrea Santo, and David Gallacher


Development of a DSS and Online Tools to Support Sleep Disorder Consultations using Design Science., Jacqueline Blake, Don Kerr, and John Gammack


Assessment of online information literacy learning objects for first year community college english composition, Mara Bordignon, Alana Otis, Adele Georgievski, Jennifer Peters, Gail Strachan, Joy Muller, and Rana Tamin


Reconsidering the migrant letter: from the experience of migrants to the language of migrants, Marcelo J. Borges and Sonia Cancian


Innovation and Insider Trading, Ibrahim Bostan


Social networks and information retrieval, how are they converging? A survey, a taxonomy and an analysis of social information retrieval approaches and platforms, Mohamed Reda Bouadjenek, Hakim Hacid, and Mokrane Bouzeghoub


Vitamin D supplements: Magic pill or overkill?, Ronald B Brown, Fatme Al Anouti, and Mohammed S Razzaque


Structure of Moves in Research Article Abstracts in Applied Linguistics, Seden Can, Erkan Karabacak, and Jingjing Qin


Book review: Student writing in the quantitative disciplines: a guide for college faculty, Mark Causapin


Whistleblower Protection Laws in the Financial Markets: Lessons for Emerging Markets, Christian Chamorro-Courtland and Marc Cohen


Assessing variations in foreign direct investments under international financial reporting standards (IFRS) adoption, macro-socioeconomic developments and credit ratings, Evangelos Daskalopoulos, Anastasios Evgenidis, Athanasios Tsagkanos, and Costas Siriopoulos


Book review: Teaching for quality learning at university (4th edition) Biggs, J. & Tang, C. (2011), Open University Press, Christina (CJ) Davison


Change-point detection in the marginal distribution of a linear process, Farid El Ktaibi and B. Gail Ivanoff


Instructional videos as part of a 'flipped' approach in academic writing, Marion Engin and Senem Donanci


The Next Generation of Technology: Mobile Apps in the English Language Classroom, Jenny Eppard, Omaima Nasser, and Preeya Reddy


Combining Weights of Evidence Analysis with Feature Extraction - A Case Study from the Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand, Leonardo Feltrin, João Gabriel Motta, Feras Al-Obeidat, Farhi Marir, and Martina Bertelli


Drones to manage the urban environment: Risks, rewards, alternatives, David Gallacher


Benthic Carbon Mineralization and Nutrient Turnover in a Scottish Sea Loch: An Integrative In Situ Study, Ronnie N. Glud, Peter Berg, Henrik Stahl, Andrew Hume, Morten Larsen, Bradley D. Eyre, and Perran L.M. Cook


Conceptualization of CSR Among Muslim Consumers in Dubai: Evolving from Philanthropy to Ethical and Economic Orientations, Valerie Priscilla Goby and Catherine Nickerson


An updated mini review of Vitamin D and obesity: Adipogenesis and inflammation state, Zujaja Tul Noor Hamid Mehmood and Dimitrios Papandreou


A cyber forensics needs analysis survey: Revisiting the domain's needs a decade later, Vikram S. Harichandran, Frank Breitinger, Ibrahim Baggili, and Andrew Marrington


Assessing knowledge of, and attitudes to, HIV/AIDS among university students in the United Arab Emirates, Dalia Haroun, Ola El Saleh, Lesley Wood, Rola Mechli, Nada Al Marzouqi, and Samir Anouti


"Islamic State" and the Transformation of Islamic Discourse in the Middle East, Hamdy A. Hassan


Body-mass index adjustments to increase the validity of body fatness assessment in UK black African and South Asian children: a cross-sectional calibration study, Mohammed T Hudda, Claire M Nightingale, Angela S Donin, Mary S Fewtrell, Dalia Haroun, Sooky Lum, Jane E Williams, Christopher G Owen, Alicja R Rudnicka, Jonathan C K Wells, Derek G Cook, and Peter H Whincup


Parliament as a conceptual nexus, Pasi Ihalainen, Cornelia Ilie, and Kari Palonen


Gender diversity of boardrooms and firm financial performance, Perihan Iren


Effects of spatial frequencies on word identification by fast and slow readers: Evidence from eye movements, Timothy R. Jordan, Jasmine Dixon, Victoria A. McGowan, Stoyan Kurtev, and Kevin B. Paterson


Fast and slow readers and the effectiveness of the spatial frequency content of text: Evidence from reading times and eye movements, Timothy R. Jordan, Jasmine Dixon, Victoria A. McGowan, Stoyan Kurtev, and Kevin B. Paterson


A further look at postview effects in reading: An eye-movements study of influences from the left of fixation, Timothy R. Jordan, Victoria A. McGowan, Stoyan Kurtev, and Kevin B. Paterson


Women in Middle-Eastern organisations: career experiences, opportunities and work-life balance, Nicolina Kamenou-Aigbekaen and Kathryn Thory


A survey on network simulators in three-dimensional wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, Seokyoon Kang, Monther Aldwairi, and Ki Il Kim


Associations of Apolipoprotein A, High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Fasting Plasma Insulin in Obese Children With and Without Family History of Cardiovascular Disease, Zacharoula Karabouta, Dimitrios Papandreou, Areti Makedou, Israel Rousso, and Fani Athanassiadou


Development and evaluation of continuing education course in renal nutrition, Mirey Karavetian and Rana Rizk


Book review: Undisciplining knowledge, Magdalena Karolak


Wireless sensor network virtualization: A survey, Imran Khan, Fatna Belqasmi, Roch Glitho, Noel Crespi, Monique Morrow, and Paul Polakos


Exploratory study into the awareness of heart diseases among Emirati women (UAE) and their health seeking behaviour- a qualitative study, Sarah Khan, Ayesha Khoory, Dhabia Al Zaffin, and Meera Al Suwaidi


Towards a self adaptive system for social wellness, Asad Masood Khattak, Wajahat Ali Khan, Zeeshan Pervez, Farkhund Iqbal, and Sungyoung Lee


Privacy-preserving data mashup model for trading person-specific information, Rashid Hussain Khokhar, Benjamin C.M. Fung, Farkhund Iqbal, Dima Alhadidi, and Jamal Bentahar


Communication overload management through social interactions clustering, Juan Antonio Lossio-Ventura, Hakim Hacid, Mathieu Roche, and Pascal Poncelet


Relaciones padre-hijo en los emiratos árabes unidos (EAU), Joana Novaes Machado Stocker and Khairia Ghuloum Ali Mohamed Hassan Ali


Mining the Web and Literature to Discover New Knowledge about Diabetes, Farhi Marir, Huwida Said, and Feras Al-Obeidat


Learning Management Systems: A Shift Toward Learning and Academic Analytics, Adam Marks, Maytha AL-Ali, and Kees Rietsema


Assessing the Status of Housing Conditions for Workers of Farms in Liwa within the United Arab Emirates, Fatima Marzouq AlMehairbi


Economic Crisis and Investor Behaviour, Tolga Omay and Perihan Iren


Editor's Introduction, David M. Palfreyman


Are dietary intakes related to obesity in children?, Dimitrios Papandreou, Kali Makedou, Areti Zormpa, Maria Karampola, Anastasia Ioannou, and Areti Hitoglou-Makedou


Privacy-aware relevant data access with semantically enriched search queries for untrusted cloud storage services, Zeeshan Pervez, Mahmood Ahmad, Asad Masood Khattak, Sungyoung Lee, and Tae Choong Chung


Stopover destination image - Using the Repertory Test to identify salient attributes, Steven Pike and Filareti Kotsi


An Elastic Hybrid Sensing Platform: Architecture and Research Challenges, Sleiman Rabah, Fatna Belqasmi, Rabeb Mizouni, and Rachida Dssouli


Governance and Reporting in a Complex Global Environment, Claire Richards, Mary Ann Reynolds, and Jesse Dillard


Economic evaluations of interventions to manage hyperphosphataemia in adult haemodialysis patients: A systematic review, Rana Rizk, Mickaël Hiligsmann, Mirey Karavetian, and Silvia Maa Evers


Effective Use of Business Simulation Games in International Business Courses, Tim Rogmans


Book reviews: Increasing student engagement and retention using classroom technologies: classroom response systems and mediated discourse technologies (Eds. Wankel, C. & Blessinger, P., 2013, Emerald), David Sanford Ramsey


Effects of Energetic Solar Emissions on the Earth–Ionosphere Cavity of Schumann Resonances, Gabriella Sátori, Earle Williams, Colin Price, Robert Boldi, Alexander Koloskov, Yuri Yampolski, Anirban Guha, and Veronika Barta


An innovative approach to assessing professional skills learning outcomes: a UAE pilot study, Kevin Schoepp and Maurice Danaher


IELTS and academic success in higher education: A UAE perspective, Kevin Schoepp and Dawn Garinger


Supporting Sensemaking of Complex Objects with Visualizations: Visibility and Complementarity of Interactions, Kamran Sedig, Paul Parsons, Hai-Ning Liang, and Jim Morey


The West and the Rest Divide: Human Rights, Culture and Social Work, Vishanthie Sewpaul


Managing and Leading a Diverse Workforce: One of the Main Challenges in Management, Aya Shaban


The impact of Ias 36 on equity values: Empirical evidence from UAE, Yousef Shahwan and Jamal Roudaki


The influence of media implemented into the event-tourist career model: Triyas Triathlon, Abu Dhabi, Nataša Slak Valek and Al Anood Al Buainain


Regional effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes on shortening and calcium transport in epicardial and endocardial myocytes from rat left ventricle, Manal M.A. Smaill, Muhammad A. Qureshi, Anatoliy Shmygol, Murat Oz, Jaipaul Singh, Vadym Sydorenko, Alya Arabi, Frank C. Howarth, and Lina Al Kury


Forecasting Internal Temperature in a Home with a Sensor Network, Bruce Spencer and Omar Alfandi


Temperature Forecasts with Stable Accuracy in a Smart Home, Bruce Spencer and Feras Al-Obeidat


Waqf et sociétés modernes: Des enjeux légaux aux besoins sociaux, Abdallah Tarak


From Black Bile to the Bipolar Spectrum: A Historical Review of the Bipolar Affective Disorder Concept, Justin Thomas and Ian Grey


Religiosity: Reducing Depressive Symptoms Amongst Muslim Females in the United Arab Emirates, Justin Thomas, Meera Mutawa, Steven W. Furber, and Ian Grey


Implicit out-group preference is associated with eating disorders symptoms amongst Emirati females, Justin Thomas, Susanne Quadflieg, and Lily O'Hara


Student Perspectives of eFolios – an Experience from an Outcome-Based University, Abdallah Tubaishat


The Potential Role of Nitric Oxide in Halting Cancer Progression Through Chemoprevention, Huzefa Vahora, Munawwar Ali Khan, Usama Alalami, and Arif Hussain


Integrating Content and English-Language Learning in a Middle Eastern Information Technology College: Investigating Faculty Perceptions, Practices and Capabilities, Norman Williams, John Beachboard, and Robert Bohning


A Preliminary Study on the Use of Mind Mapping as a Visual-Learning Strategy in General Education Science Classes for Arabic Speakers in the United Arab Emirates., Kenesha Wilson, Eddia Copeland Solas, and Natalie Guthrie-Dixon


A Model for Speech Processing in Second Language Listening Activities, Wafa Shahada Zoghbor

Submissions from 2015


The Civic and Cultural Role of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Bashir AbulQaraya


Who gets to cross the border? The impact of mobility restrictions on labor flows in the West Bank, Wifag Adnan


Factors influencing digital forensic investigations: Empirical evaluation of 12 years of Dubai police cases, Ibtesam Alawadhi, Janet Read, Andrew Marrington, and Virginia Franqueira


Secure and authenticated data communication in wireless sensor networks, Omar Alfandi, Arne Bochem, Ansgar Kellner, Christian Göge, and Dieter Hogrefe


Effects of cannabidiol on contractions and calcium signaling in rat ventricular myocytes, Ramez M. Ali, Lina T. Al Kury, Keun Hang Susan Yang, Anwar Qureshi, Mohanraj Rajesh, Sehamuddin Galadari, Yaroslav M. Shuba, Frank Christopher Howarth, and Murat Oz


Behavioural evidence analysis applied to digital forensics: An empirical analysis of child pornography cases using P2P networks, Noora Al Mutawa, Joanne Bryce, Virginia N.L. Franqueira, and Andrew Marrington


Social Marketing , Education and the Female Workforce : A Comparison of United Arab Emirates and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Noura Al Rashedi, Abdullah Al Shamsi, Mohamed Rashed, Tomasz Sinczak, Sasha Hodgson, and Kate O'Neil


Consumption patterns and side effects of energy drinks among university students in Palestine: crosssectional study, Haleama Al Sabbah, Naim Qamhia, and Mustafa Younis


Creativity and Dissidence in Jordanian Women’s Literature, Omnia Amin


How to appraise performance of teachers: A New Zealand experience, Arshad Ashfaque Malik


iPads in UAE University Classrooms: Implications for Teaching and Learning, Fida Atallah, Rana M. Tamim, Linda Colburn, and Lina El Saadi


Detection of CO2 leakage from a simulated sub-seabed storage site using three different types of pCO2 sensors, Dariia Atamanchuk, Anders Tengberg, Dmitry Aleynik, Peer Fietzek, Kiminori Shitashima, Anna Lichtschlag, Per O.J. Hall, and Henrik Stahl


Benthic oxygen exchange in a live coralline algal bed and an adjacent sandy habitat: An eddy covariance study, Karl M. Attard, Henrik Stahl, Nicholas A. Kamenos, Gavin Turner, Heidi L. Burdett, and Ronnie N. Glud


Air quality and respiratory health among adolescents from the United Arab Emirates, Caroline Barakat-Haddad, Sheng Zhang, Ayesha Siddiqua, and Rania Dghaim


Technology Integration in Postsecondary Education: A Summary of Findings of a Series of Meta-Analytical Research, Eugene Borokhovski, Robert M. Bernard, Rana M. Tamim, and Richard F. Schmid


Graph-theoretic characterization of cyber-threat infrastructures, Amine Boukhtouta, Djedjiga Mouheb, Mourad Debbabi, Omar Alfandi, Farkhund Iqbal, and May El Barachi


What is a discourse approach to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social media: connecting with other academic fields?, Gwen Bouvier


Background and Context of the Study, Doren Chadee, Banjo Roxas, and Tim Rogmans


Men as cultural ideals: Cultural values moderate gender stereotype content, Amy J.C. Cuddy, Elizabeth Baily Wolf, Peter Glick, Susan Crotty, Jihye Chong, and Michael I. Norton


Permutations Agreeing in k Positions, Stephen Curry


Determination of heavy metals concentration in traditional herbs commonly consumed in the United Arab Emirates, Rania Dghaim, Safa Al Khatib, Husna Rasool, and Munawwar Ali Khan


An open virtual multi-services networking architecture for the future internet, May El Barachi, Nadjia Kara, Sleiman Rabah, and Mathieu Forgues


Islamic Economy Option: SWOT Case Study Analysis, Suzanna Sobhy ElMassah


Written artefacts in post-conference feedback sessions: the running commentary as a support for teacher learning, Marion Engin


Corporate Governance in the GCC: An Analysis of Selected Listed Companies in the UAE, Sherine Farouk Abdel Al and Sanjoy Bose


Can Consumer Economic Sentiment Indicator Predict Consumption Expenditure in the Eurozone, Shokoofeh Fazel and Farzad Farsio


Financialization and Outsourcing in a Different Guise: The Ethical Chaos of Workforce Localization in the United Arab Emirates, Valerie Priscilla Goby


Surveillance of carbapenem non-susceptible gram negative strains and characterization of carbapenemases of classes A, B and D in a Lebanese hospital, Dalal Hammoudi, Carole Ayoub Moubareck, Abeer Kanso, Patrice Nordmann, and Dolla Karam Sarkis


Spread of imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii co-expressing OXA-23 and GES-11 carbapenemases in Lebanon, D. Hammoudi, C. Ayoub Moubareck, N. Hakime, M. Houmani, A. Barakat, Z. Najjar, M. Suleiman, N. Fayad, R. Sarraf, and D. Karam Sarkis


Then and Now: An Analysis of Broad-based Merit Aid Initial Eligibility Policies after Twenty Years, William K. Ingle and Jason R. Ratliff


Core Interprofessional Education (IPE) health competencies: The process of adaptation and implementation for a local environment, Bradley Johnson, Myriam Abi Hayla, Peter J Jewesson, Carolyn Byrne, Mohamed El-Tawil, and Mohamud A. Verjee


Exploring the extent to which English LIS Masters programs in the UAE and Qatar meet the skills and knowledge needs of employers in the library and information studies field, Nicole Johnston, Judith Mavodza, and Jassim Mohammed Jirjees


Seeing inscriptions on the Shroud of Turin: The role of psychological influences in the perception of writing, Timothy R. Jordan, Mercedes Sheen, Lily Abedipour, and Kevin B. Paterson


A new demonstration of the illusory letters phenomenon: Graphemic restoration in Arabic word perception, Timothy R. Jordan, Mercedes Sheen, Maryam A. AlJassmi, and Kevin B. Paterson


Weaving risk identification into crowdsourcing lifecycle, Faouzi Kamoun, Dima Alhadidi, and Zakaria Maamar


Wireless sensor network virtualization: Early architecture and research perspectives, Imran Khan, Fatna Belqasmi, Roch Glitho, Noel Crespi, Monique Morrow, and Paul Polakos


(-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate reverses the expression of various tumor-suppressor genes by inhibiting DNA methyltransferases and histone deacetylases in human cervical cancer cells, Munawwar Ali Khan, Arif Hussain, Madhumitha Kedhari Sundaram, Usama Alalami, Dian Gunasekera, Laveena Ramesh, Amina Hamza, and Uzma Quraishi


Sulforaphane Reverses the Expression of Various Tumor Suppressor Genes by Targeting DNMT3B and HDAC1 in Human Cervical Cancer Cells, Munawwar Ali Khan, Madhumitha Kedhari Sundaram, Amina Hamza, Uzma Quraishi, Dian Gunasekera, Laveena Ramesh, Payal Goala, Usama Al Alami, Mohammad Zeeshan Ansari, Tahir A. Rizvi, Chhavi Sharma, and Arif Hussain


Perspectives on cervical cancer screening among educated Muslim women in Dubai (the UAE): A qualitative study, Sarah Khan and Gillian Woolhead


Mapping evolution of dynamic web ontologies, A. M. Khattak, Z. Pervez, W. A. Khan, A. M. Khan, K. Latif, and S. Y. Lee


Business Reputation of Social Networks of Web Services, Zakaria Maamar, Gianpiero Costantino, Marinella Petrocchi, and Fabio Martinelli


How to Make Business Processes "Socialize"?, Zakaria Maamar, Noura Faci, Ejub Kajan, Sherif Sakr, Mohamed Boukhebouze, and Ahmed Barnawi


Local perceptions of the QICS experimental offshore CO2 release: Results from social science research, Leslie Mabon, Simon Shackley, Jerry C. Blackford, Henrik Stahl, and Anuschka Miller


Cash Holdings and Firm Characteristics: Evidence from UK Market, Efstathios Magerakis, Costas Siriopoulos, and Athanasios Tsagkanos


Editorial: Towards sustainable development practices in geoenvironmental engineering, Abdel Mohsen O. Mohamed


Consciousness-Raising, Error Correction and Proofreading., Josephine O'Brien


Distributed computing and artificial intelligence, 12th international conference, Sigeru Omatu, Qutaibah M. Malluhi, Sara Rodríguez González, Grzegorz Bocewicz, Edgardo Bucciarelli, Gianfranco Giulioni, and Farkhund Iqbal


Defence versus Offence: Disclosure and Media in Takeovers, Eda Orhun


Frequency of rs731236 (Taql), rs2228570 (Fok1) of Vitamin-D Receptor (VDR) gene in Emirati healthy population, Enas Osman, Fatme Al Anouti, Gehad El ghazali, Afrozul Haq, Rajaa Mirgani, and Habiba Al Safar


Role of diet on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: An updated narrative review, Dimitrios Papandreou and Eleni Andreou


The Role of Vitamin D in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: An Updated Review of the Literature, Dimitrios Papandreou and Zujaja Tul Noor Hamid


The Role of Soluble, Insoluble Fibers and Their Bioactive Compounds in Cancer: A Mini Review, Dimitrios Papandreou, Zujaja Tul Noor, and Maitha Rashed


Association of neck circumference with obesity in female college students, Dimitrios Papandreou, Zujaja Tul Noor, Maitha Rashed, and Hadeel Al Jaberi


Effects of word length on eye movement control: The evidence from Arabic, Kevin B. Paterson, Abubaker A.A. Almabruk, Victoria A. McGowan, Sarah J. White, and Timothy R. Jordan


Fiscal multipliers in good times and bad times, K. Peren Arin, Faik Koray, and Nicola Spagnolo


A service oriented broker-based approach for dynamic resource discovery in virtual networks, Sleiman Rabah, May El Barachi, Nadjia Kara, Rachida Dssouli, and Joey Paquet


Perspectives and obstacles of the shareholder activism implementation: A comparative analysis of civil and common law systems, Khurram Raja and Alex Kostyuk


Same but Different: Perceptions of Interpersonal Arguing In Two Arabic Populations (UAE & Lebanon), Chrysi Rapanta and Dany Badran


Benthic O2 uptake of two cold-water coral communities estimated with the non-invasive eddy correlation technique, Lorenzo Rovelli, Karl M. Attard, Lee D. Bryant, Sascha Flögel, Henrik Stahl, J. Murray Roberts, Peter Linke, and Ronnie N. Glud


Agent-based framework for sensor-to-sensor personalization, Nabil Sahli, Nafaa Jabeura, and Mohamad Badra


Calcul de la confiance des services web dans un contexte d'utilisateurs muti-identités, Zohra Saoud, Noura Faci, Zakaria Maamar, and Djamal Benslimane


E-mail authorship attribution using customized associative classification, Michael R. Schmid, Farkhund Iqbal, and Benjamin C.M. Fung


The United Arab Emirates and the Branch Campus Gold Rush, Kevin Schoepp


Dynamics of rising CO2 bubble plumes in the QICS field experiment: Part 1 - The experiment, Nazmi Sellami, Marius Dewar, Henrik Stahl, and Baixin Chen


Innovative Public Libraries in United Arab Emirates: Taking library services in public spaces, Mary Sengati-Zimba, Judith Mavodza, and Emad Abu Eid


Fuzzy logic-based guaranteed lifetime protocol for real-time wireless sensor networks, Babar Shah, Farkhund Iqbal, Ali Abbas, and Ki Il Kim


Representative Bureaucracy and Youth Violence in Juvenile Detention Facilities, Ginger Silvera


Book review: Critical perspectives on technology and education Bulfin, S., Johnson, N. & Bigum, C. (eds., 2015). Palgrave., Jerry Spring


Obituary for Professor Laurence David Mee, Henrik Stahl and Anuschka Miller


Enhancing social science research in the UAE: An open source software solution university of sharjah (UOS) case study, Manar Abu Talib, Muhammed AbuOdeh, Adhraa Almansoori, and Arwa AlNauimi


Making a Massive Tablet Initiative Work: Perspectives from a United Arab Emirates Case Study, Rana M. Tamim, Linda Colburn, Fida Atallah, and Lina El Saadi


Impact and recovery of pH in marine sediments subject to a temporary carbon dioxide leak, Peter Taylor, Anna Lichtschlag, Matthew Toberman, Martin D.J. Sayer, Andy Reynolds, Toru Sato, and Henrik Stahl


The genius is out of the bottle: smart drugs are here to stay, Justin Thomas


Phosphorus behavior in sediments during a sub-seabed CO2 controlled release experiment, Ayumi Tsukasaki, Masahiro Suzumura, Anna Lichtschlag, Henrik Stahl, and Rachael H. James


Can E-Portfolio Improve Students’ Readiness to Find an IT Career?, Abdallah Tubaishat


Techniques, Taxonomy, and Challenges of Privacy Protection in the Smart Grid, Suleyman Uludag, Sherali Zeadally, and Mohamad Badra


Network and device forensic analysis of Android social-messaging applications, Daniel Walnycky, Ibrahim Baggili, Andrew Marrington, Jason Moore, and Frank Breitinger


The headscarf effect revisited: Further evidence for a culture-based internal face processing advantage, Yin Wang, Justin Thomas, Sophia C. Weissgerber, Sahar Kazemini, Israr Ul-Haq, and Susanne Quadflieg


Postmodern Exhibition Discourse: Anthropological Study of an Art Display Case., Marta Wieczorek


Characterization of L-type calcium channel activity in atrioventricular nodal myocytes from rats with streptozotocin-induced Diabetes mellitus, Kathryn H. Yuill, Lina T. Al Kury, and Frank Christopher Howarth

Submissions from 2014


The Impact of Emiratisation on Job Description Issues, Asma Omar Alabdelkarim, May Khamis Muftah, and Sasha Hodgson


Concerns Regarding Food Biotechnology: An Ongoing Debate, Fatme Al Anouti


Exploring the Utilization of Non-Invasive Methods for Assessing Health Statusof Patients with Chronic Respiratory Inflammation within the United ArabEmirates, Fatme Al Anouti


Explaining the decline in fertility among citizens of the GCC countries: The case of the UAE, Mouawiya Al Awad and Carole Chartouni


The link between national paid leave policy and work-family conflict among married working parents, Tammy D. Allen, Laurent M. Lapierre, Paul E. Spector, Steven A.Y. Poelmans, Michael O'Driscoll, Juan I. Sanchez, Cary L. Cooper, Ashley Gray Walvoord, Alexandros Stamatios Antoniou, Paula Brough, Sabine Geurts, Ulla Kinnunen, Milan Pagon, Satoru Shima, and Jong Min Woo


The Environmental Impact of Urbanization within Abu Dhabi on the Microbial Profile of Man-Made Beaches, Fatima Al Marzooqi and Fatme Al Anouti


The Impact of Cloud Computing on ITIL Service Strategy Processes, Mohamed B. Al Mourad and Mohammed Hussain


Resolution of Challenges That Are Facing Organizations before ITIL Implementation, Mohamed B. Al Mourad and Rozita Johari


Bidder Earnings Management, Cynical Targets and Acquisition Premia, Malek Alsharairi, Kimberly C. Gleason, and Yezen H. Kannan


Methodological map: a mixed methods approach to explore the role of space in an Emirati single-gender learning environment, Gergana Alzeer


Gender differences in response to contingent rewards: Evidence from a natural experiment of junior tennis, Nejat Anbarci, K. Peren Arin, and Jungmin Lee


Competitive Moves Over Time: The Case of SAP, Michelle Antero, Jonas Hedman, and Stefan Henningsson


Sourcing strategies to keep up with competition: The case of SAP, Michelle Antero, Jonas Hedman, and Stefan Henningsson


A Note on the Efficiency Effects of Agglomeration Economies: Turkish Evidence, K. Peren Arin, Tolga Omay, and Deniz Timurçin


Revealing variations in perception of mental states from dynamic facial expressions: A cautionary note, Elisa Back and Timothy R. Jordan


Performance of a Logical, Five- Phase, Multithreaded, Bootable Triage Tool, Ibrahim Baggili, Andrew Marrington, and Yasser Jafar


The reproductive season of Acropora in Socotra, Yemen, Andrew H. Baird, David Abrego, Emily J. Howells, and Vivian R. Cumbo


The reproductive season of scleractinian corals in Socotra, Yemen, Andrew H. Baird, David Abrego, Emily J. Howells, and Vivian R. Cumbo


An Analysis Study Of Smartphone Usage Habit Of Undergraduate Female Students At Zayed University, Emad Bataineh, Alya Alsaadi, and Maha AlAli


The impact of foreign postings on accompanying military spouses: an ethnographic study, Gillian Blakely, Catherine Hennessy, Man C. Chung, and Heather Skirton


New technologies track chairs welcome message, Jose M.Alcaraz Calero, Yan Zhang, and Munir Majdalawieh


Green Computing in the Desert: Applying Problem-Based Learning at an Emirati University, John C. Beachboard and Martine Robinson Beachboard


The iPad: Another Gadget or a tool for Constructive Learning?, Linda Colburn and Rana M. Tamim


Chemically mediated behavior of recruiting corals and fishes: A tipping point that may limit reef recovery, Danielle L. Dixson, David Abrego, and Mark E. Hay


Extending the flipped classroom model: Developing second language writing skills through student-created digital videos, Marion Engin


Macro-scaffolding: Contextual support for teacher learning, Marion Engin


Flipping the classroom in an academic writing course, Marion Engin and Senem Donanci


Observing Teaching: A Lens for Self-reflection, Marion Engin and Barnaby Priest


Book review: Enhancing teaching and learning in higher education in the United Arab Emirates: reflections from the classroom (2012; ed. Cindy Gunn; Cambridge Scholars Publishing), Kay Gallagher


Countrywide spread of OXA-48 carbapenemase in Lebanon: Surveillance and genetic characterization of carbapenem-non-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae in 10 hospitals over a one-year period, D. Hammoudi, C. Ayoub Moubareck, J. Aires, A. Adaime, A. Barakat, N. Fayad, N. Hakime, M. Houmani, T. Itani, Z. Najjar, M. Suleiman, R. Sarraf, and D. Karam Sarkis


The Effect of Job Rotation on Employees in Organizations in the UAE, Sasha Hodgson, Maleeha Al Shehhi, and Eman Al-Marzouqi


Enforcing Nationalization in the GCC : Private Sector Progress , Strategy and Policy for Sustainable Nationalization, Sasha Hodgson and Darren Hanson


The effect of global English on culture and identity in the UAE: a double-edged sword, Sarah Hopkyns


Coral spawning in the Gulf of Oman and relationship to latitudinal variation in spawning season in the northwest Indian Ocean, E. J. Howells, D. Abrego, G. O. Vaughan, and J. A. Burt


Taxing audit markets and reputation: An examination of the U.S. tax shelter controversy, John Incardona, Yezen Kannan, Ronald Premuroso, Julia L. Higgs, and Ivy Huang


Windows surface RT tablet forensics, Asif Iqbal, Hanan Al Obaidli, Andrew Marrington, and Andy Jones


Book review: Managing and supporting student diversity in higher education (2014; Benson, R., Heagney, M., Hewitt, L., Crosling, G. & Devos, A.; Elsevier), Susan Jones


Visual speech perception in foveal and extrafoveal vision: Further implications for divisions in hemispheric projections, Timothy R. Jordan, Mercedes Sheen, Lily Abedipour, and Kevin B. Paterson


Human and organizational factors of healthcare data breaches: The swiss cheese model of data breach causation and prevention, Faouzi Kamoun and Mathew Nicho


The motives of ambassadors in bidding for international association meetings and events, Leonie Lockstone-Binney, Paul Whitelaw, Martin Robertson, Olga Junek, and Ian Michael


In Search of Localization Criteria for Learning Solutions: Examining the localization needs of Finnish learning solutions in the United Arab Emirates, Tiina Mäkelä, Marja Kankaanranta, Bradley Young, and Qasim Alshannag


In Search of Educational, Socio-cultural, and Technological Criteria for Localizing Learning Solutions for Varying Cultural Contexts, Tiina Mäkelä, Bradley Young, and Jan Pawlowski


Building sustainable parking lots with the Web of Things, Sujith Samuel Mathew, Yacine Atif, Quan Z. Sheng, and Zakaria Maamar


Ensemble artifact design for context sensitive decision support, Shah Jahan Miah and John G. Gammack


The Impact of Technology Transfer through Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Nations: A Case Study in the United Arab Emirates, Batoul Modarress, Abdolhossein Ansari, and Emil Thies


Testing the forensic soundness of forensic examination environments on bootable media, Ahmed Fathy Abdul Latif Mohamed, Andrew Marrington, Farkhund Iqbal, and Ibrahim Baggili


Preliminary forensic analysis of the Xbox one, Jason Moore, Ibrahim Baggili, Andrew Marrington, and Armindo Rodrigues


An infrastructure for robotic applications as cloud computing services, Carla Mouradian, Fatima Zahra Errounda, Fatna Belqasmi, and Roch Glitho


Multiple case study approach to identify aggravating variables of insider threats in information systems, Mathew Nicho and Faouzi Kamoun


Assessing the Level of Knowledge About Cybercrimes Among Young Adults Within the United Arab Emirates, Sarah Omar Bamatraf


Introduction: cultural aspects of learning and teaching, David Palfreyman


The Ecology of Learner Autonomy, David M. Palfreyman


Validation of a Food Frequency Questionnaire for Vitamin D and Calcium Intake in Healthy Female College Students, Dimitrios Papandreou, Nikolaos Rachaniotis, Maryam Lari, and Wafa Al Mussabi


Book review: Social media for academics: a practical guide (2012; Diane Rasmussen Neal; Chandos Publishing), James Piecowye


Book review: Teaching as a design science (2012; Diana Laurillard; Routledge), Chrysi Rapanta


"Insha'Allah I'll do my homework": adapting to Arab undergraduates at an English-speaking University in Dubai, Chrysi Rapanta


To Outsource Web Development or Not: A Small Automotive Company Considers Search Engine Marketing, Martine Robinson Beachboard and John C. Beachboard


An Analysis of the Covered Warrants listed on the Athens Exchange, Costas Siriopoulos


Socio-demographic characteristics affecting sport tourism choices: A structural model, Nataša Slak Valek, Mike Shaw, and Jakob Bednarik


A novel sub-seabed CO2 release experiment informing monitoring and impact assessment for geological carbon storage, Peter Taylor, Henrik Stahl, Mark E. Vardy, Jonathan M. Bull, Maxine Akhurst, Chris Hauton, Rachel H. James, Anna Lichtschlag, Dave Long, Dmitry Aleynik, Matthew Toberman, Mark Naylor, Douglas Connelly, Dave Smith, Martin D.J. Sayer, Steve Widdicombe, Ian C. Wright, and Jerry Blackford


Potential for timing high-energy marine inundation events in the recent geological past through age-dating of reef boulders in Fiji, James P. Terry and Samuel Etienne


Academic integrity and oral examination: an Arabian Gulf perspective, Justin Thomas, Monique Raynor, and Merryn McKinnon


Diversity and wage inequality in the UAE labor market, Qingxia Tong and Mouawiya Al Awad


Running the D.C. Circuit Gauntlet on Cost-Benefit Analysis after Citizens United: Empirical Evidence from Sarbanes-Oxley and the JOBS Act, Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, Kathy Fogel, and Rwan El-Khatib


Business process trends, Mark Von Rosing, August Wilhelm Scheer, Henrik Von Scheel, Adam D.M. Svendsen, Alex Kokkonen, Andrew M. Ross, Anette Falk Bøgebjerg, Anni Olsen, Antony Dicks, Asif Qumer Gill, Bas Bach, Bob J. Storms, Callie Smit, Cay Clemmensen, Christopher K. Swierczynski, Clemens Utschig-Utschig, Dan Moorcroft, Daniel T. Jones, David Coloma-Guerrero, Deb Boykin, Dickson Hunja Muhita, Duarte Gonçalves, Fabrizio Maria Maggi, Fan Zhao, Fatima Senghore, Fatma Dandashi, Fred A. Cummins, Freek P. Stoffel, Gabriel Von Scheel, and Gabriella Von Rosing


Film As Nation Building: The UAE Goes Into the Movie Business, Alia Yunis

Submissions from 2013


Stress in higher education: a study of mismatched instruction as a contributing factor in female Emirati undergraduate students, Usama ALAlami, Mahaba Al-Saleh, and Tofi Rahal


Vitamin D Receptor Interactions and Genetic Variants in the Context of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Fatme Al Anouti


Social networks IM forensics: Encryption analysis, Nedaa B. Al Barghuthi and Huwida Said


The Development of Arab Women Leaders: An Emirati Perspective, Sara Alhaj and Constance Van Horne


Accessibility Evaluation of Dubai e-Government Websites: Findings and Implications, M. Basel Al Mourad and Faouzi Kamoun


Emirati Student Voices on E-learning Readiness, Fida Atallah and Jase Moussa-Inaty


Book review: Digital literacies: Concepts, policies and practices. Lankshear, C., & Knobel, M. (Eds., 2008), Lydia Barza


An Introduction to Business Problem-Solving and Decision-Making, John C. Beachboard and Kregg Aytes


Using tabu search to configure support vector regression for effort estimation, A. Corazza, S. Di Martino, F. Ferrucci, C. Gravino, F. Sarro, and E. Mendes


Singularity Terrorism: Military Meta-Strategy in Response to Terror and Technology, Woody Evans


Swarms Are Hell: Warfare as an Anti-Transhuman Choice, Woody Evans


Why they won't save us: Political dispositions in the conflicts of superheroes, Woody Evans


In the Shadow of Service: Veteran Masculinity and Civil–Military Disjuncture in the United States, Steven Gardiner


External Auditor's Ethical Dilemma: Perceived Threat to Auditor's Responsibility Posed by the Auditor's Allegiance to Corporate Management, Willie E. Gist, Winifred D. Scott, and Trimbak Shastri


A research agenda for the UAE iPad Initiative, Christina Gitsaki, Matthew A. Robby, Troy Priest, Khaled Hamdan, and Yazid Ben-Chabane


Editors' introduction: the importance of reflective practice, Tess Goodliffe and David Palfreyman


Death Anxiety and Well-Being; Coping With Life-Threatening Events, Mark Hoelterhoff and Man Cheung Chung


A student-centered approach to vocabulary building using Popplet, Pages and Puppet Pals, Sarah Hopkyns and Timothy Nicoll


Sulforaphane inhibits growth of human breast cancer cells and augments the therapeutic index of the chemotherapeutic drug, gemcitabine, Arif Hussain, Javeria Mohsin, Sathyen Alwin Prabhu, Salema Begum, Qurrat El Ain Nusri, Geetganga Harish, Elham Javed, Munawwar Ali Khan, and Chhavi Sharma


Monitoring Microbial Diversity of a Full-Scale Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant in Dubai, Munawwar Ali Khan, Javeria Mohsin, and Sultan Mohammad Faheem


A reliable mobile application for safety on roads, Adel Khelifi, Lama Mahmoud Daoud, and Manar Abu Talib


A social network-based architecture for on-line RoSCAs in the developing world, Gilles Kounou, Christian Akpona, Herve Ahouantchede, Rose Gohoue, Fatna Belqasmi, and Roch Glitho


Blackberry Use and Sociability Amongst Female Emirati University Students, Ebtisam Mahmoud Thoban


Cultural differences on seeking information: an eye tracking study, Mari-Carmen Marcos, Ruth Garcia-Gavilanes, Emad Bataineh, and Lara Pasarin


The Web of Things - Challenges and enabling technologies, Sujith Samuel Mathew, Yacine Atif, Quan Z. Sheng, and Zakaria Maamar


The impact of cloud computing on the future of academic library practices and services, Judith Mavodza


Implementing the learning commons in a Middle Eastern University Library: The case of Zayed University, Judith Mavodza, Mary Sengati-Zimba, and Leslie Haas


Safeguarding Victory for Both Educators and Scholars: A Diary Study Based on the 36 Stratagems, David McLachlan Jeffrey


Association of iron depletion with menstruation and dietary intake indices in pubertal girls: The healthy growth study, George Moschonis, Dimitrios Papandreou, Christina Mavrogianni, Angeliki Giannopoulou, Louisa Damianidi, Pavlos Malindretos, Christos Lionis, George P. Chrousos, and Yannis Manios


Business English as a Lingua Franca in Advertising Texts in the Arabian Gulf: Analyzing the Attitudes of the Emirati Community, Catherine Nickerson and Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli


Do Pluralist Power Structures Enhance Involvement in Decision-Making by Nongovernmental Organizations?, Simon H. Okoth


Product modelling for simulating business networks offering mass customization, Marc Poulin and Benoit Montreuil


Internationalization in tertiary education: Intra-European students mobility, Nikos P. Rachaniotis, Filareti Kotsi, and George M. Agiomirgianakis


DMSP biosynthesis by an animal and its role in coral thermal stress response, Jean Baptiste Raina, Dianne M. Tapiolas, Sylvain Forêt, Adrian Lutz, David Abrego, Janja Ceh, Francois O. Seneca, Peta L. Clode, David G. Bourne, Bette L. Willis, and Cherie A. Motti


What Is Meant by Argumentative Competence? An Integrative Review of Methods of Analysis and Assessment in Education, Chrysi Rapanta, Merce Garcia-Mila, and Sandra Gilabert


Team design communication patterns in e-learning design and development, Chrysi Rapanta, Marcelo Maina, Nicole Lotz, and Alberto Bacchelli


Building Political Risk Management Skills in the Middle East, Tim J. Rogmans


Panel discussion report: the present and future of mobile learning in Gulf higher education, Rana M. Tamim


IPads for Project-Based Inter-disciplinary Collaborative Learning, Rana M. Tamim and Linda Colburn


Using Student e-Portfolios to Facilitate Learning Objective Achievements in an Outcome-Based University, Abdallah Tubaishat and Azzedine Lansari


The use and development of academic vocabulary in L2 writing: a longitudinal investigation, John Turlik


The Dawn of Creation with Mobile Learning Technologies and Language Learning Pedagogy, Nicholas Yates

Submissions from 2012


iPad2 Logical Acquisition: Automated or Manual Examination?, Somaya Ali, Sumaya AlHosani, Farah AlZarooni, and Ibrahim Baggili


Forensic analysis of social networking applications on mobile devices, Noora Al Mutawa, Ibrahim Baggili, and Andrew Marrington


Determinants of Working Capital Management, Elena Archavli, Costas Siriopoulos, and Stavros Arvanitis


Exploring Faculty and Student Readiness for E-Learning in a UAE Public University, Fida Atallah and Jase Moussa-Inaty


Information Privacy: Legal and Ethical Decision-making, John C. Beachboard and Kregg Aytes


What do adolescent girls learn about gender roles from advertising images?, Kara Chan, yu Leung ng, and Russell B. Williams


The digital divide and single-gender undergraduate education in the UAE, Gilles Doiron


A systematic mapping on the use of visual data mining to support the conduct of systematic literature reviews, Katia R. Felizardo, Stephen G. Macdonell, Emília Mendes, and José Carlos Maldonado


Attitudes Toward Workplace Mobbing in Slovenian Research Organisations, Brigita Horvat and Milan Pagon


Special issue: Development of service-based and agent-based computing systems, Michael N. Huhns, Ryszard Kowlczyk, Zakaria Maamar, and Rainer Unland


Cognitive Load & Multimedia Use in Higher Learning: A United Arab Emirates Case, Jase Inaty and Fida Atallah


Towards a better understanding of learning and teaching in non-native languages in higher education, Tony Jewels and Rozz Albon


Performance Analysis of Two Priority Queuing Systems in Tandem, Faouzi Kamoun


Book review: Meaningful course revision: enhancing academic engagement using student learning data. Wehlburg, C. (2006). Anker publishing, Janet Larsen Roberts


Towards a user-centric social approach to web services composition, execution, and monitoring, Zakaria Maamar, Noura Faci, Quan Z. Sheng, and Lina Yao


Towards an approach for weaving preferences into Web services operation, Zakaria Maamar, Quan Z. Sheng, Yacine Atif, Sujith Samuel Mathew, and Khouloud Boukadi


A conference to promote undergraduate research in the Arab World, Qusay H. Mahmoud, May AlTaei, and Leon Jololian


Knowledge management practices at an institution of higher learning, Judith Mavodza and Patrick Ngulube


User-driven RFID applications and challenges, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, Quan Z. Sheng, and Zakaria Maamar


Introduction: special issue on gender, David Palfreyman


Variance Estimators in Critical Branching Processes With Non-Homogeneous Immigration, Ibrahim Rahimov and George P. Yanev


Book review: Assessment clear and simple, Kevin Schoepp


Virtual Classrooms for Student-Centered Learning in the UAE: A Qualitative Exploratory Study, Rana M. Tamim


Marital status and gender as predictors of undergraduate academic performance: a United Arab Emirates context, Justin Thomas, Monique Raynor, and Amal Al-Marzooqi


A Theoretical Formation of Emotional Intelligence and Childhood Trauma among Adolescents, A.A. Tolegenova, S.M. Jakupov, Man Cheung Chung, S. Saduova, and M.S. Jakupov


Body-composition reference data for simple and reference techniques and a 4-component model: A new UK reference child, Jonathan C.K. Wells, Jane E. Williams, Sirinuch Chomtho, Tegan Darch, Carlos Grijalva-Eternod, Kathy Kennedy, Dalia Haroun, Catherine Wilson, Tim J. Cole, and Mary S. Fewtrell


Using Business Plans For Teaching Entrepreneurship, John Zimmerman

Submissions from 2011


Vitamin D deficiency and sun avoidance among university students at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Fatme Al Anouti, Justin Thomas, Laila Abdel-Wareth, Jaishen Rajah, William B. Grant, and Afrozul Haq


Incorporating innovative practices in software engineering education, Ghazi Alkhatib, Zakaria Maamar, Ghassan Issa, Aiman Turani, Daoud Daoud, and M. Ibrahim Zaroor


Multi-level social networking to enable and foster collaborative organizations, Youakim Badr, Noura Faci, Zakaria Maamar, and Frédérique Biennier


Critical success factors for the acquisition of enterprise resource planning (ERP): Empirical validation, Tariq Bhatti and Veerappan Jayaraman


Theories of the policy process in health promotion research: A review, Eric Breton and Evelyne De Leeuw


A Non-Parametric Analysis Of Efficiency Performances: The Case Of United Arab Emirates Banks, Bruce Q. Budd and Catherine R. Budd


The Emergence of Game Based Learning (GBL) From Informal to Formal Contexts in Gulf Higher Education, Kimberly Bunts-Anderson


Technology Service Management: A Multi-level Approach for Teaching the MBA Core Information Systems Course, John C. Beachboard and Kregg Aytes


The Logic and Language of IT Service Management, John C. Beachboard and Kregg Aytes


Food consumption patterns of female undergraduate students in the United Arab Emirates, R. G. Cooper and U. Al-Alami


Composite Web Services Formation Using a Social Network of Web Services: A Preliminary Investigation, Said Elnaffar and Zakaria Maamar


Research Diary: A Tool for Scaffolding, Marion Engin


Risk management of precious metals, Shawkat Hammoudeh, Farooq Malik, and Michael McAleer


The Extremely Short Story Competition: Fostering creativity in formal and informal E-language learning contexts in the UAE and internationally, Peter John Hassall


Civil Society in Egypt Under the Mubarak Regime, Hamdy A. Hassan


Fraudulent Tax Refunds: The Notorious Career of Harriette Walters, Philip F. Jacoby, Sebastian Lorigo, and Brent T. Mccallum


Editorial, Lena Jayyusi


Becoming readers: Our stories, Celine Kamhieh, Shaikha Al Hameli, Ayesha Al Hammadi, Nada Al Hammadi, Iman Nawfal, Athra Al Zaabi, and Khulood Khalfan


Migrant Labor in the Gulf Summary Report, Mehran Kamrava, Zahra Babar, Attiya Ahmad, Andrew Gardner, Jane Bristol-Rhys, Pardis Mahdavi, Caroline Osella, Nathalie E. Williams, Arland Thornton, Dirgha J. Ghimire, Linda C. Young-DeMarco, Mansoor Moaddel, David Mednicof, Helene Thiollet, Kasim Randeree, Mary Breeding, and Susan Martin


Towards a self-healing approach to sustain web services reliability, Mohamed Hedi Karray, Chirine Ghedira, and Zakaria Maamar


Quantum Dots: Application for the Detection of Salmonella typhimurium, Munawwar Ali Khan and Sultan Mohammad Faheem


Many Roads to Modernization in the Middle East, Habibul Haque Khondker


Towards a method for engineering social web services, Zakaria Maamar, Noura Faci, Leandro Krug Wives, Hamdi Yahyaoui, and Hakim Hacid


CAT detect (computer activity timeline detection): A tool for detecting inconsistency in computer activity timelines, Andrew Marrington, Ibrahim Baggili, George Mohay, and Andrew Clark


The use of technology-based mechanisms and knowledge management techniques in library practices in an academic environment : a case study, Judith Mavodza and Patrick Ngulube


Dubai outbound tourism: An exploratory study of Emiratis and expatriates, Ian Michael, Anona Armstrong, Badran Badran, and Brian King


Survey on Cloud Forensics and Critical Criteria for Cloud Forensic Capability: A Preliminary Analysis, Keyun Ruan, Ibrahim Baggili, Joe Carthy, and Tahar Kechadi


Book review: Academically adrift: limited learning on college campuses Arum, R. & Roksa, J. (2011) University of Chicago Press, Kevin Schoepp


Preface, Quan Z. Sheng, Yanbo Wu, Sherali Zeadally, and Zakaria Maamar


RFID technology, systems, and applications, Quan Z. Sheng, Sherali Zeadally, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, and Zakaria Maamar


LINA: A laboratory inventory system for oligonucleotides, microbial strains, and cell lines, A. F. Yousef, I. M. Baggili, G. Bartlett, M. D. Kane, and J. S. Mymryk


Corporate Entrepreneurship At GE And Intel, John Zimmerman


Valuing An Emerging International Technology Company, John Zimmerman

Submissions from 2010


IT Governance and IT Management: Is There a Difference That Makes a Difference?, Kregg Aytes, Jack Probst, and John C. Beachboard


iPhone 3GS Forensics: Logical analysis using Apple iTunes Backup Utility, Mona Bader and Ibrahim Baggili


Guest editorial: Special section on transactional web services, Youakim Badr, Djamal Benslimane, Zakaria Maamar, and Ling Liu


Using argumentation to model and deploy agent-based β2β applications, Jamal Bentahar, Rafiul Alam, Zakaria Maamar, and Nanjangud C. Narendra


Multiple streams theory in Sweden: An error III, Eric Breton and Evelyne De Leeuw


Drucker on Leadership: New Lessons From the Father of Modern Management, Valerie Priscilla Goby


Dimensions of the Darfur Crisis and its Consequences: An Arab Perspective, Hamdy A. Hassan


Analyzing communities vs. single agent-based Web services: Trust perspectives, Babak Khosravifar, Jamal Bentahar, Ahmad Moazin, Zakaria Maamar, and Philippe Thiran


Using a Learning Management System to Foster Independent Learning in an Outcome-Based University: A Gulf Perspective, Azzedine Lansari, Abdallah Tubaishat, and Akram Mahmoud Al-Rawi


Business artifacts discovery and modeling, Zakaria Maamar, Youakim Badr, and Nanjangud C. Narendra


Comparative Book Review. Palfrey, J. & Gasser, U. (2008) Born digital: Understanding the first generation of digital natives; Tapscott, D. (2009) Grown up digital: How the Net generation is changing your world, Janet Martin


Investigating cognitive load during multimedia learning in the UAE, Jase Moussa and Fida Atallah


Heterogeneity and Strategic Choices: The Case of Stock Repurchases, Anup Menon Nandialath and Bernardo da Veiga


Learning styles: Learning that empowers students?, Tofi Rahal


Examining resistance, accommodation and the pursuit of aspiration in the Indian IT‐BPO space: reflections on two case studies, M. N. Ravishankar, Laurie Cohen, and Amal El-Sawad


Critical-Thinking Pedagogy and Student Perceptions of University Contributions to Their Academic Development, Martine Robinson Beachboard and John C. Beachboard


Guest editorial: Advances in RFID technology, Quan Z. Sheng, Sherali Zeadally, Zongwei Luo, Jen Yao Chung, and Zakaria Maamar


A Gulf Perspective to Using a Blended Learning Approach to Motivate Students in an Outcome-Based University, Abdallah Tubaishat and Azzedine Lansari


Same but Different: Understanding Women's Experience of ICT in the UAE, Shahper Vodanovich, Cathy Urquhart, and Maha Shakir

Submissions from 2009


Conceptual framework: How to engineer online trust for disabled users, Fahim Akhter, Maria Claudia Buzzi, Marina Buzzi, and Barbara Leporini


Developing An Effective Network Course Using The Cisco Ccna Exploration Curriculum, Akram Al-Rawi and Azzedine Lansari


An Integrated Model For The Implementation of ERP, Tariq Bhatti


Usability and accessibility of eBay by screen reader, Maria Claudia Buzzi, Marina Buzzi, Barbara Leporini, and Fahim Akhter


User trust in ecommerce services: perception via screen reader, Maria Claudia Buzzi, Marina Buzzi, Barbara Leporini, and Fahim Akhter


Understandings of cervical screening in sexual minority women: A Q-methodological study, Zoë Darwin and Carol Campbell


Urbanisation in the United Arab Emirates: The challenges for ecological mitigation in a rapidly developing country, Andrew Gardner and Brigitte Howarth


Mapping the terrestrial reptile distributions in Oman and the United Arab Emirates, Andrew S. Gardner


The efficacy of karkadeh tea in controlling post-prandial blood glucose levels, Adrian Paul Harrison, Ross Gordon Cooper, Moustafa Ahmed Suliman, and Usama Alalami


The Development of Political Science in the Arab World: A Narrative, Hamdy A. Hassan


Increasing knowledge of the entomological fauna of the United Arab Emirates and the role of private collections, Brigitte Howarth and Michael P.T. Gillett


Developing an initial open-source platform for the higher education sector - A case study: Alhosn University, Adel Khelifi, Manar Abu Talib, Mohamed Farouk, and Habib Hamam


"It shouldn't be something that's evil, it should be talked about": A phenomenological approach to epilepsy and stigma, S. Kilinç and C. Campbell


Improving IT Education Through Leadership Development, Mohammed Lahkim, Gregory James Skulmoski, and Russell Bruhn


A P2P implementation for the high availability of web services, Zakaria Maamar, Mohamed Sellami, Samir Tata, and Quan Z. Sheng


Engineering Wireless Mobile Applications, Qusay H. Mahmoud and Zakaria Maamar


Bootstrap of the offspring mean in the critical process with a non-stationary immigration, Ibrahim Rahimov


Talking Technology across Divides: Online Dialogue among Education Students in Republic of Korea, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States of America, Kay Kyeongju Seo, Patience Sowa, Cynthia Schmidt, Youngkyun Baek, Aimee Byk, and Donguk Cheong


Configurable composition and adaptive provisioning of web services, Quan Z. Sheng, Boualem Benatallah, Zakaria Maamar, and Anne H.H. Ngu


Robust web services provisioning through on-demand replication, Quan Z. Sheng, Zakaria Maamar, Jian Yu, and Anne H.H. Ngu


ContextServ: A platform for rapid and flexible development of context-aware web services, Quan Z. Sheng, Sam Pohlenz, Jian Yu, Hoi S. Wong, Anne H.H. Ngu, and Zakaria Maamar


Compatibility checking of heterogeneous Web service policies using VDM++, Quan Z. Sheng, Jian Yu, Zakaria Maamar, Wei Jiang, and Xitong Li


Implied Volatility Indices – A Review, Costas Siriopoulos and Athanasios Fassas


Selecting Strategies to Foster Economists' Critical Thinking Skills: A Quantile Regression Approach, Costas Siriopoulos and Gerasimos Pomonis


IT Systems Development: An IS Curricula Course that Combines Best Practices of Project Management and Software Engineering, Abdallah Tubaishat


IT Systems Development: An IS Curricula Course that Combines Best Practices of Project Management and Software Engineering, Abdallah Tubaishat


The Impact of Laptops on Female Students Learning in an Outcome-Based Learning Environment, Abdallah Tubaishat and Emad Bataineh


E-portfolio Assessment System for an Outcome-Based Information Technology Curriculum, Abdallah Tubaishat, Azzedine Lansari, and Akram Al-Rawi


E-portfolio Assessment System for an Outcome-Based Information Technology Curriculum, Abdallah Tubaishat, Azzedine Lansari, and Akram Mahmoud Al-Rawi


Web services synchronization in composition scenarios: The centralized view, Hamdi Yahyaoui, Zakaria Maamar, and Khouloud Boukadi


Veto Power and Wealth: Analysis of the Development of the Swiss Old Age Security, Christina Zenker

Submissions from 2008


Integrating The Security+ Exam Objectives Into Information Technology Curricula, Akram Al-Rawi and Azzedine Lansari


Islamic Investment Funds: An Analysis of Risks and Returns, Sanjoy Bose and Robert W. McGee


Improving Information Security Risk Analysis Practices for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Research Agenda, John C. Beachboard, Alma Cole, Mike Mellor, Steven Hernandez, Kregg Aytes, and Nelson Massad


A Course Sequence For Integrating Problem Solving And Critical Thinking In A Hybrid Outcome Based Is/It Curriculum, Azzedine Lansari, Akram Al-Rawi, Abdallah Tubaishat, and Faouzi Bouslama


Engineering Wireless Mobile Applications, Qusay H. Mahmoud and Zakaria Maamar


Engineering Wireless Mobile Applications, Qusay H. Mahmoud and Zakaria Maamar


Attitudes toward Tax Evasion in the Middle East: A Comparative Study of Egypt, Iran and Jordan, Robert W. McGee and Sanjoy Bose


Using context to enable semantic mediation in web service communities, Michael Mrissa, Philippe Thiran, Chirine Ghedira, Djamal Benslimane, and Zakaria Maamar


The Impact and Sustainability of Multimedia Anchored Instruction with a Highly Diverse Sample of Middle School Students Enrolled in Inclusive Classrooms, Herbert J. Rieth, Cathy Thomas, Charles K. Kinzer, and Linda Colburn


A Comparative Study Of Ethical Values Of Business Students: American Vs. Middle Eastern Cultures, Michael Shurden, Susan Shurden, and Douglass Cagwin


The Rise and Fall of Privatization in the Russian Oil Industry, Li-Chen Sim


Synchronous and lagged relationships between CEO pay and performance of quality companies, Lawrence S. Tai


Medieval Islamic Architecture, Quasicrystals, and Penrose and Girih Tiles: Questions from the Classroom, Raymond F. Tennant


An investigation into the relationship between the leadership competencies, emotional intelligence and leadership styles of Russian managers working for MNCs, Eric Van Genderen


On the reputation of communities of Web services, Hamdi Yahyaoui, Zakaria Maamar, Jamal Bentahar, Nabil Sahli, Said Elnaffar, and Philippe Thiran

Submissions from 2007


A case-study using the COSMIC-FFP measurement method for assessing real-time systems specifications, Manar Abu Talib, Adel Khelifi, Alain Abran, and Olga Ormandjieva


Effect of Windows XP Firewall on Network Simulation and Testing, Akram Al-Rawi and Azzedine Lansari


Islamic Education in China: Rebuilding Communities and Expanding Local and International Networks, Jackie Armijo


Changing Technology-Use Behaviors of Teachers Through School-Based Professional Development and Support: A Program Evaluation Study, Fida Atallah, Robin Dada, and Anita Nazareth


Using the Information Orientation Maturity Model to Increase the Effectiveness of the Core MBA IS Course, Kregg Aytes and John C. Beachboard


New Mobile-based Electronic Grade Management System, Emad Bataineh and Hend Al Abbar


Using argumentative agents to manage communities of Web services, Jamal Bentaha, Zakaria Maamar, Djamal Benslimane, and Philippe Thiran


Complexity results for argumentation-based agent communication, Jamal Bentahar and Zakaria Maamar


Applying the balanced scorecard for better performance of intellectual capital, Sanjoy Bose and Keith Thomas


Specification and verification of views over composite web services using high level Petri-Nets, Khouloud Boukadi, Chirine Ghedira, Zakaria Maamar, and Djamal Benslimane


Una economía política de la memoria en la Comisión de la Verdad sudafricana, Kenneth Christie


Digital architectural reconstruction: New media technology and their use as educational tools in the Arabian Gulf, R. W. Hawker


Internationalizing media studies: A view from the Arab world, Lena Jayyusi


The Delphi Method for Graduate Research, Gregory J. Skulmoski, Francis T. Hartman, and Jennifer Krahn


A Framework towards Assessing the Merits of Inviting IT Professionals to the Classroom, Faouzi Kamoun and Said Selim


Using an Outcome-Based Information Technology Curriculum and an E-Learning Platform to Facilitate Student Learning, Azzedine Lansari, Abdallah Tubaishat, and Akram Al-Rawi


Using an Outcome-Based Information Technology Curriculum and an E-Learning Platform to Facilitate Student Learning, Azzedine Lansari, Abdallah Tubaishat, and Akram Mahmoud Al-Rawi


Towards a context-based multi-type policy approach for Web services composition, Zakaria Maamar, Djamal Benslimane, Philippe Thiran, Chirine Ghedira, Schahram Dustdar, and Subramanian Sattanathan


Policies for context-driven transactional web services, Zakaria Maamar, Nanjangud C. Narendra, Djamal Benslimane, and Sattanathan Subramanian


Effect of Windows XP Firewall on Network Simulation and Testing, Akram Mahmoud Al-Rawi and Azzedine Lansari


Best practices in business process redesign: Use and impact, S. Limam Mansar and H. A. Reijers


A context-based mediation approach to compose semantic web services, Michael Mrissa, Chirine Ghedira, Djamal Benslimane, Zakaria Maamar, Florian Rosenberg, and Schahram Dustdar


Erratum: A sectoral efficiency analysis of the Amman Stock Exchange (Applied Financial Economics Letters (2007) 2 (407-411)), Mufeed Rawashdeha and Jay Squalli


CP4TWS - A prototype demonstrating context and policies for transactional Web services, Sattanathan Subramanian, Zakaria Maamar, Nanjangud C. Narendra, Djamai Benslimane, and Philippe Thiran


Business schools: still in the dark during the Age of enlightenment, Eric Van Genderen


Trade Liberalization and Economic Diversification: A Dynamic CGE Model for The Economy of Qatar, Nico Vellinga and Eisa AbdelGalil

Submissions from 2006


Integrating It Certifications In Networking Courses: Cisco Ccna Versus Comptia Network+, Akram Al-Rawi, Azzedine Lansari, and Faouzi Bouslama


Evaluating an In-service Teacher Training Program: The Impact of T3 - Technology Tools for Teaching, Fida Atallah and Robin Dada


Contextual ontologies motivations, challenges, and solutions, Djamal Benslimane, Ahmed Arara, Gilles Falquet, Zakaria Maamar, Philippe Thiran, and Faiez Gargouri


Preface, Djamal Benslimane, Chirine Ghedira, and Zakaria Maamar


Fuzzy Rules In Assessing Student Learning Outcomes, Faouzi Bouslama, Azzedine Lansari, and Akram Al-Rawi


A dozen danish cartoons and the wrath of the muslim world, Philip Cass


New hardware architecture for bit-counting, Ahmed Dalalah, Sami Baba, and Abdallah Tubaishat


Poverty Alleviation Through Access to Education: Can E-Learning Deliver?, Habibullah Khan and Jeremy B. Williams


Preparing Undergraduate Students for IT Certification, Akram Mahmoud Al-Rawi, Faouzi Bouslama, and Azzedine Lansari


Engineering Wireless Mobile Applications, Qusay H. Mahmoud and Zakaria Maamar


The world of work beneath the veil, A. Rhodes and N. Edge


Implications of Foreign Ownership on Journalistic Quality in a Post-Communist Society:The Case of Finance, Martine Robinson Beachboard and John C. Beachboard


Ontologies for specifying and reconciling contexts of web services, S. Sattanathan, N. C. Narendra, and Z. Maamar


ICT Experiences in Two Different Middle Eastern Universities, Abdallah Tubaishat, Arif Bhatti, and Eyas El-Qawasmeh


ICT Experiences in Two Different Middle Eastern Universities, Abdallah Tubaishat, Arif Bhatti, and Eyas El-Qawasmeh


The Impact of Digital Storytelling on Social Agency: Early Experience at an Online University, Jeremy B. Williams, Kanishka Bedi, and Michael A. Goldberg

Submissions from 2005


Integrating Sun Certification Objectives into an IS Programming Course, Akram Al-Rawi, Azzedine Lansari, and Faouzi Bouslama


The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from OECD Countries, K. Peren Peren Arin and Xiaoming Li